A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Not at all. I love watching white people get exposed for their racism. That isn't a problem for me. 😄
How's the black/Asian love these days?
Was making the news quite a bit until MSM decided it wasn't cool reporting about it.
Kinda screwed up the woke Kumbuyah thing.
How's the black/Asian love these days?
Was making the news quite a bit until MSM decided it wasn't cool reporting about it.
Kinda screwed up the woke Kumbuyah thing.
CG said he was Asian and Black, that may explain a racist self/hating attitude.
You love to see racism behind every rock and tree.
That's silly, behind every Confederate statue and flag maybe, and who could argue with that? I bet you won't try. Like I keep saying, all you clowns have are cute arguments, no real ones. 😂
How's the black/Asian love these days?
Was making the news quite a bit until MSM decided it wasn't cool reporting about it.
Kinda screwed up the woke Kumbuyah thing.
Black Asian love is going strong in my family. I guess you take your cues from the mainstream media. 😄
That's silly, behind every Confederate statue and flag maybe, and who could argue with that? I bet you won't try. Like I keep saying, all you clowns have are cute arguments, no real ones. 😂

You guys erect statues to criminals.
Get your passport and fucking MOVE.

Heavens why would she or any other normal person want to do that? Why would the normal majority want to move to make room for a medically-challenged minority? After all, isn't that the REAL distinction between the two parties now?

  • Conservatives which tend to vote Republican are generally gender-affirming big, strong men and attractive women who share normal, traditional interests of God, guns, country, family, and autonomy.

  • Progressives which have increasingly taken over the Democrat Party as their own platform now are generally gender-denying little, skinny, wimpy, effeminate men who fear guns and sports and women with ratty hair, flat breasts, eschew makeup and raising families if not men themselves who share abnormal, un-traditional interests of atheism, socialism, globalism, single living, and The State.
Why would normal healthy people want to give up anything to make further room for an abnormal, malignant mass of people trying hard to standardize themselves as a "protected class" to avoid dealing with the fact that they are really a destructive, damaging influence? And as soon as we give you any latitude at all to co-exist in peace to try it your way, your first action every time is to attack and destroy the very people who have given you a chance and a world and a life and voice to begin with?

Face facts:
  1. Progs are not normal.
  2. Gender Benders are not normal.
  3. And a society rejecting all that America has built and provided to return to the European Socialist hedonistic origins from which we rejected is not normal.
Heavens why would she or any other normal person want to do that? Why would the normal majority want to move to make room for a medically-challenged minority? After all, isn't that the REAL distinction between the two parties now?

  • Conservatives which tend to vote Republican are generally gender-affirming big, strong men and attractive women who share normal, traditional interests of God, guns, country, family, and autonomy.

  • Progressives which have increasingly taken over the Democrat Party as their own platform now are generally gender-denying little, skinny, wimpy, effeminate men who fear guns and sports and women with ratty hair, flat breasts, eschew makeup and raising families if not men themselves who share abnormal, un-traditional interests of atheism, socialism, globalism, single living, and The State.
Why would normal healthy people want to give up anything to make further room for an abnormal, malignant mass of people trying hard to standardize themselves as a "protected class" to avoid dealing with the fact that they are really a destructive, damaging influence? And as soon as we give you any latitude at all to co-exist in peace to try it your way, your first action every time is to attack and destroy the very people who have given you a chance and a world and a life and voice to begin with?

Face facts:
  1. Progs are not normal.
  2. Gender Benders are not normal.
  3. And a society rejecting all that America has built and provided to return to the European Socialist hedonistic origins from which we rejected is not normal.
Simple explanation, Winnie ain't normal.
They actually represent this nation's struggle against slavery as well as a reminder that secession was and is a very bad idea. :D
No they don't. They were put up by organizations like the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy in an attempt to glorify Confederate slavers. Save your cute arguments for your white trash get togethers, I only respect real arguments, Clown.
No they don't. They were put up by organizations like the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy in an attempt to glorify Confederate slavers. Save your cute arguments for your white trash get togethers, I only respect real arguments, Clown.

Confederate lives mattered too. The SDC promotes preserving confederate history. You have 0 understanding of American history.
It's not racist to call out deplorable, cuck whites and the vast majority of the country would agree with me. I don't think all whites are racist. Just a majority of them and even white liberals would agree with that. 😄

And a hearty Seig Heil to you too, Goat Curious.
Heavens why would she or any other normal person want to do that? Why would the normal majority want to move to make room for a medically-challenged minority?
I accept the people that are different.
You want to burn them.

Am I wrong?

Stay on topic, and just answer that simple question.
Will you accept and leave people alone?
I accept the people that are different.
What about Trump Supporters. Do you accept them?

You want to burn them.
No, I just don't want them burning me, big difference, and dancing in the street butt naked waving your dick in my kid's face might as well be a torch to everything I know and love and value. Even some gays have admitted that much. Now you are destroying women's sports, while perverting education, co-opting children and attacking my very way of life while trying to take over the government. The message is loud and clear: gays are another minority that having broken through to the mainstream now are out to take over and dictate to all a lifestyle of debauchery by attacking standards for decency.

Am I wrong?
Are you ever right?

Will you accept and leave people alone?
How can I when they refuse to accept me and leave ME alone, and I was here first!
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