A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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I wasn't referring to your racism and narcissism :D
I was talking about reality. The reality is that the lives and culture of Confederates don't matter. Even NASCAR called Confederate culture deplorable and those people are their main customers. 😄
What about Trump Supporters. Do you accept them?
One of my BEST friends, huge trumpy. We talk, we discuss issues, we disagree often, but we ALWAYS leave the Golf Course with a mutual Hug. We text each other about out GrandChildren.

So some of them yes.
Likewise, there are many Liberals that are just PUKES, that I can't stand.

and I was here first!
Odd, exactly who were you here first before?
I was talking about reality. The reality is that the lives and culture of Confederates don't matter.

Tell me Goathead, on a thread about biological males taking over woman's sports, how is it you end up talking about "confederates" and "reality?" Do you have any idea that there have not been any confederates in over 150 years?

What you are really talking about here is another leftwing bigotry of yours towards an entire culture of people who just happen to occupy most of the southern half of the United States. More than the culture, you said their LIVES don't matter either. Spoken like the true Nazi Fascist you are, so when you get pummeled in the next two upcoming elections, just look into the mirror for the reason why.
I was talking about reality. The reality is that the lives and culture of Confederates don't matter. Even NASCAR called Confederate culture deplorable and those people are their main customers. 😄
NASCAR never said Confederate lives don't matter, that's YOUR narcissism. They took the Confederate flag down because of ignorant snowflake, girlie men.....Like you....Afraid of a fucking flag. :p
So you accept ONE Trump supporter. Good for you. But you still don't LEARN anything from him.
You are so shallow.
We spend hours together, but I just gave you ONE example that you asked for.

I'll give you another.
My Brother, older by 5 years.
Huge Believer in God.
Hates socialism.
Has a wife on disability, for 45 years, nothing wrong with her. She is a leech.
He again, hates socialism, but thinks disability, even FAKE disability, is different.
Goes to church and gets free condo rentals because he claims they are so poor, which they are. Still a leech. Takes advantage of people, all for personal free stuff, but he HATES socialism.
They took the Confederate flag down because of ignorant snowflakes.....Like you....Afraid of a fucking flag.

They took the flag down out of FEAR for retaliation by the activist/terrorist arm of the Far Left ENABLED by a sympathetic and supportive federal government that tries to put anyone they disagree with out of business in a nation BUILT upon tolerance and opportunity.

They are currently stripping our own military of MILLIONS of our best officers and fighting men to imperil our military just because many of them refuse to get the Covid vaccine.

In the BIDDUM government, there is tolerance and opportunity if you are a freak, a weirdo or an anarchist, none if you are anything otherwise.
They took the flag down out of FEAR for retaliation by the activist/terrorist arm of the Far Left ENABLED by a sympathetic and supportive federal government that tries to put anyone they disagree with out of business in a nation BUILT upon tolerance and opportunity.

They are currently stripping our own military of MILLIONS of our best officers and fighting men to imperil our military just because many of them refuse to get the Covid vaccine.

In the BIDDUM government, there is tolerance and opportunity if you are a freak, a weirdo or an anarchist, none if you are anything otherwise.
Correct, their ignorance of real history leads to violence.
I'm shallow? YOU are the one who only accepts ONE Trump Supporter! And what do they support? What people have supported here since our nation was FOUNDED. You manage to have found ONE that you get along with enough to disagree about everything while golfing.

Yes, you are shallow.
I gave you an example, yet you claim it is MY ONLY EXAMPLE.
Just stop dude.
You are so shallow.
We spend hours together, but I just gave you ONE example that you asked for.

I'll give you another.
My Brother, older by 5 years.
Huge Believer in God.
Hates socialism.
Has a wife on disability, for 45 years, nothing wrong with her. She is a leech.
He again, hates socialism, but thinks disability, even FAKE disability, is different.
Goes to church and gets free condo rentals because he claims they are so poor, which they are. Still a leech. Takes advantage of people, all for personal free stuff, but he HATES socialism.
If they are cheating you should turn them in Winnie.
Tell me Goathead, on a thread about biological males taking over woman's sports, how is it you end up talking about "confederates" and "reality?" Do you have any idea that there have not been any confederates in over 150 years?

What you are really talking about here is another leftwing bigotry of yours towards an entire culture of people who just happen to occupy most of the southern half of the United States. More than the culture, you said their LIVES don't matter either. Spoken like the true Nazi Fascist you are, so when you get pummeled in the next two upcoming elections, just look into the mirror for the reason why.
The lives and culture of white racists don't matter. Nothing fascist about that. I'm not suggesting they should be slaughtered but I'm amused when people shit on their deplorable culture. Sue me.
NASCAR never said Confederate lives don't matter, that's YOUR narcissism. They took the Confederate flag down because of ignorant snowflake, girlie men.....Like you....Afraid of a fucking flag. :p
More like we broke the backs of white racists and bent their knee and persuaded them to act right. Act right in this case being the shitting on the Confederate flag. If you think about, cuck whites bending their knee to soft girlie men over their own paying customers is even worse. 😄 Any way you slice its a repudiation of cuck Confederates. And they're just going to eat it.
They took the flag down out of FEAR for retaliation by the activist/terrorist arm of the Far Left ENABLED by a sympathetic and supportive federal government that tries to put anyone they disagree with out of business in a nation BUILT upon tolerance and opportunity.

They are currently stripping our own military of MILLIONS of our best officers and fighting men to imperil our military just because many of them refuse to get the Covid vaccine.

In the BIDDUM government, there is tolerance and opportunity if you are a freak, a weirdo or an anarchist, none if you are anything otherwise.
Who's fault is it your lot is too pussy to do anything about it? 😄
If they are cheating you should turn them in Winnie.
I accept GAY people and don't harass them.
I actually have 10+ gay couple friends that are successful, and it doesn't bother me at all, I'm NOT ted fucking loser cruz.

Do you have any GAY COUPLE Married Friends?
Like I said, I have at least 10+

All Successful.

Honestly, I have ZERO gay married couples that aren't successful.
Not a single ONE.
And MANY have Children, that aren't being groomed.

Gawd, it sucks to be you.
The lives and culture of white racists don't matter. Nothing fascist about that.
That is the very DEFINITION of fascism you idiot. But now if some southerners say that the lives and culture of morons like you don't matter, thanks for just justifying it! Meantime you call YOUR fascism "reality" but if they said the same thing, you'd denounce it as terrorism!

Funny how when you see others doing what YOU do, you call it terrorism!

I'm not suggesting they should be slaughtered
No, you just said their LIVES DID NOT MATTER. That is what despots say when considering the lives of those below them.
You lecture on tolerance then admit you can't tolerate but one Trump Supporter because he plays golf with you! :21:
You asked for one, I gave you one.

Would you like me to name the other trump supporters that I'm still friend with?
I can do it.
I have friends.
We can disagree on "the KKKult" and still be friends.

Do you EVER get tired of LYING?
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