A black man with a different, right, perspective

You sure don't see our fellow black posters commenting on this. David Clark is an American first and a black second. Which is what we all should be....Americans first.
This guy deals with people every day and had a better understanding of things than Hillary does. She never hangs out with real people and certainly wouldn't allow anyone who isn't carefully vetted to even get near her. She sits in her ivory tower talking about how we should repent for our white privilege, as if that is the root of the problem.

Meanwhile, she and the left support the same policies that have increased poverty and destroyed families. And she'll keep up the rhetoric that causes anger instead of discussion. The BLM group already stated several times that it's too late for apologies and they aren't willing to talk. They haven't been clear on what they do want. Saying black lives matter and then taking to the streets to get in people's faces and screaming hasn't done a damn thing. Why keep it up?

Why aren't they walking their own streets and trying to clean them up? When they complain about police arresting more blacks, it's not because police are cruising the streets looking to pick on them. Police get called to black neighborhoods more often and when they arrive to find someone doing something illegal, they usually arrest them. Sadly, gangs are also more rampant in black neighborhoods and that means more violence, more illegal guns and more who are willing to attack police. The Black Panthers have long been known for a hatred of police, of any color. It's easy for them to blame racist cops than to admit that there is a serious problem in certain neighborhoods. To change things, they need to be part of the solution, not just bully and demand that others make changes. I don't see them willing to talk or to take action other than to protest or riot. Shutting down highways so people can't get to work, or get their pregnant wife to the hospital, is no way to win them over. That apparently isn't what they want. The left keeps talking about how the violence is necessary for change, but all it's doing is creating more division, more anger and more violence. Not the answer.

So, the solution is to start cleaning up neighborhoods and instead of going out and intimidating people, why not get busy with the effort where the problem begins? More citizens in those neighborhoods could become police officers and not only help cut crime, but certainly they'd deal with people in a manner they find more fair. It would be a start. So, get off the highway, get your ducks in a row and come up with a solid plan. These protesters don't stop to think that they could be the ones to make changes (and not by just screaming at people), but it takes a lot of time and effort. If you want something done, start doing it.
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Blacks think he is an Uncle Tom, thanks to our POTUS and his racial divisiveness.
I wouldn't normally post DD, but he says the police at dallas were ordered to not where protective vests...
You sure don't see our fellow black posters commenting on this. David Clark is an American first and a black second. Which is what we all should be....Americans first.
I believe he is also a democrat.....
This guy gets it and why Mrs. Tuzla Clinton continues to blame white people.

Does this high profile politician have the "wrong" perspective:

While people mourn the black lives killed by police and police killed at the Dallas shooting Thursday night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) acknowledged that he, like other white Americans, simply can’t understand what it feels like to be black in America and live with a persistent fear of violence.

"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years, to get a sense of this: If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don't understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said during a CNN interview Friday.

Gingrich is right.

A recent Pew Research Center report found that black and white Americans views are largely worlds apart today. White Americans were evenly split on the state of race relations today: 46 percent say things are good, but 45 percent also say things are bad. By contrast, 61 percent of African Americans believe race relations are bad.

While a 2015 report by the National Bar Association, the oldest and largest predominantly black lawyer organization in the country, found that most black and white Americans agree that police treat black people differently — 88 percent and 59 percent, respectively — the stark difference in the degree to which these attitudes are shared across racial lines is telling.

For most African Americans, whether policing practices are racist is not a question. By contrast, a substantial number of white people still aren't convinced.

In a review of FBI data, Vox’s Dara Lind found that law enforcement officers in the US kill black people at disproportionate rates. In 2012, African Americans accounted for 31 percent of victims killed by cops despite comprising only 13 percent of the population. According to ProPublica, black teens were 21 times more likely to be killed by police officers between 2010 and 2012 than their white counterparts.

"It is more dangerous to be black in America," Gingrich said. "It is more dangerous in that they are substantially more likely to end up in a situation where the police don't respect you and you could easily get killed. And sometimes for whites it’s difficult to appreciate how real that is and how it's an everyday danger."

Read: Newt Gingrich's on-point statement about police violence and racism
This guy gets it and why Mrs. Tuzla Clinton continues to blame white people.

Does this high profile politician have the "wrong" perspective:

While people mourn the black lives killed by police and police killed at the Dallas shooting Thursday night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) acknowledged that he, like other white Americans, simply can’t understand what it feels like to be black in America and live with a persistent fear of violence.

"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years, to get a sense of this: If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don't understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said during a CNN interview Friday.

Gingrich is right.

A recent Pew Research Center report found that black and white Americans views are largely worlds apart today. White Americans were evenly split on the state of race relations today: 46 percent say things are good, but 45 percent also say things are bad. By contrast, 61 percent of African Americans believe race relations are bad.

While a 2015 report by the National Bar Association, the oldest and largest predominantly black lawyer organization in the country, found that most black and white Americans agree that police treat black people differently — 88 percent and 59 percent, respectively — the stark difference in the degree to which these attitudes are shared across racial lines is telling.

For most African Americans, whether policing practices are racist is not a question. By contrast, a substantial number of white people still aren't convinced.

In a review of FBI data, Vox’s Dara Lind found that law enforcement officers in the US kill black people at disproportionate rates. In 2012, African Americans accounted for 31 percent of victims killed by cops despite comprising only 13 percent of the population. According to ProPublica, black teens were 21 times more likely to be killed by police officers between 2010 and 2012 than their white counterparts.

"It is more dangerous to be black in America," Gingrich said. "It is more dangerous in that they are substantially more likely to end up in a situation where the police don't respect you and you could easily get killed. And sometimes for whites it’s difficult to appreciate how real that is and how it's an everyday danger."

Read: Newt Gingrich's on-point statement about police violence and racism

Yes, he got it wrong. As long as our perceptions are our reality nothing is going to improve. Yes, the black population in the US is about 13 percent. But in major urban areas that percentage goes up to over 30 percent.

Chicago for example is at 32 percent black.

Using this site for the information, in Chicago:

Victims by race:


Offenders by Race:


Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

Now I need someone to tell me how being white effects these numbers? Maybe white people totally hate those of color, not that they do, how does that effect what is going on in the black community?

Who is going to effect change in the black community, whites or blacks? The liberal argument put forth by Mrs. Tuzla is that this is just an understanding problem, by whites. That somehow if white people just love just a little bit more things will be better. This from a woman that called urban poor, code for black, super predators.

No one has of yet explained to me how five white men being murdered at a black protest by a black man hiding in ambush is caused by those white men.

People like Newt and Mrs Tuzla are taking the easy route. Blame whites instead of exploring the real problem with everyone in the country. Such as lack of real opportunity.

So yeah, Newt is full of it and I rather listen to a black man tell me what the truth is about black culture.
This guy gets it and why Mrs. Tuzla Clinton continues to blame white people.

Does this high profile politician have the "wrong" perspective:

While people mourn the black lives killed by police and police killed at the Dallas shooting Thursday night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) acknowledged that he, like other white Americans, simply can’t understand what it feels like to be black in America and live with a persistent fear of violence.

"It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years, to get a sense of this: If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don't understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said during a CNN interview Friday.

Gingrich is right.

A recent Pew Research Center report found that black and white Americans views are largely worlds apart today. White Americans were evenly split on the state of race relations today: 46 percent say things are good, but 45 percent also say things are bad. By contrast, 61 percent of African Americans believe race relations are bad.

While a 2015 report by the National Bar Association, the oldest and largest predominantly black lawyer organization in the country, found that most black and white Americans agree that police treat black people differently — 88 percent and 59 percent, respectively — the stark difference in the degree to which these attitudes are shared across racial lines is telling.

For most African Americans, whether policing practices are racist is not a question. By contrast, a substantial number of white people still aren't convinced.

In a review of FBI data, Vox’s Dara Lind found that law enforcement officers in the US kill black people at disproportionate rates. In 2012, African Americans accounted for 31 percent of victims killed by cops despite comprising only 13 percent of the population. According to ProPublica, black teens were 21 times more likely to be killed by police officers between 2010 and 2012 than their white counterparts.

"It is more dangerous to be black in America," Gingrich said. "It is more dangerous in that they are substantially more likely to end up in a situation where the police don't respect you and you could easily get killed. And sometimes for whites it’s difficult to appreciate how real that is and how it's an everyday danger."

Read: Newt Gingrich's on-point statement about police violence and racism

Yes, he got it wrong. As long as our perceptions are our reality nothing is going to improve. Yes, the black population in the US is about 13 percent. But in major urban areas that percentage goes up to over 30 percent.

Chicago for example is at 32 percent black.

Using this site for the information, in Chicago:

Victims by race:


Offenders by Race:


Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

Now I need someone to tell me how being white effects these numbers? Maybe white people totally hate those of color, not that they do, how does that effect what is going on in the black community?

Who is going to effect change in the black community, whites or blacks? The liberal argument put forth by Mrs. Tuzla is that this is just an understanding problem, by whites. That somehow if white people just love just a little bit more things will be better. This from a woman that called urban poor, code for black, super predators.

No one has of yet explained to me how five white men being murdered at a black protest by a black man hiding in ambush is caused by those white men.

People like Newt and Mrs Tuzla are taking the easy route. Blame whites instead of exploring the real problem with everyone in the country. Such as lack of real opportunity.

So yeah, Newt is full of it and I rather listen to a black man tell me what the truth is about black culture.

Interestingly, your link focuses on Chicago in the year 2011 when 433 total homicides took place.

I don't think all metropolitan areas are represented by Chicago nor is the whole Black population of Chicago mired in poverty as Devin Foley insinuates. In fact:

Middle class Blacks are leaving Chicago by the thousands. Between 2000 and 2014 over 200,000 left . Researchers are beginning to call this phenomenon "Black Flight." So Devine 's inability to separate the Black middle class from Black gangsters is essentially a footnote of how Whites come to put em' all in one basket.It just doesn't seem important, for some inexplicable reason, to draw that critical distinction.

Detroit has an 80% + Black population rate and arguably the highest murder rate in the nation, yet, the ratio of Black related homicides to THAT black population didn't meet the prerequisites of your agenda. That could explain why you chose Chicago instead.

Black committed 88.9% of the murders in Detroit (2012) but Blacks make up 80% of Detroit's population While White murderers were over represented by committing 11.9 % of the murders while Whites comprised less than 20% of the population. That changes the narrative doesn't it? It also highlights how the recorded deeds of a smaller group of miscreants can be manipulated statistically to demonize all people who look like them. You get the picture?

But getting back to Gingrich's surprising statement. His message was clear. He wasn't talking about thugs. He was talking about middle class decent God-fearing Blacks who are caught in the middle of these social upheavals. White society refuses to differentiate between thugs and middle class Blacks and that fact underlines the lack of understanding Gingrich was talking about. White cops generally reflect that White social attitude whenever they interface with Blacks regardless of the Black's social standing. It seems the only thing cops see when they approach a Back man, even one wearing a suit and tie with a bible in his hand, is the misleading statistical data that marks the Black as being 6 times more likely to be a killer than a White person is. That is what drives the middle class BLM movement.

But Black on Black homicide is also a concern in the Black middle class community. However, their initiatives just don't get much press. And since Blacks have no army or police authority as a group, their resources are limited both legally as well as socially. The very systems they pay for with their tax dollars are redirected against THEM . They are afraid of the police and they are afraid for their children who might be killed by a cop who is also afraid of THEM

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