A Commercial Crusade: Trump's Dream


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-crusade vignette inspired by the Utopianism-paranoia films The Visitors and Bulworth.

Signing off,


Two Medieval knights traveled through time and landed in modern-day Los Angeles and encountered an America challenged by the culture of commerce politics (e.g., NATO, Wall Street) and the haunting memory of anti-globalization terrorism (i.e., 9/11). The two knights, the Green Knight (Gain) and the Yellow Knight (Alain) wanted to understand the 'evolution' of 'civics-ethics' between the Medieval Ages (e.g., Camelot) and the modern Information Age (e.g., NASDAQ). Gain and Alain were able to travel through time with a portal-device created by the wizard Merlin.

Gain and Alain realized that America (led by former casino-magnate President Donald Trump) was being confounded by North Korea's nuclear-test incitements, trade-complications with Communist China, and domestic protests regarding the misdirection of capitalism-driven American politics. Gain and Alain had two very different approaches to Utopianism. Gain (the Green Knight) believed that America could benefit from a meditation on peace-promoting trade (e.g., Hong Kong), while Alain (the Yellow Knight) believed America could benefit from general geo-political networking (e.g., World Bank).

Green Knight and Yellow Knight both visited President Trump at the White House to discuss the state-of-affairs in the modern world. They visited him in a dream so they would feel more credible and less 'incredible' to the shrewd capitalist. Trump recently had a nightmare about America being plagued by a great red dragon with fiery-breath signifying all-out nuclear war.

TRUMP: Why are you two 'knights' troubling me in this time of trouble?
GREEN KNIGHT: We're both concerned about America's 'stance' in this new age!
YELLOW KNIGHT: We have views regarding how America could prosper...

TRUMP: Well, my administration is working with South Korea politically and economically.
GREEN KNIGHT: That's a good start, but who is securing the 'dragon of profiteerism'?
YELLOW KNIGHT: We can't allow that insidious 'dragon' to subvert global networking!

TRUMP: Do you two think that commercial relations are insufficient?
GREEN KNIGHT: I think America needs to secure national 'boundaries' for South Korea.
YELLOW KNIGHT: Perhaps America could forge a profitable tie between South Korea and China...

TRUMP: If China allies with North Korea, it will be a disaster of Biblical proportions!
GREEN KNIGHT: You're correct, so what can we do to slay the dragon?
YELLOW KNIGHT: I think we should secure America's ties with the European Union...

TRUMP: China and North Korea have nuclear capabilities, and if Cuba and Japan help them, it'll be war.
GREEN KNIGHT: A war based on commercial strains is rather troubling...
YELLOW KNIGHT: We could use America's 'intellectual properties' to forge profitable ties with China.

TRUMP: Alright, I'll investigate America's business contracts regarding Microsoft with China.
GREEN KNIGHT: Microsoft is arguably America's most symbolic Info-Age company.
YELLOW KNIGHT: Pseudo-authoritarian North Korea is displeased with America's 'Facebook-culture.'

TRUMP: It's challenging 'defending' a networking-ethos in a world governed by competitive bargaining.
GREEN KNIGHT: Yes, that's why the proverbial 'dragon' creates panic regarding Internet-hackers!
YELLOW KNIGHT: I think we should investigate shoreline securities!

After the meeting closed, Gain and Alain traveled to the shores of North Korea and South Korea where the leviathan-dragon of chaos (an invisible serpent named Tiamat) was lurking in the seas. Tiamat was monitoring a secret U.S. nuclear-submarine called the SRX-99 which was 'parked' outside North Korea in case there was any need for a nuclear offensive. The SRX-99 was invisible to radar-detection. Green Knight (Gain) and Yellow Knight (Alain) decided to approach Tiamat and suggest to the dragon that promoting networking on Earth subsided any desire for unnecessary ambitions. Tiamat agreed and departed.

Green Knight and Yellow Knight returned to their own time period with Merlin's portal-device and were relieved to be home. The two knights concluded that the modern Earth and America's securities were fortified with serious meditations on commerce-driven international relations. Gain remarked that South Korea was the key to stability between America and North Korea, and Alain remarked that Hong Kong was the key to stability between America and China. Merlin ominously told both knights, "Trade is like a 'venomous grasshopper'!" It was 'a fine madness.'



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