A Camcorder Love-Story: Divinity-Merchant


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism fable inspired by the films Toys and The Hudsucker Proxy.

Signing off,



Bruce Wayne loved making home-movies. When his parents died, he became extra-sentimental about keeping keepsakes of family-memories and friendship/love customs. Bruce even became obsessed with Thanksgiving and the notion of preparing lavish meals for respected/loved ones. Bruce inherited his father's impressive consumer-based company Wayne Industries, but he expanded its operations to include Camcorder DVD-RW disc-manufacturing (under the brand-named 'Ritek') and digital photo-frame craftsmanship (under the brand-name 'Woods'). Bruce was convinced he could use commercial enterprise to make merchandising and mercantilism a thing of the heart!

There was an eco-terrorist who was very suspicious of the tech-oriented activities of Wayne Industries. This fanatic's name was Ra's al Ghul, and he despised the 'arms' and reach of capitalism (and even capitalism-theory!). Ra's had a beautiful daughter named Talia whom he was 'grooming' to be the head of his 'pro-fascism union' (known as Leviathan) someday. Talia agreed with much of what her father Ra's had to say regarding the flaws of capitalism in modern civilization, but she also (secretly) admired Bruce Wayne and what Wayne Industries was doing with Ritek Camcorder DVD-RW discs (for the production of home-videos for American families!). Talia honestly felt torn.

TALIA: Your company is so...impressive.
BRUCE: Why, thank you!
TALIA: I really like the Ritek products.
BRUCE: Yes, our camcorder-discs are a bit hit.
TALIA: Are you now an 'avid fan' of capitalism, Mr. Wayne?
BRUCE: I suppose I am, and I'm pleased by your interest!
TALIA: Perhaps we can talk about my interest sometime (over dinner?).
BRUCE: Yes...I'd like that.
TALIA: I'll just lay it on the table, Bruce --- I think you're great.
BRUCE: I find you quite attractive and interesting too...
TALIA: I want to be your 'belle,' but my father is, well, anti-capitalist.
BRUCE: Talia, if you love me, perhaps I should tell you...I am Batman!
TALIA: You mean the secret masked vigilante we hear about on the news?
BRUCE: Yes (that's me!). I want you to know, because I think I'm in love with you.
TALIA: I feel the same; my father Ra's is an eco-terrorist Bruce (he hates your company!).
BRUCE: I suppose 'Batman' will have to deal with that; let's make some home-movies.



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