A challenge for all you party/politician loyalist

When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
Increasing US production has a very limited effect on fuel prices...

Again we have been explaining this...

Oil produced in US doesn't belong to the US people but to multinational companies who sell it to the highest bidder...
Also no elected official can really order a private company to produce something they don't want to.. It is simple, oil companies deliberately reduced supply, this had nothing to do with any Government policy. It seems a planned move.

Even if US increase to there maximum levels, that still would only have a minmal effect on prices... In 2021 US exported more oil than it imported..
Seriously this is a pretty good article on it:

What really need is OPEC to increase production...
When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
How is this possible when the CAUSE of high fuel costs is a POLITICIAN?
So because one party you think is really bad, then it's OK to be owned by the other?

That's retarded.
Ah a master of projection of your own insecurities!

Feel free to show ANY post where I express a loyalty to a master or a desire to "be owned"

Dumbass fucking amateur.
There are two entities on this planet that get what they want from me.

My family
My dog

I vote republican because democrats are fucking idiots. And rather than vote 3 party which typically elects democrats I pull the lever for the right.

I then come home.
Have a beer.
Play with my grandkids.
Sleep soundly.

Get a grip people
Agreed. Parties are certainly a problem. A huge spiderweb of a problem. But I think we put too much emphasis on something we can't do anything about, except defund them. Like the high cost of fuel.
Putting emphasis on the actual issues, without bringing in those responsible for the problem, allows for actual discussion on the problem. Pointing fingers at those responsible is a cop out. We're not talking about a violent crime. But politics and politicians.

Do you see the difference? Politic is like 90% psychological.
Yes and no.

I just do not find the need to pretend that talking about Biden's policies or Trump's policies need be canceled in pretending it is not the policies of those administrations. Same with the shenanigan's in the legislative branch.

It is worth pointing out that you are not going to remove the partisanship with that tact anyway, it is not as though partisans are going to play along. Best practice in my mind is simply ignoring the partisan hacks. It is not as though you are going to learn anything from them and they certainly are not going to bother looking at reality. Let them stew.

The problem is not actually parties anyway, it is the underlying structure that has imparted so much power to those parties. There is no fix in discourse without addressing the underlying problem itself. It WILL fix itself but that rout is painful. It would be better if we collectively addressed it first. I am unsure if that is even possible though.
I agree and disagree. The world market price increase is due to exactly what you just stated. But the oil didn't change. The production of it didn't change. The logistics from the well to the gas station didn't change.
Everything else is just an excuse to increase profits.
The logistics from the well to the gas station absolutely changed. Specifically, the number of sources changed and a significant amount of oil has become unavailable on the larger market.

Hence why you proposed a solution with another logistical change that addresses this. Current sources need to produce more or new sources need to be found.
No, they won't do that voluntarily until it's time to do so. Historically speaking it's only after blaming the president for long enough, finally reveals the fact that the president has very little to do with why oil companies reduced their production. After the stock market has been exposed as also being a major contributing factor.
And then there's the process of Americans reducing their consumption, and the renewable markets starts gaining traction.

Then oil companies will produce more and the prices have gone down. This is they exact way it's happened during the last 4 oil boom/bust cycles. And it's the way it'll happen this time.
Oh really?
So renewables were always a threat through decades?
I didn't know that.

O don't believe it is a boom and bust cycle. I believe they reduced production to force the price up. When did oil ever compete with renewables where it forced the price up or down?
Patriotism. Honor of the country and their customers. Knowing they were helping people instead of adversely affecting their customers livelihoods, and still making a profit.
Hmmmm, welp......perhaps YT'ly, >>>>

Three of the top 10 oil companies in the world are in the United States: Exxon, Chevron and ConocoPhillips. This trio of oil giants, along with other American oil companies, pump billions of dollars annually into the U.S. economy while supplying the energy needs of American businesses and homeowners.

Yet i suspect corporate goals of profit cloaked in the guise of patriotism the real jist

We're i CEO, i'd be more worried we go down the Venezuela trail of nationization

If making people switch to EVs is your answer, that gets another DUH.
Geez. you are a fool.

Do I MAKE you pay $5 a gallon for gas?
Do I make you buy that ginourmous SUV that gets 8 MPG?

Jeebers man! Have you no understanding of how the US economy works?


Do try to be a little less stupid.
You can get 200 of those stickers for like $10 on amazon.
Truckers get a FSC (fuel surcharge). For every 6cent increase in price of fuel, they get an extra 1cent per mile increase in pay. When I was trucking, I was making a killing from the FSC.
When the majority of people reduce their consumption, oil companies will reduce their price to get us to buy more. It's like putting gas on sale.
1. Point being that voters know its Xiden's war on energy that is raising the prices of gas and diesel, its NOT Putin.
2. Some truckers are contract haulers for a fixed price, so they eat the fuel cost or go bankrupt.
3. Agreed, when demand falls, so do prices.
At very high oil prices you know the oil companies want to produce more.
What is stopping them?
Risk analyses, Lawsuits and government regulations.
Risk analyses: Look what happened to KeystoneXL, they lost $billions on a whim by Joe Xiden.
So why risk losing $billions on energy when Xiden will pull the rug out from under you with an EO?
We need Xiden to undo his stupid "war on energy" EOs.

Nothing is stopping them other than the logistics of increasing production.

First 3 years under Trump oil production averaged 15% increase per year.

From Feb 2021 to Feb 2022 US oil production increased 16%.
Geez. you are a fool.
Do I MAKE you pay $5 a gallon for gas?
Do I make you buy that ginourmous SUV that gets 8 MPG?
Jeebers man! Have you no understanding of how the US economy works?
Do try to be a little less stupid.
Agreed the market dictates actions. That said, if you look at the chart below, IMHO it was Xiden's EOs and his war on energy that caused the rapid rise in gas prices. Killing KeystoneXL will take 500,000 bbls /day of supply off the market, his EOs also took 1.5m bpd of US supply off the market from the 2020 peak of production. You say that big oil did that on purpose, I'm not agreeing with that assessment since they pumped more in 2020 for less per barrel.
When Joe said he would end fossil fuels he really meant it.

As far as oil production goes reduce the red tape that companies have to go through in order to drill. I am not saying elminate it or let oil companies go unchecked just make it more reasonable.
Nothing is stopping them other than the logistics of increasing production.
First 3 years under Trump oil production averaged 15% increase per year.
From Feb 2021 to Feb 2022 US oil production increased 16%.
Logistics? They pumped 13m bpd in 2020, those wells are still there.
"Green" Lawsuits, Risk management, Xiden's EOs and increased regulations could account for the drop in production.
The demand is there, and the price is there. Why try to build pipelines when Xiden shuts them down?

Logistics? They pumped 13m bpd in 2020, those wells are still there.

yes they are. But they are shut down and take time and resources to reopen. Do you think the people working those well just sat around for 2 years hoping they would reopen them?

could account for the drop in production.

There is no drop in production, the only drop in production came in 2020
1. Point being that voters know its Xiden's war on energy that is raising the prices of gas and diesel, its NOT Putin.

Biden's little tif with oil ended months ago. I know, that's not your sides talking points. But it's still the fact. Biden is just the president. He can't dictate stock prices or force oil companies to reduce their production levels.

2. Some truckers are contract haulers for a fixed price, so they eat the fuel cost or go bankrupt.

Trucking contracts never EVER get signed without clauses dealing with rising fuel cost. They're as common as the signature line.

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