A Comic Crazy Love


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There are so many darn comic book adapted films being made in Hollywood now that I couldn't resist making a random kamikaze 'guilty-pleasure' short-story about some DC Comics characters engaged in some continental intrigue.

Maybe they'll turn this into a movie...perhaps directed by Ben Affleck (haha) and starring Jude Law (haha)! I'd perhaps title it Arrow-Lantern: Destiny!

I was a big fan of early comics-adapted American films (1990s) such as The Shadow (Alec Baldwin), Dick Tracy (Warren Beatty), and Batman Returns (Michael Keaton).

Nevertheless, I'm a fan of the modern comics-adapted TV series Lucifer (Fox TV).


Hal Jordan (aka, 'Green Lantern') and Oliver Queen (aka, 'Green Arrow') were the best of friends and America's favorite vigilante duo. They had just put behind bars the Red Triangle Gang which was terrorizing the people of Los Angeles, California (USA) and Tijuana (Mexico). The Red Triangle Gang was led by a mysterious and dangerous woman named Endira who always wore green (even though all the members of her gang wore red). Lantern and Arrow had each developed a secret love for Endira (who called herself 'The Emerald Tongue') and had started growing suspicious of each other; nevertheless Lantern and Arrow were grateful Endira and her gang were in jail (in the custody of the LAPD).

A young group of Hell's Angels calling themselves the Blue Dragons were not convinced the Red Triangle Gang was out of business and suspected that rogue members and 'proteges' had picked up the reins and were developing a new 'satellite franchise' which Endira (aka, 'The Emerald Tongue') was managing from prison. The leader of the Blue Dragons, an ex-Navyman who called himself 'Blue Radio,' wanted to build monitoring watchposts in Los Angeles and Tijuana where he suspected Endira's 'proteges' were working. Blue Dragon was correct about Endira's schemes, and this satellite 'faction' of the Red Triangle Gang was operating in Los Angeles and Tijuana and called itself the Red Trapezoid.

The leader of the Red Trapezoid was a young man from Gotham City named Damian Wayne, whom some suspected was the illegitimate son of Gotham's billionaire and entrepreneur Bruce Wayne. Damian was unhappy with the 'pseudo-vigilante' work of a mysterious new crusader who called himself 'The Dark Knight' and wanted to build a crime syndicate based in Los Angeles. "America is the land of profiteers, and the most sane form of order can only be created by a group/leader willing to create an 'Iron Hand'!" Damian would say. Damian called himself The Night Poison and his Red Trapezoid was flourishing under his leadership and with the shrewd consultation of The Emerald Tongue (Endira). The Night Poison planned to break The Emerald Tongue (Endira) out of jail.

Lantern and Arrow picked up the newspapers a month later and noticed the headline. The new faction of the Red Triangle Gang, known as the Red Trapezoid and lead by the Night Poison, had broken Endira (The Emerald Tongue) out of jail and taken her somewhere in Tijuana (the LAPD suspected). Lantern told Arrow of a strange new masked vigilante operating in Gotham City and calling himself the Dark Knight. "What is it about all these colors and shades of vigilantism and villainy in this modern world?" Arrow asked, and Lantern replied, "It's all about vanity and presentation in the age of the market (consumerism/capitalism)!" Lantern and Arrow decided to go to Tijuana to find Endira. However, they never discussed their lingering secret feelings for Endira, and their suspicious remained in their hearts.

When Lantern and Arrow arrived in Tijuana, they found Batman. Batman revealed himself to the duo on Halloween and explained he was actually Gotham's billionaire Bruce Wayne here in Tijuana looking for his estranged son Damian Wayne who was now the 'Night Poison,' the leader of the Red Trapezoid being 'consulted' by Endira (The Emerald Tongue). Lantern agreed to help Batman find his son Damian, while Arrow went on a hunt for Endira. Arrow found Endira in a nightclub, masked and dressed in a green ball-gown and carrying an electric stun-gun. Arrow revealed his affections for her and told her to run away with him to San Francisco, and she agreed! Meanwhile, Lantern and Batman found the Night Poison (Damian Wayne) and returned him to Gotham City.

Lantern and Arrow met up again in their apartment in San Francisco. Arrow told Lantern that Endira (aka, 'The Emerald Tongue') agreed to disappear and never bring criminality back to the Americas. Lantern suspected something strange was going on and asked Arrow, "I'm suspicious. Are you and Endira actually engaged in a secret love affair and not telling me?" Arrow broke down in tears and confessed to his best friend Lantern. "All my life I've lived as a 'vigilante' and worked by your side and helped the people in need of help. Now, I've found true love with Endira and am convinced she will live a life of peace and sanity with me, so I want your blessing!" Lantern gave the blessing, since while he was in Gotham City (returning Damian there with Batman), he met and fell in love with a very unusual and very beautiful woman named Talia al Ghul (who was actually an eco-terrorist secretly allied with The Emerald Tongue --- and the mother of Damian Wayne!).





Chapter 2: 'Man X'


Oliver (Green Arrow) decided to become a 'normal citizen' and moved to Arizona with Endira. There, Endira introduced him to one of her friends who worked for NASA, a man named John Stephens. Stephens offered to take Oliver on a special citizens' flight to the moon being prepared by NASA. Oliver jumped at the opportunity and accepted the offer. After about one year of basic training to go to space, Oliver boarded a NASA shuttle named Citizen Joy and headed to the moon on what the Trump Administration billed as a 'crowning achievement in the annals of citizenry-engaged US space endeavors.' Citizen Joy would bring triumph to NASA after the Challenger disaster.

When Oliver got to the moon, he and the other American citizens along with the NASA crewmen began organizing their domicile on the newly-built moonbase, as the NASA crewmen wrapped up its construction. Oliver loved the moonbase and lived there for about three months. There was a special computerized video-phone which enabled the citizens to talk to loved ones at home, so Oliver conversed with Endira and told him how much he loved life on the moon. Endira eerily told him, "I know you're as happy as I am you're on the moon, but remember that any great experience may come at a cost, but I do love you Oliver!" Oliver did not know what Endira meant but he was about to find out.

The NASA mission turned out to be a ploy orchestrated by the evil Lex Luthor (a criminal mastermind with newfound political ties to the Trump Administration thanks to this free-market science product marketing successes in Beijing and San Diego). Lex planned to have the citizens transported to the moonbase where they would encounter a beastly man-dragon psycho being named Leatherface who was himself transported by a separate shuttle launched by Luthor Industries (from a secret launchpad in Japan). Leatherface even scared Lex, since the 'super-psycho' wore all leather and chains around his body and wielded a chainsaw (and even wore a mask made out of the skin of a corpse). Leatherface was a true 'modern monster,' so Lex referred to him as 'Man X.'

Oliver was reading a magazine on his moonbase when he heard a terrible commotion, and the other NASA crewmen were screaming hysterically. Oliver realized there was real troubled and had to be counted on again (as the Green Arrow). "So much for my vacation" he muttered to himself as the crewmen yelled to him, "A madman wielding a chainsaw was planted here! We're sitting ducks. This is some kind of freakish 'man-hunt experiment' orchestrated by a sinister mind on Earth to see if a moonbase or moon-colony could 'house' a death-labyrinth or hunting-arena, and we're the guinea pigs!" Oliver realized they were correct and started planning how to catch this 'planted madman'!

Oliver went to the tool shed of the moonbase and found a giant flamethrower which he realized must be for random burning-jobs (to make metals melt faster to be reshaped!). Oliver grabbed the flamethrower and put on the heat-mask placed next to it. He was Green Arrow again(!) and called himself 'The Moon Sentinel.' Oliver told the other citizens to stay in a locked cell together (huddled) while he and two other crewmen went after this madman. Just then, one of the NASA crewmen signalled to Oliver and his 'team' that a transmission was received from Earth and a foul conspiracy regarding a hunting-experiment (as Oliver guessed) was plotted by the sinister mastermind Lex Luthor and that the planted madman's was called 'Man X.' Oliver realized he would have to destroy Man X to save the crew and return safely to Earth. Oliver remembered his readings of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan (a fancy work about unruliness and turbulence) and seeing the American sci-fi horror film Leviathan (about a predatory species-mutating creature), and the memory gave him courage.

Oliver ran around the labyrinths of the now dimly-lit moonbase (Man X had cut some of the lighting-wires) with only one crewman (the other was ripped apart by Man X). As the two dashed down one hall and turned the corridor, they were face-to-face with the gruesome chainsaw-wielding Man X. Oliver realized the psycho looked like Leatherface (from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror films!). Oliver (aka, 'The Moon Sentinel') ran towards Man X and turned his flame-thrower on from a safe enough distance, while the other crewman stood at a distance helplessly just observing. Oliver burned Man X to death, and the citizens returned safely to Earth. Oliver reunited with Endira, but one night, while chatting in bed (and making pillow-talk), Endira whispered to him while falling asleep (not realizing what she was saying!), "It would have been nifty if Lex's plan worked somehow..." Oliver realized his wife was somehow involved in the terrible plot and wondered if Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) was in danger for some reason too. Nevertheless, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) was spiritually comforted knowing that the monster on the moon, 'Man X,' was burned to a crisp. Oliver said to himself, "Only that kind of 'ugly evil' would never be manifest as a ghost!"


OLIVER IN SPACE (left); 'MAN X' (on right):

jude.jpg Leatherface800px.jpg

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