A call for Rand Paul to resign


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Mr. Paul,

Given your numerous instances of apparent plagiarism I feel like you can no longer effectively serve the people of Kentucky. In your never-ending criticism of the democrats, you have held yourself up as a moral leader. Please prove your moral leadership by resigning. Since the voters in your party will support you no matter what you do, it falls upon your shoulders to accept responsibility for what you have done and resign. Had a democrat got caught doing the same thing, you would have spoken out against him with indignant rage. This is the part that creeps us out.

The following is quoted from the Washington Post
"1. BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski reported that Paul had also lifted language from Wikipedia while discussing the movie “Stand and Deliver” in a June 2012 speech.

2. Politico’s Alexander Burns reported that Paul, in a 2013 response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, used language that was exactly the same as a 2011 Associated Press report. And in a speech at Howard University earlier this year, Paul used language similar to the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family while discussing vouchers.

3. Kazcynski reported Saturday that three pages of Paul’s recently published book (more than 1,300 words) borrowed heavily from a 2003 study by the conservative Heritage Foundation, along with another example involving the Cato Institute."
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If he did it, maybe he should.

Now, since you mentioned State of the Union address, where the President Barry plagiarized parts of his speech (light to the world - from Woodrow Wilson, American family - from Mario Cuomo, no other nation has been built upon an idea - from Margaret Thatcher, I know there isn’t a person here who would trade places with any other nation on Earth - poached from JFK)... I certainly hope you will write one more call for resignation.
Dear Mr. Obama,

Given your numerous instances of lying to the American public I feel you can no longer effectively serve the people of the United States. In your never ending criticism of Republicans (and anyone else who disagrees with you on anything), you have held yourself up as a moral leader. Please prove your moral leadership by resigning.
Mr. Paul,

Given your numerous instances of apparent plagiarism I feel like you can no longer effectively serve the people of Kentucky. In your never-ending criticism of the democrats, you have held yourself up as a moral leader. Please prove your moral leadership by resigning. Since the voters in your party will support you no matter what you do, it falls upon your shoulders to accept responsibility for what you have done and resign. Had a democrat got caught doing the same thing, you would have spoken out against him with indignant rage. This is the part that creeps us out.

The following is quoted from the Washington Post
"1. BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski reported that Paul had also lifted language from Wikipedia while discussing the movie “Stand and Deliver” in a June 2012 speech.

2. Politico’s Alexander Burns reported that Paul, in a 2013 response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, used language that was exactly the same as a 2011 Associated Press report. And in a speech at Howard University earlier this year, Paul used language similar to the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family while discussing vouchers.

3. Kazcynski reported Saturday that three pages of Paul’s recently published book (more than 1,300 words) borrowed heavily from a 2003 study by the conservative Heritage Foundation, along with another example involving the Cato Institute."

Get that lying piece of gutter trash that you call "president" to resign and we'll talk about it. Got it?
He does not need to resign - lord have mercy ... slow news day? Give it a rest, people. no offence, but it sounds like a bunch of crap.
Get Sebelius to resign and we'll talk about it. Capische?

Get Obama to resign. His lying is far worse than the trivial "plagiarism" Rand Paul is accused of. So far I haven't seen any conclusive proof that Rand Paul actually committed plaigerism, but we know beyond doubt that Obama is a scumbag liar.
Get Sebelius to resign and we'll talk about it. Capische?

Get Obama to resign. His lying is far worse than the trivial "plagiarism" Rand Paul is accused of. So far I haven't seen any conclusive proof that Rand Paul actually committed plaigerism, but we know beyond doubt that Obama is a scumbag liar.
when obama plagiarises we need to impeach him ... when a republican plagiarises its trivial ... got it ... the only reason you have seen any proof is you still have your head in your ass ... can't help you there, well yes we can...

Rand Paul: “In the movie Gattaca––in the not-too-distant future, eugenics is common. And DNA plays a primary role in determining your social class.”
Wikipedia: “In the not-too-distant future, liberal eugenics is common and DNA plays the primary role in determining social class.”
Rand Paul: “Due to frequent screenings, Vincent faces genetic discrimination and prejudice. The only way to achieve his dream of being an astronaut is he has to become what’s called a ‘borrowed ladder.’”
Wikipedia: “Due to frequent screening, Vincent faces genetic discrimination and prejudice. The only way he can achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut is to become a ‘borrowed ladder.’”

now the movie

Is This High School? Rachel Maddow Catches Rand Paul Plagiarizing Off Wikipedia | Mediaite

we realize that you won't go there cause that would burst your bubble about rand paul ... we understand ...
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Preemptive progressive character assassination is a barometer of conservative effectiveness. The moonbats are actually afraid of this guy.

BOO! ...lmao

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