A Change of Heart


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Suddenly, amid the drastic failure of Obamacare, our president immediately pivoted to immigration reform. If that isn't a designed maneuver, then I don't know what is. It is a clear sign that things aren't going as he had hoped.

WASHINGTON – President Obama shifted focus Thursday from the pile-up of problems related to the rollout of his health care law to another prickly political topic: immigration.

Obama made his case for comprehensive reform at a White House event and insisted that Congress had enough time to pass the immigration bill by the end of the year.

“It doesn’t get easier to put it off,” Obama said.

Over the summer, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill on immigration, but the measure has stalled since being sent to the House.

The lower chamber of Congress has just five legislative weeks left to push the plan through – something Obama as well as House Speaker John Boehner believes can be accomplished.

“I still think immigration reform is an important subject that needs to be addressed,” Boehner told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference earlier this week. “And I’m hopeful.”

However, almost immediately following the president’s speech, Boehner’s press spokesman released a statement saying the speaker was opposed to the Senate immigration package.

A pivot in priorities? Obama touts immigration reform | Fox News
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

How cute. In my world, you own up to your failures, you don't run from them like a coward. Yet here he is running like a scared animal from the mess he's created.
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I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

Obamacare is such a huge failure. I don't think he can recuperate from this one.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

How cute. In my world, you own up to your failures, you don't run from them like a coward. Funny how you will never hold him accountable for this.

Uh yeah, when your "signature achievement" is a signature failure, you can expect people to put your feet to the fire over it. He is doing everything in his power to escape it. He's running from it, Old Rocks.

So two weeks in and it's a complete failure? I'm glad you are sitting in your basement and not working on Cancer research. Medicare was a disaster the first couple of years but you know what, after awhile it started working and people liked it.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

In the real world once you f*ck up one project so bad it's a glaring failure you aren't handed another one to further your incompetence.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

How cute. In my world, you own up to your failures, you don't run from them like a coward. Funny how you will never hold him accountable for this.

Uh yeah, when your "signature achievement" is a signature failure, you can expect people to put your feet to the fire over it. He is doing everything in his power to escape it. He's running from it, Old Rocks.

So two weeks in and it's a complete failure? I'm glad you are sitting in your basement and not working on Cancer research. Medicare was a disaster the first couple of years but you know what, after awhile it started working and people liked it.

Almost four weeks to be precise. Yes. If Democrats are calling for it to be delayed, you know it's a failure. Frankly your inability to perceive time is not all that surprising. I'm glad you are sitting in your little liberal shell doling out insults instead of arguments as you always do. Please take yourself and your tantrums elsewhere.
And [MENTION=20866]Dutch[/MENTION], your tirade begs the question:

Are you signed up for Obamacare? No? Then how come you think it isn't a failure?

I didn't think so.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

No, it's more like he lost a tremendous amount of voters from the failure of Obamacare, so he needs to use his divide and conquer tactics on an entirely different demographic in order to recover a portion of those lost votes.
I see. In your world, one can only work on one issue at a time? Perhaps a kid like yourself with little experiance in life can afford to operate in that manner, but we adults usually have a number of irons in the fire.

How cute. In my world, you own up to your failures, you don't run from them like a coward. Funny how you will never hold him accountable for this.

Uh yeah, when your "signature achievement" is a signature failure, you can expect people to put your feet to the fire over it. He is doing everything in his power to escape it. He's running from it, Old Rocks.

So two weeks in and it's a complete failure? I'm glad you are sitting in your basement and not working on Cancer research. Medicare was a disaster the first couple of years but you know what, after awhile it started working and people liked it.

Do you know who you guys hired to set up your healthcare internet system?


Ontario fired them.



Because they were such a fuck up.
You guys are so FUBAR'D.

Canadian provincial health officials last year fired the parent company of CGI Federal, the prime contractor for the problem-plagued Obamacare health exchange websites, the Washington Examiner has learned.

CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry.

The online registry was supposed to be up and running by June 2011.

Officials at the U.S. government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded six technology contracts worth $87 million to CGI Federal for Obamacare website work, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Canadian officials fired IT firm behind troubled Obamacare website | WashingtonExaminer.com
You guys are so FUBAR'D.

Canadian provincial health officials last year fired the parent company of CGI Federal, the prime contractor for the problem-plagued Obamacare health exchange websites, the Washington Examiner has learned.

CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry.

The online registry was supposed to be up and running by June 2011.

Officials at the U.S. government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded six technology contracts worth $87 million to CGI Federal for Obamacare website work, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Canadian officials fired IT firm behind troubled Obamacare website | WashingtonExaminer.com

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