A case FOR infanticide argued by 2 left wing professors at Oxford University.

By the time they get done changing it to suit their agenda ...

Changing what? The fact you two idiots think giving someone two years after a child's birth to be able to legally kill them is a "modest" proposal? Modest in what sense? Modest as in maybe you think the kid should be able to be aborted until 18 and you would settle for two? Is that your "modest" proposal? A moderate or "modest" position is somewhere in the middle of your line of thinking right? A middle of the road acceptable compromise between two extremes in your mind.

The fact you two morons think you have a supporting argument for this stupid is down right amazing.

Right on cue ... Changing it to suit his agenda.

Anybody surprised?

And now, there will be countless more posts, all ignoring the facts and all beating their breast about the imagined content of the article.

For some rw's this is already fact and you can bet they're repeating their lies all over the internet.

It is a fact, how am I changing anything?

Let's hear your facts in support of being able to abort 2 year old children. That's your "moderate' stance. Support it or STFU.
Changing what? The fact you two idiots think giving someone two years after a child's birth to be able to legally kill them is a "modest" proposal? Modest in what sense? Modest as in maybe you think the kid should be able to be aborted until 18 and you would settle for two? Is that your "modest" proposal? A moderate or "modest" position is somewhere in the middle of your line of thinking right? A middle of the road acceptable compromise between two extremes in your mind.

The fact you two morons think you have a supporting argument for this stupid is down right amazing.

Right on cue ... Changing it to suit his agenda.

Anybody surprised?

And now, there will be countless more posts, all ignoring the facts and all beating their breast about the imagined content of the article.

For some rw's this is already fact and you can bet they're repeating their lies all over the internet.

It is a fact, how am I changing anything?

Let's hear your facts in support of being able to abort 2 year old children. That's your "moderate' stance. Support it or STFU.

It's smoke and mirrors, instead of addressing the op he accuses people of things and then name calls. Pretends it was never proposed those born be murdered.

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