A challenge for all you party/politician loyalist

In a smaller way yes.
But apathy is the real problem.
It isn't even close.

I don't hold those who aren't political active responsible for anything. If they became active in politics, they'd be lied to by the media and the politicians same as we are. If they chose a side, they'd be chastised by the other side.
what's in it for them?


Patriotism. Honor of the country and their customers. Knowing they were helping people instead of adversely affecting their customers livelihoods, and still making a profit.
no I didn't. Your op is flawed. You can't ignore that one party is in charge of an admin.

I've never denied that. One of those two parties have been in charge for the last 170yrs.
But there's no excuse for people who say "its bidens fault we import oil or don't drill as much as we did before covid."

Is it an excuse? Obviously it's not Biden's fault that we import foreign oil now or before Biden became president. Is it Bidens fault that we no longer get Russian oil. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe the Russians cut us off, and our media is lying about it.
That's one of the problems here. We get our info from either the right or the left. That doesn't mean that one side is honest and the other ain't. So why are we arguing about things that neither side can be sure of?
It is what it is. he allowed the progs to run energy and he pissed off the saudis and UAE, for no reason. Every admin makes mistakes. Acknowledging that is NOT PARTISAN. It's being a realist rather than a snot nosed pussy starting a bs thread.

Again, with the childish insults.

You failed the challenge.
When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
If they increase production, that will reduce the price. Do you think they will do that voluntarily? Of course not.
What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

We already produce more oil than anyone. The challenge for American oil is that our production costs are as much as three times higher than other countries. What we need is increased output from OPEC countries.
We already produce more oil than anyone. The challenge for American oil is that our production costs are as much as three times higher than other countries. What we need is increased output from OPEC countries.

No, we're not even close. Sorry.

If they increase production, that will reduce the price. Do you think they will do that voluntarily? Of course not.

No, they won't do that voluntarily until it's time to do so. Historically speaking it's only after blaming the president for long enough, finally reveals the fact that the president has very little to do with why oil companies reduced their production. After the stock market has been exposed as also being a major contributing factor.
And then there's the process of Americans reducing their consumption, and the renewable markets starts gaining traction.

Then oil companies will produce more and the prices have gone down. This is they exact way it's happened during the last 4 oil boom/bust cycles. And it's the way it'll happen this time.
We already produce more oil than anyone. The challenge for American oil is that our production costs are as much as three times higher than other countries. What we need is increased output from OPEC countries.
Actually the KeystoneXL pipeline would have increased the global oil supply by about 500,000 bpd.
The US peak oil supply in Jan 2020 was about 1,500,000 bpd more than we are pumping now.
I'm not sure why that 1.5m bpd shortfall exists, but at $100/bpd you know the oil companies want to pump that oil. We DON'T want to pay OPEC when we have US oil.
Russian oil/gas fields are larger than our entire country.
This, plus Alaska, is all we really have.
Meh, They have twice as much as the US, Canada has twice what Russia has and Xiden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline, duh.

At very high oil prices you know the oil companies want to produce more.
What is stopping them?
Risk analyses, Lawsuits and government regulations.
Risk analyses: Look what happened to KeystoneXL, they lost $billions on a whim by Joe Xiden.
So why risk losing $billions on energy when Xiden will pull the rug out from under you with an EO?
We need Xiden to undo his stupid "war on energy" EOs.

With profits at record levels why would the oil companies increase production and lower profits.

It's basic economics.

OH, and you proved the OPs point.

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