A Cardiologist Speaks


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
This guy is a great speaker, but more so than that, he excels at telling the truth in a way that anyone can understand. There is so much valuable information in his presentation, I won't even cherry pick, as there is just too much.

I know, it's long, so I have included a primer, so you won't have to listen to all of it (even though I highly recommend you do)

24:00-28:00 - I'll call this 4 minute segment an "intro", you can watch this if you want to see what it's all about
30:00 - 'Autophagy' - Never heard of it? Well, you should. Keep watching.
47:00 - 'SIRT-1'
52:00 - 'Fruits'
57:00 - 'Protein'
1:15:00 - 'Metabolic Syndrome' -
(HBP-High Blood Sugar-High Triglycerides-Low HDL)

Pro Tip: It's hard to remember all of this, so have a pen and notepad, and write down key points.

This guy is a great speaker, but more so than that, he excels at telling the truth in a way that anyone can understand. There is so much valuable information in his presentation, I won't even cherry pick, as there is just too much.

I know, it's long, so I have included a primer, so you won't have to listen to all of it (even though I highly recommend you do)

24:00-28:00 - I'll call this 4 minute segment an "intro", you can watch this if you want to see what it's all about
30:00 - 'Autophagy' - Never heard of it? Well, you should. Keep watching.
47:00 - 'SIRT-1'
52:00 - 'Fruits'
57:00 - 'Protein'
1:15:00 - 'Metabolic Syndrome' -
(HBP-High Blood Sugar-High Triglycerides-Low HDL)

Pro Tip: It's hard to remember all of this, so have a pen and notepad, and write down key points.


You want over an hour of my life and won't tell me why.


This guy is a great speaker, but more so than that, he excels at telling the truth in a way that anyone can understand. There is so much valuable information in his presentation, I won't even cherry pick, as there is just too much.

I know, it's long, so I have included a primer, so you won't have to listen to all of it (even though I highly recommend you do)

24:00-28:00 - I'll call this 4 minute segment an "intro", you can watch this if you want to see what it's all about
30:00 - 'Autophagy' - Never heard of it? Well, you should. Keep watching.
47:00 - 'SIRT-1'
52:00 - 'Fruits'
57:00 - 'Protein'
1:15:00 - 'Metabolic Syndrome' -
(HBP-High Blood Sugar-High Triglycerides-Low HDL)

Pro Tip: It's hard to remember all of this, so have a pen and notepad, and write down key points.

so is it about the covid shot or just heart health in general?....
Don't give Americans this information .
It would make the nation come alive again ,
No fat Oinkers but healthy and vital people with working brains .

BUT you can also streamline and intensify autophagy by:-

Caloric Restriction & Protein Restriction

While protein is essential for muscle building, bone density, fat burning, brain and heart health, too much protein in your diet can increase insulin, block ketone production, and activate the mTOR pathway. Research has linked caloric restriction and protein restriction to the activation of autophagy. While fasting and intermittent fasting are great ways to achieve caloric and protein restriction, you may do that without fasting

By focusing on real, nutrient-dense foods instead of processed and junk food, you may automatically achieve a caloric restriction without an effort. By eliminating night-time snacking or addressing emotional eating, you may also reduce your daily calories.

Eating a ketogenic diet that is high in fats but only moderate in protein is a great way to activate autophagy effectively.
When you are on a ketogenic diet, it is not enough to eat a low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat meal plan. It important that you concentrate on real, nutrient-dense foods, instead of relying on keto-friendly junk food.

Eliminate refined sugars, refined oils, unhealthy fats, processed foods, junk foods, artificial ingredients, and toxins. Eat lots of nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods, including leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, non-starchy vegetables, such as cucumber and celery, herbs and spices, such as oregano and turmeric, low-glycemic index fruits, such as berries and lemon, healthy fats, such as avocados and coconut oil, clean protein, such as pasture-raised beef and wild-caught fish, nuts and seeds, such as almonds and hemp seeds, and fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and coconut kefir. Try Turmeric Fat Burning Coffee or Keto Matcha Green Tea for breakfast instead of a normal breakfast.

Intense Exercise

Intense exercise is a very effective way to activate autophagy. I recommend high-intensity interval training and resistance training for the best result. They both create an environment of stress for the body the helps to activate autophagy.

Intense exercise helps to stimulate fat burning, improve mood and mental focus, clear brain fog, and increase energy. It also helps to stimulate human growth hormone (HGH) that creates an environment that is great to activate autophagy, muscle tissue repair and preservation, and fat burning

To activate autophagy, aim to work out at least 5 times a week. Try a mix of high-intensity interval training and resistance training for a mix of cardiovascular fitness and strength.

Prioritize Good Sleep

Prioritizing good sleep is incredibly important for your overall health. A healthy sleep cycle and circadian rhythm are both tied into autophagy. Poor sleeping habits can increase low energy, inflammation, and disease. Research has shown that poor sleep also causes a lack of neuronal autophagy. REM sleep and autophagy allows your body to maintain neuronal integrity, homeostasis, and functions

To activate autophagy, make sure to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night. Develop a regular bedtime and a relaxing nighttime routine that helps you to get good sleep.

Heat and Cold Therapy

To activate autophagy, I highly recommend heat and cold therapy. Experiencing short periods of intense heat and cold exposure can activate autophagy by putting major stressors on the body through extreme temperature changes. Your body will want to get back to balance quickly to achieve homeostasis. This practice can increase your resistance to colds, infections, and stress, and improve your immune system. It also helps to increase serotonin and dopamine boosting your mood

Autophagy-Activating Herbs

One of the best ways to activate autophagy is by using autophagy-activating herbs. These herbs are rich in polyphenols that help to suppress the mTOR pathways and activate the AMPk pathway to activate autophagy. Some of the top autophagy-activating herbs you can try.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea is high in antioxidants and polyphenol ECGC that helps to activate autophagy by mimicking the effects of calorie restriction

Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger and turmeric are both incredible anti-inflammatory herbs with chemical compounds that reduce inflammation, pain, gut health issues, metabolic syndrome, and obesity


Resveratrol is a compound found in red wine, grapes, berries, and peanuts that activate autophagy by inhibiting mTOR through ATP competition

Citrus Bergamot

Citrus bergamot is a unique orange-sized fruit full of antioxidants and health benefits that activates autophagy, especially skin autophagy

Oregano, Sage, and Rosemary

Oregano, sage, and rosemary are fragrant, delicious, anti-inflammatory herbs with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help to activate autophagy
Quercetin is a powerful bioflavonoid that also helps to activate autophagy and fight inflammation .
I gave you a 4:00 minute "intro", I can't spoon feed you more than that.

Ooooooo-kay! I see you didn't get my point.

You didn't tell me a thing about yourself or why YOU want me to waste ten seconds on your video.

But you did say some fine science-ey words.

Nice try.

Didn't the ancients place faith in the benefits of fasting? ~S~
Look at it like this: You are sick on the couch and you are likely not eating. Your body is healing itself. Your dog is sick, and is also not eating, as his body is healing itself.
Now you understand why they wanted Mercola silenced .
He advocated Vitamins C and D at high dosage ( I take 45ug for D and 6000 mg of C daily ) for perfect health and this high dosage will stop Covid in its tracks . Both are anti viral as well as many other benefits .
Both cost "nothing" and earn FDA and CDC nothing . And they work .

Quercetin ( see autophagy herb supplement section above ) is also an excellent and top anti oxidant which will help the body wash out the Killer Shot spike protein . Others are n-acetyl cysteine ( NAC , which runt Fauci tried to remove from sale) and Glutathione
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You didn't tell me a thing about yourself or why YOU want me to waste ten seconds on your video.

But you did say some fine science-ey words.

Nice try.

Recommend it highly .
No nonsense . No mumbo jumbo .
Perhaps too technical for " beginners "imho

In a nutshell it is a holistic approach linked to the very best results from allopathic western type of medicine .

With the leftists, it can never be about the death jab.

It is ALWAYS anything but the death jab.

Good . I doubt we will much mourn their passing where regret has not emerged or where cognitive rigidity has persisted --- for the long term good of our species.

I almost want them gone . For what use will they be when we are next tested ?
The Gullible and the Compliant will be the enemies of real people and any successful future .
There's a problem: mRNA "vaccines" may affect triglycerides, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, etc. They really don't know what they're doing.

Four months is now a circulating mRNA time window, mentioned in this video. Furin cleavage site is mentioned @6:23. Notepad required. 1 year ago.
Quercitin as prophylaxis, yes, because it physically binds to the SARS2 spike, though remembering that not all of the quercitin will get to the intended place (cleavage in the stomach, etc).

23 Nov 2021 Post #864 Where Quercitin Binds to SARS2

Quercitin / Furin

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