A Christian response to Halloween

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This video discusses how Christians should respond to Halloween. Handing out bible tracts is always a great response, praying against it, spiritual warfare, exposing it, sharing Jesus Christ with others, preaching the Gospel, sharing the truth about the history of Halloween. That is the right response for Christians concerning Halloween. No Christian should have anything to do with Halloween! Have nothing to do with the works of darkness. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ! Pray for those who do not understand the truth about this satanic holiday. Learn the truth and share it with others.

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Imagine tricking Jeremiah into consuming some LSD or some DMT. Can you even imagine what that would be like! That would be freakin' crazy awesome trippin' with Jeri lmao
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This video discusses how Christians should respond to Halloween. Handing out bible tracts is always a great response, praying against it, spiritual warfare, exposing it, sharing Jesus Christ with others, preaching the Gospel, sharing the truth about the history of Halloween. That is the right response for Christians concerning Halloween. No Christian should have anything to do with Halloween! Have nothing to do with the works of darkness. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ! Pray for those who do not understand the truth about this satanic holiday. Learn the truth and share it with others.

So then shouldn't people stop whining about a 'war on Christmas'? If you should shun the thing that is against you then wtf is Bile Ori'ly crying about every year ad naseum.

Kristians certainly think in a closed loop.
This video discusses how Christians should respond to Halloween.
that is your problem Jer, christianities meaning is for everyone or no one you fail from the very beginning ... it's a secular holiday for everyone to enjoy.

This video discusses how Christians should respond to Halloween. Handing out bible tracts is always a great response, praying against it, spiritual warfare, exposing it, sharing Jesus Christ with others, preaching the Gospel, sharing the truth about the history of Halloween. That is the right response for Christians concerning Halloween. No Christian should have anything to do with Halloween! Have nothing to do with the works of darkness. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ! Pray for those who do not understand the truth about this satanic holiday. Learn the truth and share it with others.

As with most holidays in the US, whatever they originally were about is not what they're about now. Christmas is the most obvious. Nothing religous about Santa, flying reindeer, and presents. Halloween too is about giving to your community while playing dress-up, not whatever pagan thing it originally began as.

When religious people try and oppose a cultural celebration they only hurt themselves longterm. It's about kids in costumes and candy. Not the oogy woogy forces of darkness. Look more a part of the occult side of it opposing it than anything.
It's one thing to shun another religion's holiday. Fine, do that, Jer.

But don't lie about it. I'm pretty sure lying is a major taboo in your religion. If you have to go against your own religion's standards in order to promote hate for another religion, then you are a problem.

Note that I said you are a problem, not that you have one.

You need to take a good hard look at yourself and schedule a long talk with a theologian.
Jeremiah has a conniption fit when people misrepresent her faith, but she has zero issues with misrepresenting someone else's.
As a Christian, I just view it as a fun evening for the kids to go out and get some free candy and for the neighborhood to gather and socialize.

God knows our hearts. If they are sincere in a kind and loving way with no un-Godly intent.....

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