A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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When the people doing so are toothless rednecks can you even get offended? 😄
You've made a career of pretending to be offended, so I'm quite sure you'll be doing so regardless of who laughs at your dumb "I'm a victim" ass.
There was nothing even remotely "conservative" about the FDR dems who were the segregationists.

Orvil Faubus, Albert Gore, Fritz Hollings, George Wallace, New Deal socialists - every last one
You mean other than them wanting to conserve segregation? The fact is that the racist white population of the South has always been in favor of living off the hard work of others, what the fuck do you think slavery was all about? It was only when segregation was eliminated and poor blacks started to receive the same benefits that poor southern whites chose to cut off their noses to spite their face. They'd rather vote for people who'll cut benefits they desperately need if those people promise that blacks (the people who's slave labor their ancestors lived off of) will stop getting a free ride.
You mean DEMOCRATS went to war and WHITE men died by the hundreds of thousands to end the scourge of slavery while black men around the world continue to hold slaves to this day.
You clowns like to pretend as if that was some noble sacrifice (even though America would turn to segregation and Jim Crow soon after) but I have a different perspective. The Civil War shows me that you dipshit racists whites can be manipulated into slaughtering one another for to the benefit of minorites. It's why I was encouraged to see the Cucks at the Capitol rioting and why I enjoy watching white wingers work themselves up into a frenzy about tyranny and taking back their government. Nothing like a little white on white violence to help push black and minority progress along. 😁
It amazing you still think your racism and hypocrisy impresses anyone.
Do you think I'm trying to impress you? 😄
You keep repeating the lie "conservative,."

You've been corrected repeatedly, yet continue to lie.

There was nothing even remotely "conservative" about the statist democrats of the Antebellum South.

You know this, but blatantly lie.
Other than their desperate attempts to conserve segregation of course.
We know that the democrats in the south tend to be complete racists - nothing has changed with democrats. "Racist democrat" continues to be redundant.

That whites have eschewed racism is why they left your filthy Reich.
Nothing has changed? When democrats in the South supported segregation they were largely white, today democrats in the south are largely black and the white population votes for Republicans.
You've made a career of pretending to be offended, so I'm quite sure you'll be doing so regardless of who laughs at your dumb "I'm a victim" ass.
No, I come here to explain to you how your arguments are stupid and how we use morality, emotions and propaganda to push you mutants and your mutant culture to the fringes. I'm not bothered by you clowns, I'm amused by you.
No, I come here to explain to you how your arguments are stupid and how we use morality, emotions and propaganda to push you mutants and your mutant culture to the fringes. I'm not bothered by you clowns, I'm amused by you.
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