A bit more of your merciful god.

Are you incensed at being held to an identifiable standard?

It's clear that since reason can't support claims to supernatural beings being real, not fictional), I am required to, ''Try to accept the truth as I describe it.''. No. Sorry. If someone is making an argument asserting supernatural entities, I'm under no obligation to accept supernaturalism as any kind of truth. For all the warm and fuzzy mystical attractiveness generated from perceptions such as Gods, I must point out that a demonstration or some evidence of these Gods is in order before we can move on to something more than wishful thinking. Your “feelings” of gods are firmly in the realm of wishful speculation and it will be a stretch from here to something deserving of more serious consideration
incensed at being held to an identifiable standard

Currently, there are thousands of scientists who are incensed at being held to an identifiable standard.
Visit YouTube and discover how many of them are admitting they have been wrong for decades about lots of things that they admit they can't figure out thanks to innovations in technology.
No it just illustrates that the certainty you hold on the matter of god is far more tenuous that you portray it to be.
Now that is funny. It is a well known that those of us who have faith in scripture know that God's ways are not our ways--the two are as far apart as the east is from the west. What I relate with a certainty is what I have learned.

Look at it this way. Suppose I am a puzzle piece. I can describe with certainty my piece of the puzzle. Nothing "tenuous" about that. I cannot describe the entire puzzle. Nothing tenuous about that statement, either. I tell you what I can describe and what I cannot.
Not important. To me. Is it to you? If so, why?

I don;t worship gods you do

After all this time what if you find out you have been worshiping the wrong one?

Like I said you can't all be right.

See this is why I don't participate in religious dogma. All these religions say there is but one god yet they all seem to worship different gods who have done different things.

Dualism creates more problems than it solves.
Now that is funny. It is a well known that those of us who have faith in scripture know that God's ways are not our ways--the two are as far apart as the east is from the west. What I relate with a certainty is what I have learned.

Look at it this way. Suppose I am a puzzle piece. I can describe with certainty my piece of the puzzle. Nothing "tenuous" about that. I cannot describe the entire puzzle. Nothing tenuous about that statement, either. I tell you what I can describe and what I cannot.

Once again how do you know the scriptures you read are correct? You were taught the jesus was a god incarnate so you believe it.

We have 2 other major religions who say that Jesus was not a god incarnate as they were taught and they believe that.

IS it god's way to sow this kind of disagreement between his creations?
Either Jesus was a god incarnate or he wasn't
You believe he was but the two other major monotheistic religions say he wasn't.
So what? I am happy my religious beliefs include Jesus. His words, teachings, and ways have given me immeasurable help over the years. My life has been blessed because of them.

Indeependent may be immensely happy that his life has not been cluttered by Jesus--that he sees much more clearly without him. Studying the Hebrew Bible, I can understand this. However, understanding of the Hebrew Bible was lost to me, and Jesus was not. He came for the lost. Guess where he led me? Hebrew Bible. I have both. However, I can never be a Jew because no matter how much their scripture uplifts me, I believe in Jesus and I will not turn from him. Not possible, not after seeing what he has done for me. I suggest that people like Indeependent were never lost.
Again, that seems to bother you a lot. It bothers me not at all. God meets us all where we are and takes it from there.

So then god doesn't care if people deny that he came to earth as jesus?

Then why would he care if anyone denied the existence of all gods including him?

And at least what I understand of the bible god definitely cares if people believe in him since only those that do are promised eternal rewards.

These are contradictions in thought that bring no clarity on the subject and everything boils down to

"Because god says so" or some other trite nonsense
So what? I am happy my religious beliefs include Jesus. His words, teachings, and ways have given me immeasurable help over the years. My life has been blessed because of them.

Indeependent may be immensely happy that his life has not been cluttered by Jesus--that he sees much more clearly without him. Studying the Hebrew Bible, I can understand this. However, understanding of the Hebrew Bible was lost to me, and Jesus was not. He came for the lost. Guess where he led me? Hebrew Bible. I have both. However, I can never be a Jew because no matter how much their scripture uplifts me, I believe in Jesus and I will not turn from him. Not possible, not after seeing what he has done for me. I suggest that people like Indeependent were never lost.
So then you realize you are not worshipping the same god as the Jews or Muslims

So then you must hold that some of all this "testimony" that is proof of gods in not true and that you have decided which are.

Isn;t that the same as inventing your own god?
Are you incensed at being held to an identifiable standard
You understand me about as well as you understand the Bible and Christianity--meaning not at all.

Hollie, we cannot have any kind of meaningful interaction when you keep remaking everything into your own images.

Tell, you what. Why don't we call it good until you either see someone that cannot even be described as "incensed", or until I become "incensed". Not my nature, so you may have to wait along time for it to happen, but I'll send you a private message when it does and we can continue then.
We can experience all kinds of things in our own heads and convince ourselves they are real;
We can? I will have to try that sometime, but I am doubtful I will have much success. What have you experienced in your head and were able to convince yourself it was real even when it wasn't? How does one even begin, for that matter?
You understand me about as well as you understand the Bible and Christianity--meaning not at all.

Hollie, we cannot have any kind of meaningful interaction when you keep remaking everything into your own images.

Tell, you what. Why don't we call it good until you either see someone that cannot even be described as "incensed", or until I become "incensed". Not my nature, so you may have to wait along time for it to happen, but I'll send you a private message when it does and we can continue then.
I think you will find that I am not making anything into my own image. That makes no sense.

My posts have consistently been about requiring believers to support their arguments with someting more than, ''the bible says...'', or, ''I have feelings / experiences with the supernatural so others are required to accept supernaturalism as true''.
After all this time what if you find out you have been worshiping the wrong one?
I already know that what I know is an iota of what He is. Yes, even that iota is worth recognition, praise, and honor. Are you afraid that I will be in trouble because I wasn't able to recognize and appreciate more? That is my loss. I may be a thimble, but I am grateful for what does fill me.
Once again how do you know the scriptures you read are correct?
It is a matter of living scripture. Is the teaching correct? Is the Way fruitful? Taste and see. Try and see. That is what I was told, and I had enough faith that it was at least worth the attempt. Turns out it was totally worth it.
You're far too concerned with your tender sensibilities. Aren't you wasting your time in hand-wringing agony over what others think of your gods? Embrace your endtimes fables, look forward to the end of the world when your God comes back again to wipe humanity from the planet, even though the genesis fable claims he wouldn't do that.
Tender sensibilities??? HAND WRINGING AGONY! Oh NOs :eek:

Your gods have struck you dumb, Saul.
My God never wiped out humanity. Had He, you wouldn't be here.
It's your god, Satan that tells you those crazy lies. He's the one that makes you come here and spend your time aimlessly accusing people for loving their God.
There is no agony producing query you can cook up that can remove that sweet Jesus peace my God covers me in.
I think you have over estimated your importance here!:)
IS it god's way to sow this kind of disagreement between his creations?
I do not see it as God sowing disagreement. What I see are people who arrive at different understandings. As different as they are, they lead back to God. Whom we all love.
And at least what I understand of the bible god definitely cares if people believe in him since only those that do are promised eternal rewards.
Kind of odd that people who do not believe in God would believe in eternal rewards, isn't it?
So then you realize you are not worshipping the same god as the Jews or Muslims
Not what I realize at all. I do realize we have different understandings of God. Shrug. Most people have different understandings about others in their group. Why do you think everyone should have the exact same understanding of God?

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