A case FOR infanticide argued by 2 left wing professors at Oxford University.


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Just when you thought the religious right couldn’t get any crazier, with its personhood amendments and its attacks on contraception, here comes the academic left with an even crazier idea: after-birth abortion.

No, I didn’t make this up. “Partial-birth abortion” is a term invented by pro-lifers. But “after-birth abortion” is a term invented by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva. In the Journal of Medical Ethics, they propose:

"[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child. Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk."

After-Birth Abortion: The pro-choice case for infanticide.

Dr. Francesca Minerva, a research associate and ethicist at Oxford University, has been receiving death threats after co-writing an article arguing that killing newborns should be as permissible as getting an abortion.

Dr. Francesca Minerva: After-Birth Abortion Article Defended After Death Threats


Where are we heading as a society?
The left has been moving in this direction for awhile now. John Holdren, obama's safe schools czar wants after birth abortion legal up to two years.
The left has been moving in this direction for awhile now. John Holdren, obama's safe schools czar wants after birth abortion legal up to two years.

Have I been in the dark? WTF?

Since when do we compare babies that have been born to abortion? Now they push that a baby who has been born can be murdered for the same reason a fetus is aborted? What the fuck is going on?

I am totally enraged.
Of course you're "outraged". That's because you saw what you wanted to see instead of what it really said.

You forgot to post this part -

Drs. Minerva and Giubilini intended the paper to be a purely academic reflection on the nature of abortion and childcare, and to examine, from an ethicist's standpoint, why certain types of abortions are permitted while others were not. It was meant to be shared among the academic community, continuing a debate within the field of medical ethics that has been present for several decades.


This was a theoretical and academic article, Dr. Minerva told The Sydney Morning Herald.

This is not a proposal for law, she added in an interview with The Irish Independent. This is pure academic discussion.

She herself is against infanticide. One of the crucial points of her article was to distinguish between a newborn and an infant, but even this is a position deeply rooted in the process of logical thought, not personal conviction.

I wish I could explain to people it is not a policy, and I'm not suggesting that and I'm not encouraging that.

Are you sure you want this kind of conversation to be illegal?

And now this idiotic thread will go to several pages while the same bunch of low-information voters act like this is something new and has not been a common practice for as long as human beings have been giving birth.
You forgot to post this part -

Drs. Minerva and Giubilini intended the paper to be a purely academic reflection on the nature of abortion and childcare, and to examine, from an ethicist's standpoint, why certain types of abortions are permitted while others were not. It was meant to be shared among the academic community, continuing a debate within the field of medical ethics that has been present for several decades.


This was a theoretical and academic article, Dr. Minerva told The Sydney Morning Herald.

This is not a proposal for law, she added in an interview with The Irish Independent. This is pure academic discussion.

Are you sure you want this kind of conversation to be illegal?

And now this idiotic thread will go to several pages while the same bunch of low-information voters act like this is something new and has not been a common practice for as long as human beings have been giving birth.

That is what she told the news them after the backlash. The white paper itself was an argument FOR allowing people to kill their children. They never stated in the paper it was for "academic discussion". Their paper has since been scrubbed because of their stating children can be murdered for the same reason people choose to abort. Did they propose it for law, no. Yet they argued it should be legal.

If you believe this thread is idiotic, don't subscribe. Simple, really.
CaféAuLait;9055454 said:
The left has been moving in this direction for awhile now. John Holdren, obama's safe schools czar wants after birth abortion legal up to two years.

Have I been in the dark? WTF?

Since when do we compare babies that have been born to abortion? Now they push that a baby who has been born can be murdered for the same reason a fetus is aborted? What the fuck is going on?

I am totally enraged.

What is going on is the logical devaluation of life. Abort the unborn, murder the children, euthanize the old and sick. We do it to animals.
Oh drop the phony compassion act. I've read enough of your posts to know you're just like katzen - anything BUT compassionate.

You're choosing to make this something its not.

And, as I said, there has never been a time when some newborns were not quietly killed by people who really do have compassion.

Do you know the original meaning for the word "monster". Hint: Its a medical term and you can find anything on the internet.
Up next: Conservatives get irate over Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal".
CaféAuLait;9055454 said:
The left has been moving in this direction for awhile now. John Holdren, obama's safe schools czar wants after birth abortion legal up to two years.

Have I been in the dark? WTF?

Since when do we compare babies that have been born to abortion? Now they push that a baby who has been born can be murdered for the same reason a fetus is aborted? What the fuck is going on?

I am totally enraged.

What is going on is the logical devaluation of life. Abort the unborn, murder the children, euthanize the old and sick. We do it to animals.


WHY do you ALWAYS lie?
CaféAuLait;9055454 said:
Have I been in the dark? WTF?

Since when do we compare babies that have been born to abortion? Now they push that a baby who has been born can be murdered for the same reason a fetus is aborted? What the fuck is going on?

I am totally enraged.

What is going on is the logical devaluation of life. Abort the unborn, murder the children, euthanize the old and sick. We do it to animals.


WHY do you ALWAYS lie?

That wasn't a lie, it was an honest assessment of you people.
Have you ever noticed that many people who oppose abortion are for capital punishment? And vice versa? Everyone chooses which lives get to be "sacred".
Up next: Conservatives get irate over Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal".

By the time they get done changing it to suit their agenda ...

Changing what? The fact you two idiots think giving someone two years after a child's birth to be able to legally kill them is a "modest" proposal? Modest in what sense? Modest as in maybe you think the kid should be able to be aborted until 18 and you would settle for two? Is that your "modest" proposal? A moderate or "modest" position is somewhere in the middle of your line of thinking right? A middle of the road acceptable compromise between two extremes in your mind.

The fact you two morons think you have a supporting argument for this stupid is down right amazing.
Up next: Conservatives get irate over Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal".

By the time they get done changing it to suit their agenda ...

Changing what? The fact you two idiots think giving someone two years after a child's birth to be able to legally kill them is a "modest" proposal? Modest in what sense? Modest as in maybe you think the kid should be able to be aborted until 18 and you would settle for two? Is that your "modest" proposal? A moderate or "modest" position is somewhere in the middle of your line of thinking right? A middle of the road acceptable compromise between two extremes in your mind.

The fact you two morons think you have a supporting argument for this stupid is down right amazing.

Right on cue ... Changing it to suit his agenda.

Anybody surprised?

And now, there will be countless more posts, all ignoring the facts and all beating their breast about the imagined content of the article.

For some rw's this is already fact and you can bet they're repeating their lies all over the internet.
Britain outlawed the death penalty.

This is what they spawned.

Boy, you nutters are really sumthin' else.

Now you're saying that killers and rapists are the same newborn babies.


No, I'm saying that those who carry out or even advocate these "abortions" should be executed slowly and in public. But you knew that and your sympathy for those who promote infanticide clouded your outlook.

Might have been better had you been given first-hand experience. That even might have prevented your reading comprehension issue.
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Have you ever noticed that many people who oppose abortion are for capital punishment? And vice versa? Everyone chooses which lives get to be "sacred".

Lives are sacred based upon the individuals actions. A child in the womb has done no harm, the mother and father have created that child voluntarily in the majority of cases. In those cases where rape or incest are concerned the child is still not responsible nor should be the person paying the price for the crime. Let's make a trade. The child lives and the rapist dies, that seems far more likely to be the logical solution if there needs to be a death in order to get justice.

A person on death row has taken a life in the most heinous way it deserves it's own form of punishment. Had nothing to do with anyone other than the person that performed the crime willingly having to pay the price for that decision. Has nothing to do with an innocent person being killed other than the victim of the crime. No third party is there to take the punishment.

Abortion let's two willing participants in the majority of cases to put the onus of their poor decisions upon a third party, the child. And as a bonus let's those responsible walk away scott free for that decision. How is that justice?
Oh drop the phony compassion act. I've read enough of your posts to know you're just like katzen - anything BUT compassionate.

You're choosing to make this something its not.

And, as I said, there has never been a time when some newborns were not quietly killed by people who really do have compassion.

Do you know the original meaning for the word "monster". Hint: Its a medical term and you can find anything on the internet.

I suppose you did not bother to register the outrage about this was from left winger did you?

Read the OP again.

Just when you thought the religious right couldn’t get any crazier, with its personhood amendments and its attacks on contraception, here comes the academic left with an even crazier idea: after-birth abortion.

No, I didn’t make this up. “Partial-birth abortion” is a term invented by pro-lifers. But “after-birth abortion” is a term invented by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva. In the Journal of Medical Ethics, they propose:

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