A challenge for all you party/politician loyalist

Oil pricing is priced like stocks, not like the commodity it is.
So if there is a threat to supply (a war breaks out) the price of the barrel goes up not based on current supply, but a possible low supply. ALSO - like stocks, messaging matters. So when your message is about reducing supply, and demonizing suppliers - that also drives up prices.
To positively effect oil prices you have to do two things:
1) Increase supply. Doesn't have to be an immediate increase, again - oil prices are based on futures, but if you open up a supply - this absolutely lowers costs.
2) You work with suppliers, not demonize them. You open up communication lines - not close them. You use your position and wealth to influence suppliers.

- OR - You can hire Tik Tok people and tell everyone to buy battery powered cars that get their electricity from fossil fuels also.

Reduce Demand.

Has no one here ever seen a simply supply demand curve?

Drive less.
Share the ride
Take public transportation
Set the thermostat properly
Wear a damned sweater!
Duh, you'd rather sell oil at $30/bbl than $100/bbl? Duh.
That, Duh-Master...is YOUR proposal.

Increase supply, prices decrease.
Decrease demand, prices decrease.

Which do you think the oil companies do?

NEITHER because neither increases their profits.
But you go on down and buy that new F350. That'll help.

Basic economics. Republicans used to understand that.
At very high oil prices you know the oil companies want to produce more.
What is stopping them?
Risk analyses, Lawsuits and government regulations.
Risk analyses: Look what happened to KeystoneXL, they lost $billions on a whim by Joe Xiden.
So why risk losing $billions on energy when Xiden will pull the rug out from under you with an EO?
We need Xiden to undo his stupid "war on energy" EOs.

Because the stock price is going to continue to rise. So save until it reaches what they think will be the highest. Why pump 10 million barrels this week at $100 per barrel, when by waiting just a week, it'll hit $130 barrel. 30 X 10 million is $30 million extra.

If you haven't noticed, there's no gas shortage. No long lines at the pumps. No "no gas" signs on the pumps.
When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
What we know about production is that it is meaningless without reliable and efficient transportation to refineries and on to the pump.


I took a huge shit on Biden's face and didn't say one thing about Dimms or Pubtards.
Because the stock price is going to continue to rise. So save until it reaches what they think will be the highest. Why pump 10 million barrels this week at $100 per barrel, when by waiting just a week, it'll hit $130 barrel. 30 X 10 million is $30 million extra.

If you haven't noticed, there's no gas shortage. No long lines at the pumps. No "no gas" signs on the pumps.
There are lines at the pump. Not 1970s lines but lines nonetheless.
What we know about production is that it is meaningless without reliable and efficient transportation to refineries and on to the pump.


I took a huge shit on Biden's face and didn't say one thing about Dimms or Pubtards.

There's always been reliable and efficient transportation to refineries. Be it trucking it to the storage tanks or the refineries themselves. Or a pipeline directly connected to the production tanks.

P.S. Pipelines cost American jobs. And even after all those truckers are put out of work, because the pipelines came in, the price at the pump didn't come down.
That, Duh-Master...is YOUR proposal.
Increase supply, prices decrease.
Decrease demand, prices decrease.
Which do you think the oil companies do?
NEITHER because neither increases their profits.
But you go on down and buy that new F350. That'll help.
Basic economics. Republicans used to understand that.
If making people switch to EVs is your answer, that gets another DUH.
There's always been reliable and efficient transportation to refineries. Be it trucking it to the storage tanks or the refineries themselves. Or a pipeline directly connected to the production tanks.

P.S. Pipelines cost American jobs. And even after all those truckers are put out of work, because the pipelines came in, the price at the pump didn't come down.
Those truckers are not hauling crude to the refinery, they are hauling finished fuel to the pump. Crude only travels 3 ways in an significant manner. Boat, rail, and pipe.

Warren Buffett loves his rail monopolies.
Because the stock price is going to continue to rise. So save until it reaches what they think will be the highest. Why pump 10 million barrels this week at $100 per barrel, when by waiting just a week, it'll hit $130 barrel. 30 X 10 million is $30 million extra.
If you haven't noticed, there's no gas shortage. No long lines at the pumps. No "no gas" signs on the pumps.
1. I saw signs on the pumps Biden saying "I DID THIS"
2. I saw truckers post a $1052 diesel fillup, saying this is why he's going out of business
3. I agree that there are no gas lines, people are driving less, and working from home
When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
It is a nonsensical discussion if you leave out ALL parties and politicians as any political discussion is going to center around policy. And policy ties directly into parties and what they are supporting.

For instance, the high cost of oil is directly related not only to policies and rhetoric, as that matters to a degree as well though smaller, but right now is mostly due to world wide turmoil and the necessary sanctions on Russian oil during this time.

It would be a strange conversation that talks about current FP while leaving out any references to the last three administrations at the very least.
1. I saw signs on the pumps Biden saying "I DID THIS"

You can get 200 of those stickers for like $10 on amazon.
2. I saw truckers post a $1052 diesel fillup, saying this is why he's going out of business

Truckers get a FSC (fuel surcharge). For every 6cent increase in price of fuel, they get an extra 1cent per mile increase in pay. When I was trucking, I was making a killing from the FSC.
3. I agree that there are no gas lines, people are driving less, and working from home

When the majority of people reduce their consumption, oil companies will reduce their price to get us to buy more. It's like putting gas on sale.
Those truckers are not hauling crude to the refinery, they are hauling finished fuel to the pump. Crude only travels 3 ways in an significant manner. Boat, rail, and pipe.

Warren Buffett loves his rail monopolies.

That's no necessarily true. Trucks pick up oil from smaller production tanks. These tanks have to be maintained by trucks because the salt water that also goes into the production tanks (with the oil) has be pumped regularly. Then pumped back into the same cavity in which the oil is produced. One cavity may have 100 production tanks and 70 wells. Because the cavity is pressurize, salt waters has to be pumped with pressure.
This also helps keep the cavity pressurized and producing oil.
When debating an issue, leave out all parties and all politicians.

Example: High cost of fuel:

What we need now, is for American oil companies to increase production.

See how easy that was? No childish name calling. No crazy conspiracy theory that you found on some crazy conspiracy website full of half truths. Just your solution to fixing it.
They won’t increase it because Biden has put 14 new regulations on oil
That's no necessarily true. Trucks pick up oil from smaller production tanks. These tanks have to be maintained by trucks because the salt water that also goes into the production tanks (with the oil) has be pumped regularly. Then pumped back into the same cavity in which the oil is produced. One cavity may have 100 production tanks and 70 wells. Because the cavity is pressurize, salt waters has to be pumped with pressure.
This also helps keep the cavity pressurized and producing oil.
It seems that the percentage of oil products moved by truck is so vanishingly small that the DoT does not even list the method. The VAST majority is done by pipeline and that really makes sense.

That's no necessarily true. Trucks pick up oil from smaller production tanks. These tanks have to be maintained by trucks because the salt water that also goes into the production tanks (with the oil) has be pumped regularly. Then pumped back into the same cavity in which the oil is produced. One cavity may have 100 production tanks and 70 wells. Because the cavity is pressurize, salt waters has to be pumped with pressure.
This also helps keep the cavity pressurized and producing oil.
That's why I said "significant."

There is no way to haul by rail and trucking alone.
It is a nonsensical discussion if you leave out ALL parties and politicians as any political discussion is going to center around policy. And policy ties directly into parties and what they are supporting.

Agreed. Parties are certainly a problem. A huge spiderweb of a problem. But I think we put too much emphasis on something we can't do anything about, except defund them. Like the high cost of fuel.
Putting emphasis on the actual issues, without bringing in those responsible for the problem, allows for actual discussion on the problem. Pointing fingers at those responsible is a cop out. We're not talking about a violent crime. But politics and politicians.

Do you see the difference? Politic is like 90% psychological.

For instance, the high cost of oil is directly related not only to policies and rhetoric, as that matters to a degree as well though smaller, but right now is mostly due to world wide turmoil and the necessary sanctions on Russian oil during this time.

I agree and disagree. The world market price increase is due to exactly what you just stated. But the oil didn't change. The production of it didn't change. The logistics from the well to the gas station didn't change.
Everything else is just an excuse to increase profits.
They won’t increase it because Biden has put 14 new regulations on oil

Obviously, Biden pissed off the oil companies. And so in retaliation, the oil companies reduce production.
Who's paying for it? Biden? No, we are.
It seems that the percentage of oil products moved by truck is so vanishingly small that the DoT does not even list the method. The VAST majority is done by pipeline and that really makes sense.

You're simply not looking in the right places. There's still thousands upon thousands of these jobs. I pulled a tanker for many years.


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