A Christmas Gift from James Madison: The Virginia Resolutions of 1798


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Resolutions drafted by James Madison and passed by Virginia on Dec 21. and 24, 1798, answer a timeless question: What do we do when the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds?

All too often, we simply ignore unconstitutional federal overreach. But James Madison had other ideas. The man known as “The Father of the Constitution” insisted states are “duty bound, to interpose” and arrest “the progress of the evil.”

Madison made this emphatic statement in the Virginia Resolutions of 1798, a document he drafted in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts.

A Christmas Gift from James Madison: The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 | | Tenth Amendment Center

Our Founders were wise men with vision.
Funny how a three term democrat in the 20th century managed to revive the "alien and sedition act" under a slightly different name and lock up American citizens without due process for the crime of being Japanese. The media supported it and the Supreme Court supported it. What does it show us? Gifts from the Founding Fathers might easily be be taken away by tyrants who are supported by the media if we aren't vigilant.
Government stooges obey or ignore the Constitution as it suits their agenda.
It was the second president of the United States, a conservative, that tried to do away with Freedom of the Press. When Jefferson became president, the Alien and Sedition laws were done away with. The freedom of press has always been a pain for conservatives, as it is for "Witch- Hunt-Trump".
Government stooges obey or ignore the Constitution as it suits their agenda.
It was the second president of the United States, a conservative, that tried to do away with Freedom of the Press. When Jefferson became president, the Alien and Sedition laws were done away with. The freedom of press has always been a pain for conservatives, as it is for "Witch- Hunt-Trump".

Obama subjected the White House press corps to what they described as a "profanity laced tirade" when they were the least bit critical of him. :itsok:
Resolutions drafted by James Madison and passed by Virginia on Dec 21. and 24, 1798, answer a timeless question: What do we do when the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds?

All too often, we simply ignore unconstitutional federal overreach. But James Madison had other ideas. The man known as “The Father of the Constitution” insisted states are “duty bound, to interpose” and arrest “the progress of the evil.”

Madison made this emphatic statement in the Virginia Resolutions of 1798, a document he drafted in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts.

A Christmas Gift from James Madison: The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 | | Tenth Amendment Center

Our Founders were wise men with vision.
Madison was wrong....Gubmint will never ever stay in its box.

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