A Child's View from Gaza





Jewish source---> Book Review: ā€˜A Childā€™s View from Gaza: Palestinian Childrenā€™s Art and the Fight Against Censorshipā€™

Uda Walker - Discover the Networks
Barbara Lubin - Discover the Networks
Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) - Discover the Networks
  • Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli organization
  • Founder Barbara Lubin is allied with Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist sect aligned with Communist North Korea

Founded in 1988 by Barbara Lubin, the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) describes itself as ā€œa non-profit organization working for justice in the Middle East, focusing on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel and Occupied Iraq.ā€ Viewing the Iraqi and Palestinian peoples, respectively, as victims of American and Israeli oppression, MECA claims that since its inception it has ā€œbrought over $8 million of much needed relief to besieged communities in Iraq and Palestine through emergency medical aid and direct aid to families and communities.ā€ Among the projects funded by this organization are: childrenā€™s clinics and family mental health projects in various refugee camps throughout what MECA calls the ā€œOccupied West Bank and Gaza,ā€ as well as various community projects for children including, playgrounds, libraries, and youth centers.

ā€œOur work in the United States,ā€ says MECA (which calls the U.S. occupation of Iraq ā€œillegalā€ and accuses the U.S. of "purposefully" targeting civilian areas), ā€œis centered ā€¦ on educating North Americans about U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, the affect it has on children, families and communities there, and the connection these policies have to our own communities. Through public lectures, audio-visual, presentations, teach-ins, demonstrations, and community work we dispel the myths and raise awareness about the history behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the current situation in the Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq and the role of U.S. policy in maintaining and perpetuating instability and conflict in the Middle East. ā€¦ We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they seek freedom from oppression and we support the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.ā€

MECA is a member organization of International ANSWERā€™s steering committee, the Justice in Palestine Coalition, the Middle East Policy Advisory Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Movement's divestiture project, the United For Peace and Justice antiwar coalition, and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

MECA is also the fiscal sponsor for the International Solidarity Movement(ISM). According to investigative journalist Lee Kaplan:

"[T]he Berkeley, [California] P.O. Box to which ISM supporters can send their tax-deductible donations matches that of the Middle East Childrenā€™s Alliance, one of the organizations that the ISM had previously used to launder money ... The ISM's website tells anyone wishing to donate now to make checks payable to A.J. Muste Foundation in New York and [to] write ISM-USA in the corner, but [the website] directs [that] the checks be sent to the Middle East Children's Alliance for cashing."

MECAā€™s Board of Directors and Board of Advisors have at one time or another included such individuals as the co-founders of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, James Abourezk and James Zogby; Ibrahim Abu Lughod (currently a member of the Palestine National Council); Fathi Arafat (the brother of Yasser Arafat); Noam Chomsky; Ramsey Clark; Ron Dellums (a socialist who is the current Mayor of Oakland, California, and who served as a U.S. Congressman in that state from 1971 to 1998); Gus Newport (MECAā€™s current President, the former Mayor of Berkeley, and the onetime General Manager of Pacifica Radio affiliate KFPA); Father William Oā€™Donnell (a liberation theologian who was sentenced to a six-month jail term for protesting the School of the Americas); Edward Said (the late Columbia University professor and a member of the Palestine National Council); Maudelle Shirek (a former Berkeley City Council member suspected of having close ties to the Communist Party); Maxine Waters; and Leonard Weinglass.

MECA supports the Ibaada Center in the West Bank, which the Jerusalem Postdescribes as an indoctrination center that teaches Arab children to reject Israelā€™s existence and to support Palestinian terrorism aimed ultimately at conquering Israel by violence. The Centerā€™s walls are festooned with scenes of terrorist "resistance."

MECA has also promoted a clinic in Gaza, the Union of Health Work Committees, whose former manager was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

MECA spokeswoman Penny Rosenwasser and Executive Director Barbara Lubin are both allied with the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. MECAā€™s Political Education Coordinator is Uda Walker, who has visited American high-school campuses with the organization Voices in the Wilderness during school hours, and who has denounced U.S. foreign policy before audiences in the United Kingdom.

The Middle East Children's Alliance's recent activities include the following:

  • a 24-hour ā€œSupport Cindy Sheehanā€ vigil in San Francisco in August 2005

  • a September 24, 2005 antiwar march in San Francisco, where every conceivable aspect of American foreign policy came under attack. The rallyā€™s themes included: ā€œEnd Colonial Occupation: Iraq, Palestine, Haiti...ā€; ā€œSupport the Palestinian Peopleā€™s Right of Returnā€; ā€œMilitary Recruiters Out of Our Schoolsā€; ā€œStop the Racist, Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Labor Offensiveā€; ā€œU.S. Out of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Afghanistanā€; and ā€œStop the Threats Against Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.ā€

  • a "Wheels of Justice Bus Tour," where MECA members joined their counterparts from Al-Awda, the International Solidarity Movement, and Voices in the Wilderness in a two-year ā€œnonviolent educational tour against war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine and for justice and universal human rights.ā€
In 2004, MECA was a signatory -- along with more than 200 other leftist organizations -- to a letter exhorting members of the U.S. Senate to oppose Israelā€™s construction of an anti-terrorist security fence in the West Bank, characterizing the barrier as an illegal "apartheid wall" that violated the civil and human rights of Palestinians.
Total Moron
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.
You say that you are not a Zionist Jew

When did I say I was not a Zionist Jew?
Some time ago,infact I think you said you were not Jewish at all...but it all now makes sense,the reason you are so RABID

Folks I want to make quite clear that most Jews are very decent,I have many Jewish friends,...most can see the injustice to the Palestinians......They are not at all like the RABID ZIONISTS ON HERE,who not only despise the Palestinians,they too despise the Orthodox Jews and any Jews that don't agree with their Flawed Manifesto and Mantra...THEY THE ZIONIST/ISM IS A DISPICABLE TERRORIST CULT,THAT PREACHES HATE....THIS ORGANIZATION SHOULD BE BANNED WORLDWIDE

Uda Walker - Discover the Networks
Barbara Lubin - Discover the Networks
Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) - Discover the Networks
  • Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli organization
  • Founder Barbara Lubin is allied with Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist sect aligned with Communist North Korea

Founded in 1988 by Barbara Lubin, the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) describes itself as ā€œa non-profit organization working for justice in the Middle East, focusing on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel and Occupied Iraq.ā€ Viewing the Iraqi and Palestinian peoples, respectively, as victims of American and Israeli oppression, MECA claims that since its inception it has ā€œbrought over $8 million of much needed relief to besieged communities in Iraq and Palestine through emergency medical aid and direct aid to families and communities.ā€ Among the projects funded by this organization are: childrenā€™s clinics and family mental health projects in various refugee camps throughout what MECA calls the ā€œOccupied West Bank and Gaza,ā€ as well as various community projects for children including, playgrounds, libraries, and youth centers.

ā€œOur work in the United States,ā€ says MECA (which calls the U.S. occupation of Iraq ā€œillegalā€ and accuses the U.S. of "purposefully" targeting civilian areas), ā€œis centered ā€¦ on educating North Americans about U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, the affect it has on children, families and communities there, and the connection these policies have to our own communities. Through public lectures, audio-visual, presentations, teach-ins, demonstrations, and community work we dispel the myths and raise awareness about the history behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the current situation in the Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq and the role of U.S. policy in maintaining and perpetuating instability and conflict in the Middle East. ā€¦ We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they seek freedom from oppression and we support the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.ā€

MECA is a member organization of International ANSWERā€™s steering committee, the Justice in Palestine Coalition, the Middle East Policy Advisory Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Movement's divestiture project, the United For Peace and Justice antiwar coalition, and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

MECA is also the fiscal sponsor for the International Solidarity Movement(ISM). According to investigative journalist Lee Kaplan:

"[T]he Berkeley, [California] P.O. Box to which ISM supporters can send their tax-deductible donations matches that of the Middle East Childrenā€™s Alliance, one of the organizations that the ISM had previously used to launder money ... The ISM's website tells anyone wishing to donate now to make checks payable to A.J. Muste Foundation in New York and [to] write ISM-USA in the corner, but [the website] directs [that] the checks be sent to the Middle East Children's Alliance for cashing."

MECAā€™s Board of Directors and Board of Advisors have at one time or another included such individuals as the co-founders of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, James Abourezk and James Zogby; Ibrahim Abu Lughod (currently a member of the Palestine National Council); Fathi Arafat (the brother of Yasser Arafat); Noam Chomsky; Ramsey Clark; Ron Dellums (a socialist who is the current Mayor of Oakland, California, and who served as a U.S. Congressman in that state from 1971 to 1998); Gus Newport (MECAā€™s current President, the former Mayor of Berkeley, and the onetime General Manager of Pacifica Radio affiliate KFPA); Father William Oā€™Donnell (a liberation theologian who was sentenced to a six-month jail term for protesting the School of the Americas); Edward Said (the late Columbia University professor and a member of the Palestine National Council); Maudelle Shirek (a former Berkeley City Council member suspected of having close ties to the Communist Party); Maxine Waters; and Leonard Weinglass.

MECA supports the Ibaada Center in the West Bank, which the Jerusalem Postdescribes as an indoctrination center that teaches Arab children to reject Israelā€™s existence and to support Palestinian terrorism aimed ultimately at conquering Israel by violence. The Centerā€™s walls are festooned with scenes of terrorist "resistance."

MECA has also promoted a clinic in Gaza, the Union of Health Work Committees, whose former manager was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

MECA spokeswoman Penny Rosenwasser and Executive Director Barbara Lubin are both allied with the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. MECAā€™s Political Education Coordinator is Uda Walker, who has visited American high-school campuses with the organization Voices in the Wilderness during school hours, and who has denounced U.S. foreign policy before audiences in the United Kingdom.

The Middle East Children's Alliance's recent activities include the following:

  • a 24-hour ā€œSupport Cindy Sheehanā€ vigil in San Francisco in August 2005

  • a September 24, 2005 antiwar march in San Francisco, where every conceivable aspect of American foreign policy came under attack. The rallyā€™s themes included: ā€œEnd Colonial Occupation: Iraq, Palestine, Haiti...ā€; ā€œSupport the Palestinian Peopleā€™s Right of Returnā€; ā€œMilitary Recruiters Out of Our Schoolsā€; ā€œStop the Racist, Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Labor Offensiveā€; ā€œU.S. Out of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Afghanistanā€; and ā€œStop the Threats Against Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.ā€

  • a "Wheels of Justice Bus Tour," where MECA members joined their counterparts from Al-Awda, the International Solidarity Movement, and Voices in the Wilderness in a two-year ā€œnonviolent educational tour against war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine and for justice and universal human rights.ā€
In 2004, MECA was a signatory -- along with more than 200 other leftist organizations -- to a letter exhorting members of the U.S. Senate to oppose Israelā€™s construction of an anti-terrorist security fence in the West Bank, characterizing the barrier as an illegal "apartheid wall" that violated the civil and human rights of Palestinians.
Total Moron
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
Huh. I did not think that I had ever said one way or another on this board whether I was Jewish or not.

Still. I stand by my post. Saying that both Palestinian and Israeli children (and adults) are traumatized by the conflict doesn't seem to be a particularily hateful or evil thing to say.
Huh. I did not think that I had ever said one way or another on this board whether I was Jewish or not.

Still. I stand by my post. Saying that both Palestinian and Israeli children (and adults) are traumatized by the conflict doesn't seem to be a particularily hateful or evil thing to say.
Your Hypocricy knows NO BOUNDS,you are Happy with the Zionist Trash and the treatment of the Palestinian (Children in this case).......YET YOU ARE CRYING CROCODILE TEARS,about how traumatised they are,..........YOU ARE SICK and HIEDIOUS WITH IT....
Uda Walker - Discover the Networks
Barbara Lubin - Discover the Networks
Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) - Discover the Networks
  • Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli organization
  • Founder Barbara Lubin is allied with Workers World Party, a Marxist-Leninist sect aligned with Communist North Korea

Founded in 1988 by Barbara Lubin, the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) describes itself as ā€œa non-profit organization working for justice in the Middle East, focusing on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel and Occupied Iraq.ā€ Viewing the Iraqi and Palestinian peoples, respectively, as victims of American and Israeli oppression, MECA claims that since its inception it has ā€œbrought over $8 million of much needed relief to besieged communities in Iraq and Palestine through emergency medical aid and direct aid to families and communities.ā€ Among the projects funded by this organization are: childrenā€™s clinics and family mental health projects in various refugee camps throughout what MECA calls the ā€œOccupied West Bank and Gaza,ā€ as well as various community projects for children including, playgrounds, libraries, and youth centers.

ā€œOur work in the United States,ā€ says MECA (which calls the U.S. occupation of Iraq ā€œillegalā€ and accuses the U.S. of "purposefully" targeting civilian areas), ā€œis centered ā€¦ on educating North Americans about U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, the affect it has on children, families and communities there, and the connection these policies have to our own communities. Through public lectures, audio-visual, presentations, teach-ins, demonstrations, and community work we dispel the myths and raise awareness about the history behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the current situation in the Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq and the role of U.S. policy in maintaining and perpetuating instability and conflict in the Middle East. ā€¦ We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they seek freedom from oppression and we support the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.ā€

MECA is a member organization of International ANSWERā€™s steering committee, the Justice in Palestine Coalition, the Middle East Policy Advisory Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Movement's divestiture project, the United For Peace and Justice antiwar coalition, and the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

MECA is also the fiscal sponsor for the International Solidarity Movement(ISM). According to investigative journalist Lee Kaplan:

"[T]he Berkeley, [California] P.O. Box to which ISM supporters can send their tax-deductible donations matches that of the Middle East Childrenā€™s Alliance, one of the organizations that the ISM had previously used to launder money ... The ISM's website tells anyone wishing to donate now to make checks payable to A.J. Muste Foundation in New York and [to] write ISM-USA in the corner, but [the website] directs [that] the checks be sent to the Middle East Children's Alliance for cashing."

MECAā€™s Board of Directors and Board of Advisors have at one time or another included such individuals as the co-founders of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, James Abourezk and James Zogby; Ibrahim Abu Lughod (currently a member of the Palestine National Council); Fathi Arafat (the brother of Yasser Arafat); Noam Chomsky; Ramsey Clark; Ron Dellums (a socialist who is the current Mayor of Oakland, California, and who served as a U.S. Congressman in that state from 1971 to 1998); Gus Newport (MECAā€™s current President, the former Mayor of Berkeley, and the onetime General Manager of Pacifica Radio affiliate KFPA); Father William Oā€™Donnell (a liberation theologian who was sentenced to a six-month jail term for protesting the School of the Americas); Edward Said (the late Columbia University professor and a member of the Palestine National Council); Maudelle Shirek (a former Berkeley City Council member suspected of having close ties to the Communist Party); Maxine Waters; and Leonard Weinglass.

MECA supports the Ibaada Center in the West Bank, which the Jerusalem Postdescribes as an indoctrination center that teaches Arab children to reject Israelā€™s existence and to support Palestinian terrorism aimed ultimately at conquering Israel by violence. The Centerā€™s walls are festooned with scenes of terrorist "resistance."

MECA has also promoted a clinic in Gaza, the Union of Health Work Committees, whose former manager was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

MECA spokeswoman Penny Rosenwasser and Executive Director Barbara Lubin are both allied with the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. MECAā€™s Political Education Coordinator is Uda Walker, who has visited American high-school campuses with the organization Voices in the Wilderness during school hours, and who has denounced U.S. foreign policy before audiences in the United Kingdom.

The Middle East Children's Alliance's recent activities include the following:

  • a 24-hour ā€œSupport Cindy Sheehanā€ vigil in San Francisco in August 2005

  • a September 24, 2005 antiwar march in San Francisco, where every conceivable aspect of American foreign policy came under attack. The rallyā€™s themes included: ā€œEnd Colonial Occupation: Iraq, Palestine, Haiti...ā€; ā€œSupport the Palestinian Peopleā€™s Right of Returnā€; ā€œMilitary Recruiters Out of Our Schoolsā€; ā€œStop the Racist, Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Labor Offensiveā€; ā€œU.S. Out of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Afghanistanā€; and ā€œStop the Threats Against Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.ā€

  • a "Wheels of Justice Bus Tour," where MECA members joined their counterparts from Al-Awda, the International Solidarity Movement, and Voices in the Wilderness in a two-year ā€œnonviolent educational tour against war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine and for justice and universal human rights.ā€
In 2004, MECA was a signatory -- along with more than 200 other leftist organizations -- to a letter exhorting members of the U.S. Senate to oppose Israelā€™s construction of an anti-terrorist security fence in the West Bank, characterizing the barrier as an illegal "apartheid wall" that violated the civil and human rights of Palestinians.
Total Moron
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
Total Moron
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D

Well one can be full of guile but not full of cunn. Why is that?
Total Moron
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
So Goose to interprete your mixed metaphors ,here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!??????steve
Hi Steve
They got sold a stolen car. The Ottoman Turks sold European Jews the land in the 19th century. Arabic nomads lived there. It's a bit like what happened to our aboriginals. The Ottomans sold land to some Jews. The Jews built dwellings there over time and eventually the nomadic Arabs realized what was going to happen. It took them a while because they had just kept living same as always under the Ottomans and didn't expect a full scale settlement, as really started to occur in the 20th century.

It's like if you bought a car that had finance owing on it or it was stolen.
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
So Goose to interprete your mixed metaphors ,here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!??????steve

"A childs view from gaza...."

"here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!?????"?"

.....no more for you bloke. how about a little *naptime*
I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
So Goose to interprete your mixed metaphors ,here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!??????steve

"A childs view from gaza...."

"here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!?????"?"

.....no more for you bloke. how about a little *naptime*

Internships at Hasbro?!

Working in a toy factory would be AWESOME!

I now realize you are as thick as two bricks,your analogy is pathetic and so ridiculous although by accident,you have exposed certain well know charistaristics sic of the ZIONIST
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
So Goose to interprete your mixed metaphors ,here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!??????steve

"A childs view from gaza...."

"here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!?????"?"

.....no more for you bloke. how about a little *naptime*
V as in two fingers outwardly facing you
Well no one has ever accused me of being super intelligent.

Well you got that right but you really should have omitted the word "SUPER" from your prose...LOL...just teasing,steve
I have often been called clever. Stupid but clever. Not cunning or guileful. I'm naive and gullible. Not intelligent or quick, but very clever :D
So Goose to interprete your mixed metaphors ,here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!??????steve

"A childs view from gaza...."

"here I go...CLEVER,CLEVER,VERY CLEVER,CUNNINGLESS,UNGUILEFUL,GULLIBLE AND NAIVE...........HUMMM.....I suppose Goose,I end with,STUPID<STUPID>STUPID ....NOT INTELLIGENT OR QUICK BUT EXTREMELY CLEVER<CLEVER<CLEVER............................................................................................................!!!!!!!?????"?"

.....no more for you bloke. how about a little *naptime*

View attachment 113099

I really don't understand your *weirdo* reasoning in which you replied with this....picture/habara place...

makes no #@!$ sense (well, only in your warped mind)....

....seems like a nice decent place for young [adult] jewish people....

...and upon examining this picture - look at those kids:

one kid w/his cool 60's sunglasses and T-shirt....

...and the girl !!!! woe...........you can see her eyebrows and her long-flowing hair. Look how purdy she is.

She "ain't" wrapped up like some grim-reaper black mummy (like in your world.........)

no [forced] kerchif on her head. thank God. Those kerchifs....A sure sign of....MADNESS !!!

madness i tell ya!

is this how you dress Mr. Montelaticci, LoL.........(i dunno, for all i know, you could be a black buddist, or atheist midget) --- i don't know, but speaking of that -- are you a practicing muslim mista monte ? if you have the nerve to answer that, it would be of help to [me], so when i read your posts, I'll be like:

ohhhhh, that's WHY he feels that way cause... he's a practicing muslim guy. Hmm. ok.............(p.s.: this picture......all these years, <if its a real pix and not a joke> - it's so disturbing and makes no sense to me..

...mr. imam....taking their picture --- pathetic ).


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As an addition to your post Louie,the following statement from David Ben Gurion,Israel's 1st Prime Minister..."If I were a Palestinian Leader....I WOULD NEVER SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH ISRAEL...It is normal;WE HAVE TAKEN THEIR COUNTRY. It is true GOD (!!!!???...me) promised it to us,but how could that interest them?Our God is not theirs.There has been anti-Semitism,The Nazis,Hitler,Auschwitz,but was that the Palestinians Fault? NO.......We have come and we have STOLEN THEIR COUNTRY".

I would like to hear a response to this Statement by Modern(Contradition in Terms LOL) Rabid Zionists on this Board...even better if Nit and Yar-Hoo aka BIBI? would answer.steve
As an addition to your post Louie,the following statement from David Ben Gurion,Israel's 1st Prime Minister..."If I were a Palestinian Leader....I WOULD NEVER SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH ISRAEL...It is normal;WE HAVE TAKEN THEIR COUNTRY. It is true GOD (!!!!???...me) promised it to us,but how could that interest them?Our God is not theirs.There has been anti-Semitism,The Nazis,Hitler,Auschwitz,but was that the Palestinians Fault? NO.......We have come and we have STOLEN THEIR COUNTRY".

I would like to hear a response to this Statement by Modern(Contradition in Terms LOL) Rabid Zionists on this Board...even better if Nit and Yar-Hoo aka BIBI? would answer.steve
I know and I love it when they told the truth. It makes it all the more fun watching the denial clowns.
The story of poor little Ahmad.

Protecting children from violations and abuse in Gaza

Ahmad is not alone in this experience ā€“ the situation in the State of Palestine has taken a heavy toll on many of the children living in Gaza. With an unemployment rate of 43 per cent ā€“ one of the highest in the world ā€“ nearly 40 per cent of Gazans fall below the poverty line, and some 80 per cent of Gazaā€™s 1.9 million people depend on humanitarian assistance.

Families often cope by sending their children into the labour market, or into child marriage. Ninety-five per cent of children aged 1ā€“14 experience psychosocial aggression or physical punishment, and 29 per cent of girls are married before age 18.

To be a vulnerable child facing sexual abuse or violence in this context, where even the most basic needs of food or shelter are not ensured, is frightening.

Poor little Ahmad. The wondrous Islamist paradise has failed him.

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