A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Nope. Pretty much everyone. When even NASCAR and the County Music Awards are telling white racist Confederate lovers to fuck on off then you know you've lost.
HA HA. November can't get here soon enough. 😄

That's silly, behind every Confederate statue and flag maybe, and who could argue with that? I bet you won't try. Like I keep saying, all you clowns have are cute arguments, no real ones.
You wouldn't know a real argument if it flew into your ear, and then went right out the other ear 😂
I was talking about reality. The reality is that the lives and culture of Confederates don't matter. Even NASCAR called Confederate culture deplorable and those people are their main customers. 😄
You talk about things that you know nothing about. You don't know how stupid you look. (and nuts) :cuckoo:
More like we broke the backs of white racists and bent their knee and persuaded them to act right. Act right in this case being the shitting on the Confederate flag. If you think about, cuck whites bending their knee to soft girlie men over their own paying customers is even worse. 😄 Any way you slice its a repudiation of cuck Confederates. And they're just going to eat it.
That doctor can forget it. This dude is too far gone. :badgrin:
I accept GAY people and don't harass them.
I actually have 10+ gay couple friends that are successful, and it doesn't bother me at all, I'm NOT ted fucking loser cruz.

Do you have any GAY COUPLE Married Friends?
Like I said, I have at least 10+

All Successful.

Honestly, I have ZERO gay married couples that aren't successful.
Not a single ONE.
And MANY have Children, that aren't being groomed.

Gawd, it sucks to be you.
Stop talking to your mirror, queer lover.
Talking about Raquel Levine "Women of the Year"


You think that's how that works? 😄 If whites call any other culture deplorable they get labeled racist. We've rigged society and the conversation so whites have very little room to operate. 😁 No one in the mainstream however will deny Confederate culture is deplorable. In fact they get called racist if they don't. See how that works? White racists get no more love. What a shame. 😂

You mean I take political advantage of the situation? Of course, I do, we're in a culture war, think we're going to fight it clean? 😄

They don't. Their demographic replacement gets cheered on, the extinction of their culture gathers applause, we've done a fairly decent job of painting Confederate idolaters as the mutants of society and its kind of hard to argue that people who venerate slavers aren't deplorable mutants. 😁

Yeah they tried that already and got their asses handed to them but if whites racists want to rise up to commit suicide by cop I'm all for it.
Affirmative action, CRT, and all lazy-ass, sleep till noon, looking for hand-outs culture is deplorable,. Gee who might that be ?

Confederate culture is OK. Lots of people think so.






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I don't have to suggest anything Lisa. First you cuck whites have to navigate the mind field of addressing black racists without incurring accusations of racism yourself. Good luck with that. 😄
HA HA HA. I'm called a racist 10 times every day, by Affirmative Action supporting, DUPED ass Democrat racists. Wouldn't be a normal day without it. :biggrin::biggrin:
You’re so racist you don’t even make sense. And I still don’t know what a cuck white is.

Just prepare yourself when the SCOTUS rules that lowering college admissions standards for blacks, while holding whites and Asians to a much higher standard, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and you will have to compete with whites fair and square.
Right around the corner. :muahaha:

I already told you I don't give a shit Lisa. In fact SCOTUS doing that can be politically useful in further painting you all as racists. Every attack from your opponent is an opportunity Lisa.

Also I don't think you're mentally prepared for the fact that absent the law schools don't have to just admit people with the best grades or GPAs. They'll be free to subjectively decide by whatever standard they choose and the most likely outcome is that these institutions will continue to receive social pressure to increase black and minority enrollment.
Listen to this absolutely mentally warped lunatic, saying that when the SCOTUS were to ban Affirmative Action, that would be racist. Wow. These loons have no idea how zonked they are. I hope the supply delays don't hold up the delivery of straight jackets.

Hey, wooden head. When the SCOTUS bans AA, for its racism, ALL schools will be banned from "subjectively decide by whatever standard they choose" You don't get that ? And the lower courts have already stopped Biden from enacting his racist American Rescue Plan. You need to get out more.

You are sick.
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