A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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What I offered was a possible explanation. The fact that the majority of low skilled jobs in government are held by Black Americans isn't in and of itself evidence of racism without further context.
Seeing as how blacks have a better opportunity than whites, to be skilled, by taking advantage of AA preference for job training, if the majority of low skilled jobs in government are held by Black Americans, that could be no one's fault but theirs. They have every (and better) opportunity to be skilled than whites do.
I KNOW what you were counting, and you were WRONG, dum dum. And robbing whites of wealth, with AA, is robbery of them.

BTW, in addition to AA, we now have Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (which should be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, this filthy piece of anti-white racism is being shredded in the courts.
Your emphatic insistence isn't proof you dipshit.
These black racists use the same twisted logic over and over again with all this imaginary “inherited wealth”. People arrive on this shores, dirt-poor, and a generation later their kids are all college graduates.
Bullshit Lisa. There is a reason you avoid arguing with me because you know I call you out on your specious claims. Immigrants to this country, have on average, more wealth than black Americans.
You can't count you fucking moron. If you know I was counting from 64' and you actually can count then you'd know that was 58 years ago.
HA HA. Wow, are you ever stupid. I corrected you that it was 68 years, because it was in 1954 (68 years ago) that segregation ended, with the SCOTUS Brown vs Board of Education ruling.

Looks like you not only can't do arithmetic, it looks like you flunk at reading comprehension too. Did I say the 3rd grade ? Better make that 1st grade. :rolleyes:
I KNOW what you were counting, and you were WRONG, dum dum. And robbing whites of wealth, with AA, is robbery of them.

BTW, in addition to AA, we now have Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (which should be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white). Thankfully, this filthy piece of anti-white racism is being shredded in the courts.
How was this proposed American Rescue Plan supposed to work?
Your emphatic insistence isn't proof you dipshit.
One need not prove, what is commonly KNOWN. Would you like me to prove that the sun rises in the east or the fish can swim ?

And what is right before your eyes (like the 95% minorities working in VA hospitals) isn't just my "emphatic insistence". It is REALITY, that everyone can see with their own eyes,

I would say "nice try", but it couldn't even qualify for that. Say hello to the first graders for me.
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HA HA. Wow, are you ever stupid. I corrected you that it was 68 years, because it was in 1954 (68 years ago) that segregation ended, with the SCOTUS Brown vs Board of Education ruling.
And I was taking about that civil rights act of 64' that ended segregation in the private sector, not just public education. I've told you this repeatedly.
Looks like you not only can't do arithmetic, it looks like you flunk at reading comprehension too. Did I say the 3rd grade ? Better make that 1st grade. :rolleyes:
Again with the cute arguments from morons. Why don't you address my actual argument rather than what you hoped it was.
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Bullshit Lisa. There is a reason you avoid arguing with me because you know I call you out on your specious claims. Immigrants to this country, have on average, more wealth than black Americans.
Yeah ? and who told you that Mr Fakery ? CNN ? MSNBC ? PBS ? Harvard University ? :rolleyes:
One need not prove, what is commonly KNOWN. Would you like me to prove that the sun rises in the east or the fish can swim.
A common refrain among the ignorant who are unable to provide any.
And what is right before your eyes (like the 95% minorities working in VA hospitals isn't just my "emphatic insistence". It is REALITY that everyone can see with their own eyes,
It may be reality but it in and of itself does not prove racism.
I would say "nice try", but it couldn't even qualify for that. Say hello to the first graders for me.
I don't have to try, the American mainstream already largely sees conservative whites as deplorable racists, it's you clowns who have to try and convince people otherwise. 😂
You can't count you fucking moron. If you know I was counting from 64' and you actually can count then you'd know that was 58 years ago.
I bet if a whitey spoke to you using that language, you’d cry how disrespectfully whites speak to blacks, as if blacks are deserving of such contempt. So if you want people to look upon you as a decent man (I’m assuming you’re a man), learn how to speak to people with some small amount of decency, and not F F F F F.
I bet if a whitey spoke to you using that language, you’d cry how disrespectfully whites speak to blacks, as if blacks are deserving of such contempt. So if you want people to look upon you as a decent man (I’m assuming you’re a man), learn how to speak to people with some small amount of decency, and not F F F F F.
You have me confused with the wrong sort of Liberal, Lisa. Speak however you like Snowflake, I won't catch feelings except maybe amusement.
Wrong again fuck face. Let's see your proof.
I hate to answer for protectionist, but here you go!
Bullshit Lisa. There is a reason you avoid arguing with me because you know I call you out on your specious claims. Immigrants to this country, have on average, more wealth than black Americans.
Possibly these days. But not a generation or two ago. They arrived impoverished and not even speaking the language, and 20 years later their kids are all college grads. There was no generational wealth transfer. Just more of your bullshit excuses.
Possibly these days. But not a generation or two ago. They arrived impoverished and not even speaking the language, and 20 years later their kids are all college grads. There was no generational wealth transfer. Just more of your bullshit excuses.
Yes they did. My parents immigrated here and required a sponsor that could prove they would be able to support them, financially.
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