A Brief Presentation of White Privilege


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.

Is there Asian privilege? They earn more than whites.
I am a perfect example of White Privilege. Many of my black friends also have used White Privilege to succeed in life. When you use black victimhood, then you never are successful, but remain in poverty and a slave to the Democrat party.

A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


#1) Reason more are stopped. Statistically they commit more crime so they are going to be stopped more frequently. I am going to have my wife's car serviced more frequently than my own because she drives more.

#2) White folks aren't the ones with drugs in their car. LOL. Whites get arrested for meth very frequently and that holds the same penalty as blacks with crack.

#3) NW. Easy. Historical wealth builds on itself. Grandparents pass to parents pass to kids and so on. If I get a free house or a house at a discount I get a leg up. I am a 2nd generation American so I didn't have that advantage. Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth.

#4) Assets. I have no idea where he gets this data from but he is incorrect unless he is saying that black families are poor savers or excessive spenders.

He is preaching stupid white guilt and racial profiling. Individuals need to studied as individuals not as a group. Not all whites have an advantage over blacks and not all blacks are at a disadvantage. Labeling is terrible (example: College Applications).
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


There is no such thing as white privilege. It’s a phony, discriminatory concept that far left loons like you subscribe to in order to justify your own mediocrity and failures of your rotting subculture
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


There is no such thing as white privilege. It’s a phony, discriminatory concept that far left loons like you subscribe to in order to justify your own mediocrity and failures of your rotting subculture

There isn't white privilege? Fuck, I am screwed then as I must be a victim of liberal black victimhood.
There is no such thing as white privilege. It’s a phony, discriminatory concept that far left loons like you subscribe to in order to justify your own mediocrity and failures of your rotting subculture
Coming from our resident racist MOD, this response is laughable at best.

So, instead of railing against horrible State policy because it's horrible and ineffective -then propose abolishing it because its detrimental to the liberties of everyone- piss and moan about it on the basis of ethnocentric complaints.

Instead of appealing to the sense of how The State is a threat to and oppresses everyone, peddle guilt and sow division by bellyaching about how its iron fist hits some more directly than others.

Appeal to emotion / appeal to reason.

As though there wasn't already enough evidence of what truly shitty salesmen that leftists are.
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A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


/-----/ On St Patrick's Day everyone wants to be Irish but on Martin Luther King Day nobody wants to be a .......
In the early days of my working carrer I was a victim of political prejudice. I was a young white male. I had three strikes against me because of affirmative action and bias against youth. Large companies were looking for women and minorities to fill their open positions. White and male was basically outlawed because of affirmative action quotas. Being young on top of that meant I had a harder time finding anyone willing to take a chance on me.

But you don't see me starting crazy race threads years later.
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


/-----/ On St Patrick's Day everyone wants to be Irish but on Martin Luther King Day nobody wants to be a .......

Irish aren't necessarily a heck of a lot better, especially Ulster Irish Protestants who as I outlined below are a protected class.

Ulster Irish get off Scot free from prejudices.

It's NOT so much White privilege, it's Protestant privilege.

White Catholics actually finish last in America, like Poles, French, Italians etc. each of these groups are picked on far more than Blacks. FACT.

Irish are probably spared largely because of Ulster Protestants being the dominant Irish group in America, little do these Ulster Hillbillies in Appalachia know, that they are NOT really very Irish, but came to oppress the real Irish, as Germanic speaking Protestant Scottish, and English colonists.
White Catholics have been stomped on in America, there were lots of wrongs against White Catholics, and NO Civil Rights to make our wrongs right like was done for Blacks, and Hispanic Catholics.

Nobody has been put in a worse position than people like Poles, and Italians who are discriminated against more than anybody in Hollywood, and the media. Who get no Affirmative Action, who never had a frigging Civil Rights to make our injustices right like was done for Hispanic Catholics, Asians, and Blacks.

To make matters worse a lot of Polish, and Italian neighborhoods were, or are in the inner-city, because we were the LAST Whites to come to America in HUGE numbers, and we've seen a lot of our neighborhoods ruined by Blacks, Hispanics, or even Muslims.

We have NO where to turn to, we are the REAL minorities, we look to the White suburbs we get bullied for our Polish, or Italian heritages.

We go to the City, we're bullied by Blacks, and Hispanics, who think we're the Whitey who owes them.

Well, I'm quite frankly sick of the Sh(t, and this country.
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#1) Reason more are stopped. Statistically they commit more crime so they are going to be stopped more frequently. I am going to have my wife's car serviced more frequently than my own because she drives more.

The behavior you are describing is explicitly prejudicial in the context of a traffic stop. It would be like if I argued for a stop and frisk program in NYC that targeted white men in suits in Manhattan on the basis that people belonging to that demographic commit more financial crimes than people belonging to other demographics. Or even more broadly, what if the police decided to randomly stop men they see driving since men commit the majority of violent crimes? After being stopped a few times, I imagine you would recognize the injustice of this argument. A traffic stop ought to be predicated on an observation of a traffic violation or some other minimal probable cause, and that's the point: black people are targeted on the basis of prejudicial arguments like the one you just made while others are not.

And it's not just traffic stops, there are also problematic racial disparities in the use of force, in the rates at which unarmed black men are shot by the police, as well as in other aspects of the criminal justice system, from bail decisions to plea-bargaining, jury selection, and sentencing (cf. Race and Crime vol. 4, 2016, I can cite specific passages if you like, referencing a variety of research over the last 20 years, or a good introduction to some common issues is the DOJ report on Ferguson).

#2) White folks aren't the ones with drugs in their car. LOL. Whites get arrested for meth very frequently and that holds the same penalty as blacks with crack.

Whites use and sell drugs at similar (or higher) rates than blacks, but blacks are more often arrested for drug use. Up until very recently there were also racial disparities in sentencing for drug related crimes.

#3) NW. Easy. Historical wealth builds on itself. Grandparents pass to parents pass to kids and so on. If I get a free house or a house at a discount I get a leg up. I am a 2nd generation American so I didn't have that advantage. Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth.

#4) Assets. I have no idea where he gets this data from but he is incorrect unless he is saying that black families are poor savers or excessive spenders.

The discussion about wealth and economic inequality between blacks and whites is really crucial to understanding some of the disparities in the criminal justice system, but the problem with your analysis is that you take it for granted that those disparities are the result of some neutral or otherwise innocent historical processes. But that's completely false, and also of course ignores that there are plenty of black folks in the US whose families have been here longer than many whites have.

But the bigger problem is that the wide disparities in income and wealth were explicitly created by racist policies over hundreds of years, many of which only ended within the last couple decades, while other (usually less overtly racist) policies continue. On this, I recommend the book The Color of Law. Discrimination in employment and education; Redlining, contract selling, block-busting, and other discriminatory housing practices (including explicitly racist federal loan policies, again cf. The Color of Law) by which the creation of concentrated poverty in segregated areas was accomplished; policies of mass incarceration; the previously mentioned disparities in law enforcement; all of these have contributed to the present levels of economic inequality which people like you use to justify their racial prejudices. But the game was always rigged, and you can't systematically steal the wealth of a people for hundreds of years and then reasonably expect those wounds to heal by themselves.

Basically, you said it all when you said "Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth," you just don't seem to realize what was actually involved in that colonization, and not just 300 years ago but in the 20th century.
#1) Reason more are stopped. Statistically they commit more crime so they are going to be stopped more frequently. I am going to have my wife's car serviced more frequently than my own because she drives more.

The behavior you are describing is explicitly prejudicial in the context of a traffic stop. It would be like if I argued for a stop and frisk program in NYC that targeted white men in suits in Manhattan on the basis that people belonging to that demographic commit more financial crimes than people belonging to other demographics. Or even more broadly, what if the police decided to randomly stop men they see driving since men commit the majority of violent crimes? After being stopped a few times, I imagine you would recognize the injustice of this argument. A traffic stop ought to be predicated on an observation of a traffic violation or some other minimal probable cause, and that's the point: black people are targeted on the basis of prejudicial arguments like the one you just made while others are not.

And it's not just traffic stops, there are also problematic racial disparities in the use of force, in the rates at which unarmed black men are shot by the police, as well as in other aspects of the criminal justice system, from bail decisions to plea-bargaining, jury selection, and sentencing (cf. Race and Crime vol. 4, 2016, I can cite specific passages if you like, referencing a variety of research over the last 20 years, or a good introduction to some common issues is the DOJ report on Ferguson).

#2) White folks aren't the ones with drugs in their car. LOL. Whites get arrested for meth very frequently and that holds the same penalty as blacks with crack.

Whites use and sell drugs at similar (or higher) rates than blacks, but blacks are more often arrested for drug use. Up until very recently there were also racial disparities in sentencing for drug related crimes.

#3) NW. Easy. Historical wealth builds on itself. Grandparents pass to parents pass to kids and so on. If I get a free house or a house at a discount I get a leg up. I am a 2nd generation American so I didn't have that advantage. Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth.

#4) Assets. I have no idea where he gets this data from but he is incorrect unless he is saying that black families are poor savers or excessive spenders.

The discussion about wealth and economic inequality between blacks and whites is really crucial to understanding some of the disparities in the criminal justice system, but the problem with your analysis is that you take it for granted that those disparities are the result of some neutral or otherwise innocent historical processes. But that's completely false, and also of course ignores that there are plenty of black folks in the US whose families have been here longer than many whites have.

But the bigger problem is that the wide disparities in income and wealth were explicitly created by racist policy over hundreds of years, many of which only ended within the last couple decades, while other (usually less overtly racist) policies continue. On this, I recommend the book The Color of Law. Discrimination in employment and education; Redlining, contract selling, block-busting, and other discriminatory housing practices (including explicitly racist federal loan policies, again cf. The Color of Law) by which the creation of concentrated poverty in segregated areas was accomplished; policies of mass incarceration; the previously mentioned disparities in law enforcement; all of these have contributed to the present levels of economic inequality which people like you use to justify their racial prejudices. But the game was always rigged, and you can't systematically steal the wealth of a people for hundreds of years and then reasonably expect those wounds to heal by themselves.

Basically, you said it all when you said "Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth," you just don't seem to realize what was actually involved in that colonization, and not just 300 years ago but in the 20th century.
There you go again...Parsing all the ethnic crap, instead of recognizing that the police state is a detriment to the liberties of everyone.....This recrimination and counter-recriminaton shit is just one big distraction from the ultimate underlying truth.
#1) Reason more are stopped. Statistically they commit more crime so they are going to be stopped more frequently. I am going to have my wife's car serviced more frequently than my own because she drives more.

The behavior you are describing is explicitly prejudicial in the context of a traffic stop. It would be like if I argued for a stop and frisk program in NYC that targeted white men in suits in Manhattan on the basis that people belonging to that demographic commit more financial crimes than people belonging to other demographics. Or even more broadly, what if the police decided to randomly stop men they see driving since men commit the majority of violent crimes? After being stopped a few times, I imagine you would recognize the injustice of this argument. A traffic stop ought to be predicated on an observation of a traffic violation or some other minimal probable cause, and that's the point: black people are targeted on the basis of prejudicial arguments like the one you just made while others are not.

And it's not just traffic stops, there are also problematic racial disparities in the use of force, in the rates at which unarmed black men are shot by the police, as well as in other aspects of the criminal justice system, from bail decisions to plea-bargaining, jury selection, and sentencing (cf. Race and Crime vol. 4, 2016, I can cite specific passages if you like, referencing a variety of research over the last 20 years, or a good introduction to some common issues is the DOJ report on Ferguson).

#2) White folks aren't the ones with drugs in their car. LOL. Whites get arrested for meth very frequently and that holds the same penalty as blacks with crack.

Whites use and sell drugs at similar (or higher) rates than blacks, but blacks are more often arrested for drug use. Up until very recently there were also racial disparities in sentencing for drug related crimes.

#3) NW. Easy. Historical wealth builds on itself. Grandparents pass to parents pass to kids and so on. If I get a free house or a house at a discount I get a leg up. I am a 2nd generation American so I didn't have that advantage. Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth.

#4) Assets. I have no idea where he gets this data from but he is incorrect unless he is saying that black families are poor savers or excessive spenders.

The discussion about wealth and economic inequality between blacks and whites is really crucial to understanding some of the disparities in the criminal justice system, but the problem with your analysis is that you take it for granted that those disparities are the result of some neutral or otherwise innocent historical processes. But that's completely false, and also of course ignores that there are plenty of black folks in the US whose families have been here longer than many whites have.

But the bigger problem is that the wide disparities in income and wealth were explicitly created by racist policies over hundreds of years, many of which only ended within the last couple decades, while other (usually less overtly racist) policies continue. On this, I recommend the book The Color of Law. Discrimination in employment and education; Redlining, contract selling, block-busting, and other discriminatory housing practices (including explicitly racist federal loan policies, again cf. The Color of Law) by which the creation of concentrated poverty in segregated areas was accomplished; policies of mass incarceration; the previously mentioned disparities in law enforcement; all of these have contributed to the present levels of economic inequality which people like you use to justify their racial prejudices. But the game was always rigged, and you can't systematically steal the wealth of a people for hundreds of years and then reasonably expect those wounds to heal by themselves.

Basically, you said it all when you said "Whites originally colonized the US so of course they have more generational wealth," you just don't seem to realize what was actually involved in that colonization, and not just 300 years ago but in the 20th century.

This about sums up Stop & Frisk, and Blacks vs Others in violent crime in NYC.


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