A bit more of your merciful god.

Absolutely. I have said numerous times that the person(s) who have the best/most understanding of God is a millimeter closer to the reality of God than the person who has the least understanding of God.

nothing could be further from the truth - for their reality makes no difference - in reference to a book is impertinence.

publications - when unyielding, historically corrupt and where obvious / deliberate deficiencies are repeated.

"closer to the reality of God" ... good luck.
Precisely. In other words, due to my lack of research or being in any way familiar with these stories, I am ignorant of space aliens. I have not had such an experience, so I am ignorant of what goes on during an experience with a space alien.

I am also ignorant of Wall Street, slaughter houses, coal mining, and birthing calves and foals. Plus any number of other things.
There's no reason to believe that you would need to have studied space aliens to have had experiences with them. The abductee's / probe'es don't relate any study of space aliens before their experiences.
If any of my Hindu or Muslim friends describe an experience they had with Vishnu or Allah, I would accept the truth as they described it. I would have no reason to dismiss them or their experience.

I certainly wouldn't tell them it was all their imagination or just in their minds when they tell me it was not, it was more. Why? Would it bother you if someone came into the religion forum and spoke of an experience they had with Vishnu or Allah?
So we agree that claims by Christians to their God being the ONE God are false?
There's no reason to believe that you would need to have studied space aliens to have had experiences with them. The abductee's / probe'es don't relate any study of space aliens before their experiences.
Correct. That's the point. If I had an experience with them, I would then have been anxious to do the study and research.

As it is, I am not a person of no experience in a forum on alien contact, telling everyone else how wrong they are or that they are not reading their material correctly.

I have formed no opinion on aliens because it is something I ever cared enough to look into. Only so much time in a day. :)
So we agree that claims by Christians to their God being the ONE God are false?
No, we don't agree. My study and research and experience have me agreeing with Jews, Christians, Muslim, there is One God. I also agree that other religions/faiths see, as Gods, the various personas of the One God. I also don't think it matters that they do.

I do hold an expert opinion, and I also recognize expert opinions may also be wrong. I would not know how to go about teaching a plurality of Gods. Someone of the Mormon or Hindu faiths may be able to help you with this.
Correct. That's the point. If I had an experience with them, I would then have been anxious to do the study and research.

As it is, I am not a person of no experience in a forum on alien contact, telling everyone else how wrong they are or that they are not reading their material correctly.

I have formed no opinion on aliens because it is something I ever cared enough to look into. Only so much time in a day. :)
The fact remains, however, that people's experiences carry a requirement that we "Try to accept the truth as I describe it."

People's experiences with space aliens, Bigfoot, various competing gods establishes a requirement that we accept that as truth, irrespective of anyone's study of those entities.

So we're circling back, using your standard of "truth", that we reject the Christian claim to "The" God and accept the truth of dozens, hundreds of gods.
The fact remains, however, that people's experiences carry a requirement that we "Try to accept the truth as I describe it."
Are we on the same page? For example, if I were to tell you what I ate for dinner last night (Corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, and chocolate pudding) my expectation is that you would take as truth that I ate the above for dinner not for lunch. I would expect you to take as truth that I did eat what I listed. There is no reason for you to not accept my experience of dinner last night as truth. There is no reason for you to claim I was just imagining my dinner or that it was only in my own mind that I had dinner at all.

Now, let's speak of the experience I had of God--one of love and the knowledge that God honors free will. I expect you to accept that I had the experience I described.

Note, I cannot claim that God told me He created the world, that He spoke with Noah and Moses, or even Jesus is His Son. He did not tell me to read the Bible, go to Church, or for that matter, to go swimming. No such conversation took place, no such knowledge was imparted. Nor did He say, "Meet my colleague, Vishnu." My experience was brief, seconds, covering love and free choice. The end.

You either believe I am describing a true experience or that I am lying. Frankly, I don't care which you believe. Further, just because I had a brief experience of God is no reason for you to change your own opinions about Noah's flood. I can present how I see the account of Noah's flood, but that does not mean I (or anyone) knows the full truth about Noah's flood.
Are we on the same page? For example, if I were to tell you what I ate for dinner last night (Corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, and chocolate pudding) my expectation is that you would take as truth that I ate the above for dinner not for lunch. I would expect you to take as truth that I did eat what I listed. There is no reason for you to not accept my experience of dinner last night as truth. There is no reason for you to claim I was just imagining my dinner or that it was only in my own mind that I had dinner at all.

Now, let's speak of the experience I had of God--one of love and the knowledge that God honors free will. I expect you to accept that I had the experience I described.

Note, I cannot claim that God told me He created the world, that He spoke with Noah and Moses, or even Jesus is His Son. He did not tell me to read the Bible, go to Church, or for that matter, to go swimming. No such conversation took place, no such knowledge was imparted. Nor did He say, "Meet my colleague, Vishnu." My experience was brief, seconds, covering love and free choice. The end.

You either believe I am describing a true experience or that I am lying. Frankly, I don't care which you believe. Further, just because I had a brief experience of God is no reason for you to change your own opinions about Noah's flood. I can present how I see the account of Noah's flood, but that does not mean I (or anyone) knows the full truth about Noah's flood.
Not on the same page, no. Nothing supernatural about having dinner. Nothing about having dinner has eternal consequences.

If I told you about experiences I had with Zeus, and his insistence that he, and he alone was the one TRUE God. I would expect that you would "Try to accept the truth as I describe it.", accept that I'm correct and consider the implications to all other gods.
If I told you about experiences I had with Zeus, and his insistence that he, and he alone was the one TRUE God. I would expect that you would "Try to accept the truth as I describe it.", accept that I'm correct and consider the implications to all other gods.
Are you sure you want to use Zeus as an example? His wife was a Goddess and a number of his children, were Gods and Goddesses. Further, he was the chief over all Gods and Goddesses. So given, all that is known about Zeus, you want to testify that you had an experience with Zeus where he told you there was, after all, only one God and he is it? My first question of you would be, "Did he tell you what happened to his family and all the other Gods and Goddesses over which he had been chief?"

Sure, if you were sincere and said Zeus had come to you claiming there was only one God, and it was he, I would believe your word that this had happened. On the other hand, I would also wonder if Zeus maybe hadn't lost a step or two since the time he had reigned over all those other Gods Goddesses, and mortals on Mount Olympus.
Are you sure you want to use Zeus as an example? His wife was a Goddess and a number of his children, were Gods and Goddesses. Further, he was the chief over all Gods and Goddesses. So given, all that is known about Zeus, you want to testify that you had an experience with Zeus where he told you there was, after all, only one God and he is it? My first question of you would be, "Did he tell you what happened to his family and all the other Gods and Goddesses over which he had been chief?"

Sure, if you were sincere and said Zeus had come to you claiming there was only one God, and it was he, I would believe your word that this had happened. On the other hand, I would also wonder if Zeus maybe hadn't lost a step or two since the time he had reigned over all those other Gods Goddesses, and mortals on Mount Olympus.
Zeus is the perfect example. And, as an older, wiser God, he never committed any of the mass murders / planet wipng horrors the Christian God.
On the other hand, I would also wonder if Zeus maybe hadn't lost a step or two since the time he had reigned over all those other Gods Goddesses, and mortals on Mount Olympus.

Those stories come from a time when some believed that human beings were gods (crazy isn't it?). That being said, what is obvious is that those stories about 'the gods' who used other people like pawns and played games with their lives are metaphors for the ruling elite, not unlike the time of Jesus when Caesar claimed to be a god, or now where the ruling elite use other people like pawns for their own personal gain or play games with their lives for their own perverse pleasure.
I do not know a lot about dark matter, but from what I understand it is a force (like gravity). Gravity does not have free will, and it does not appear dark matter does either. Neither appear to have intelligence. I would say dark matter has more in common with gravity (a force) than it has with spirit (intelligence).
We do not know what dark matter. It is a term that was made up to try to codify what we do not understand. We don't actually know if it is matter or energy all we are doing is making up a fudge factor for observations that we can find no cause for.

Kind of like when primitive man made up gods to explain all sorts of natural phenomena that scared them.
You see problems. I do not. I work more with realities and live in reality. Philosophy is how I determine the way I will meet, address, handle reality. I try for the ideal way, meaning often I do not reach the ideal. That's the reality.

You have no proof the so called sprit world is real so to say you absolutely know it exists is not realistic.
What does it matter?
It matters because one of you has to be right and one has to be wrong.

That is the very essence of dualism that most religions teach.

It could be argued that the god of the OT and the god of the NT are entirely different beings.

One supposedly sent his son to earth and the other didn't.

Christians say both gods are the same god but the Jews do not believe their god sent his son to earth

The Islamic god is yet a different god who made Mohamed is last prophet but Christians and Jews don't think their god made Mohamed his prophet.

Not all of you can be correct.

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