A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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More like we broke the backs of white racists and bent their knee and persuaded them to act right. Act right in this case being the shitting on the Confederate flag. If you think about, cuck whites bending their knee to soft girlie men over their own paying customers is even worse. 😄 Any way you slice its a repudiation of cuck Confederates. And they're just going to eat it.
What do you suggest with do with all the black racists? I’d like to see them act right, too.

And what in the world is a “cuck white”? Sounds like something a nasty black racist would say.
That is the very DEFINITION of fascism you idiot. But now if some southerners say that the lives and culture of morons like you don't matter, thanks for just justifying it! Meantime you call YOUR fascism "reality" but if they said the same thing, you'd denounce it as terrorism!
You think that's how that works? 😄 If whites call any other culture deplorable they get labeled racist. We've rigged society and the conversation so whites have very little room to operate. 😁 No one in the mainstream however will deny Confederate culture is deplorable. In fact they get called racist if they don't. See how that works? White racists get no more love. What a shame. 😂
Funny how when you see others doing what YOU do, you call it terrorism!
You mean I take political advantage of the situation? Of course, I do, we're in a culture war, think we're going to fight it clean? 😄
No, you just said their LIVES DID NOT MATTER. That is what despots say when considering the lives of those below them.
They don't. Their demographic replacement gets cheered on, the extinction of their culture gathers applause, we've done a fairly decent job of painting Confederate idolaters as the mutants of society and its kind of hard to argue that people who venerate slavers aren't deplorable mutants. 😁
So when half the country rises up to rub your kind out, you will celebrate them for having the guts to stand up against little commies like you?
Yeah they tried that already and got their asses handed to them but if whites racists want to rise up to commit suicide by cop I'm all for it.
I accept GAY people and don't harass them.
I actually have 10+ gay couple friends that are successful, and it doesn't bother me at all, I'm NOT ted fucking loser cruz.

Do you have any GAY COUPLE Married Friends?
Like I said, I have at least 10+

All Successful.

Honestly, I have ZERO gay married couples that aren't successful.
Not a single ONE.
And MANY have Children, that aren't being groomed.

Gawd, it sucks to be you.
You said your relatives were cheating on disability. I never mentioned gays.
Would you like me to name the other trump supporters that I'm still friend with?
I can do it.
You know so many that you can count them! Odd, in my entire life, I've just been friends with people never asking anyone what their "politics" were and if it came up, I listened.

We can disagree on "the KKKult" and still be friends.
Why not? The KKK was started by your Democrat Party.
What do you suggest with do with all the black racists? I’d like to see them act right, too.

And what in the world is a “cuck white”? Sounds like something a nasty black racist would say.
I don't have to suggest anything Lisa. First you cuck whites have to navigate the mind field of addressing black racists without incurring accusations of racism yourself. Good luck with that. 😄
So in other words, you either want Trump BACK in office, more Supreme Court decisions against you or the Right to get out their 300 million guns and start going to town on you?

Take your pick. We don't want to see you disappointed.
You pick, either one of those will only hasten your political and cultural extinction. 😄
I don't have to suggest anything Lisa. First you cuck whites have to navigate the mind field of addressing black racists without incurring accusations of racism yourself. Good luck with that. 😄
You 'cuck' half-breed men who think they are women (reference to the OP) are sure nasty. :p
I don't have to suggest anything Lisa. First you cuck whites have to navigate the mind field of addressing black racists without incurring accusations of racism yourself. Good luck with that. 😄
You’re so racist you don’t even make sense. And I still don’t know what a cuck white is.

Just prepare yourself when the SCOTUS rules that lowering college admissions standards for blacks, while holding whites and Asians to a much higher standard, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and you will have to compete with whites fair and square.
You’re so racist you don’t even make sense. And I still don’t know what a cuck white is.

Just prepare yourself when the SCOTUS rules that lowering college admissions standards for blacks, while holding whites and Asians to a much higher standard, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and you will have to compete with whites fair and square.

I already told you I don't give a shit Lisa. In fact SCOTUS doing that can be politically useful in further painting you all as racists. Every attack from your opponent is an opportunity Lisa.

Also I don't think you're mentally prepared for the fact that absent the law schools don't have to just admit people with the best grades or GPAs. They'll be free to subjectively decide by whatever standard they choose and the most likely outcome is that these institutions will continue to receive social pressure to increase black and minority enrollment.

I already told you I don't give a shit Lisa. In fact SCOTUS doing that can be politically useful in further painting you all as racists. Every attack from your opponent is an opportunity Lisa.

Also I don't think you're mentally prepared for the fact that absent the law schools don't have to just admit people with the best grades or GPAs. They'll be free to subjectively decide by whatever standard they choose and the most likely outcome is that these institutions will continue to receive social pressure to increase black and minority enrollment.
Nope. The ruling will be that anti-white and anti-Asians racists in the admissions office will not be allowed to develop admissions procedures with a predetermined objective to increase attendance for specific races and limit attendance by other races.

For example, they will not be allowed to develop personality tests with questions they can score Asians low on (like “likeability) in order to get blacks in who have much worse grades. Blacks will just have to compete on merit.
Nope. The ruling will be that anti-white and anti-Asians racists in the admissions office will not be allowed to develop admissions procedures with a predetermined objective to increase attendance for specific races and limit attendance by other races.
In your white racist dreams Lisa. 😄
For example, they will not be allowed to develop personality tests with questions they can score Asians low on (like “likeability) in order to get blacks in who have much worse grades. Blacks will just have to compete on merit.
Why would colleges have to put down Asians to admit more blacks? You're allowing your racist perspective to project through your arguments there Lisa. 😄
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