A conversation that didn't happen, but should have.

No, my issue with Trump is that it was more important to deny, dismiss, deflect, and campaign than it was to actually, you know, be a leader.

Then, that's YOUR issue, amiright?

Which didn't happen ... so you should have NO issue.

Glad I helped you understand what you were attempting to state in order to vilify OUR President.

No, this is pretty well documented over the last two months that it did indeed happen...your slavish devotion to your orange savior aside. :)
Trumpleton's, honestly, in your wildest imagination can you see Trump spending his time as he should..........meeting with competent staff to proactively organize the nation's response.........instead of making plans for rallies, playing golf, and sending out mean tweets.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.
Trumpleton's, honestly, in your wildest imagination can you see Trump spending his time as he should..........meeting with competent staff to proactively organize the nation's response.........instead of making plans for rallies, playing golf, and sending out mean tweets.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
If Trump personally made the vaccine himself, you would still say he didn't do the right thing. Like I said your girl Omar said Trump has done a great job on this crisis.

If Trump personally made the vaccine himself, I'd be concerned that it was actually a roofie.
And Omar isn't "my girl". I have my own elected representative. She's just a convenient alt-right talking point distraction.
Like I said no matter what Trump does you will still cry about it.
If Trump personally made the vaccine himself, I'd be concerned that it was actually a roofie.
And Omar isn't "my girl". I have my own elected representative. She's just a convenient alt-right talking point distraction.

See? It makes no matter that people here show you the truth.
Your head is so stuck in '#HateTrump' that the intelligent part of you can't even consider any other option.
It's easy to hate ; it's difficult to get past the hate and look for the truth.
Trumpleton's, honestly, in your wildest imagination can you see Trump spending his time as he should..........meeting with competent staff to proactively organize the nation's response.........instead of making plans for rallies, playing golf, and sending out mean tweets.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.

Are you sure? It seems like the media isn’t the only ones saying it’s really bad. The CDC and public health officials have confirmed that’s the case.

Trump was trying to downplay it to protect the economy. He made the wrong call.
He is being a leader.
Chunks of the 63-page report could easily be cross-applied to describe the dropped balls and mixed messages related to the coronavirus response over the last three months. Consider these bullets from the executive summary: “Exercise participants lacked clarity on federal interagency partners' roles and responsibilities during an influenza pandemic response. … Confusion regarding the purpose of and target audience for national conference calls hampered coordination among state and federal response partners. … At times, HHS' Operating Divisions and Staff Divisions provided inconsistent and inaccurate response guidance and actions to healthcare and public health private sector partners. …

“HHS and DHS/FEMA’s use of disparate information management systems hampered their ability to establish and maintain a national common operating picture. Both HHS and DHS/FEMA submitted senior leader briefs to the White House National Security Council during the exercise, which caused confusion regarding the official source of senior leader briefs. … State, local, tribal, and territorial partners were unclear on the kinds of information they needed to provide … HHS’ regional staff lack clear guidance on the distribution of federal information management products to state and local partners. … Inconsistent use of terminology regarding vaccine types and stockpiles caused confusion among response partners at all levels of government.”
All the while democrats in Congress are trying to make it hard for Trump to do his job. They were trying to strip his power to ban travel, till they found out. He was right.
If Trump personally made the vaccine himself, I'd be concerned that it was actually a roofie.
And Omar isn't "my girl". I have my own elected representative. She's just a convenient alt-right talking point distraction.

See? It makes no matter that people here show you the truth.
Your head is so stuck in '#HateTrump' that the intelligent part of you can't even consider any other option.
It's easy to hate ; it's difficult to get past the hate and look for the truth.

You've shown no "truth". Just the rantings of devotion to a man that has no interest in being a leader. Last Wednesday night should have made it clear to you.
I get it, he can do no wrong. And I don't hate him. That takes too much effort. I just have no respect for him. He's incompetent...and up till Pence and the rest of the adults put the training wheels on, he was a downright danger.
Trumpleton's, honestly, in your wildest imagination can you see Trump spending his time as he should..........meeting with competent staff to proactively organize the nation's response.........instead of making plans for rallies, playing golf, and sending out mean tweets.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.

Are you sure? It seems like the media isn’t the only ones saying it’s really bad. The CDC and public health officials have confirmed that’s the case.

Trump was trying to downplay it to protect the economy. He made the wrong call.
In January he said we will be fine and we will. Maybe congress should work with him instead of against him. Little over 200 deaths without a vaccine. Compared to 18,000 Obama lost with a vaccine. Even though I didn't harp on Obama about it, because a single person cannot stop a virus. But since you want to make Trump look bad, I'll bring up the failure of your boy.
Congress knew this day would come for the past 40 years and kicked the can down the road. That's Trump's fault??? Call Biden to testify he spent decades in congress and 8 years as VP.
In January he said we will be fine and we will. Maybe congress should work with him instead of against him. Little over 200 deaths without a vaccine. Compared to 18,000 Obama lost with a vaccine. Even though I didn't harp on Obama about it, because a single person cannot stop a virus. But since you want to make Trump look bad, I'll bring up the failure of your boy.

Why did Obama let so many people die, thousands in the US and 575,000 worldwide. Was he too busy leading the global climate change BS? The Obama White House was bragging about how Obama was leading the world on climate change. CNN was calling Obama the worlds president. Maybe he should have been leading on the H1N1 pandemic. I don't think 575,000 people died of climate change.
Trump Golf Count

249 golf trips so far.

Cost to Taxpayer: At least $133,000,000

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Trumpleton's, honestly, in your wildest imagination can you see Trump spending his time as he should..........meeting with competent staff to proactively organize the nation's response.........instead of making plans for rallies, playing golf, and sending out mean tweets.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.

Are you sure? It seems like the media isn’t the only ones saying it’s really bad. The CDC and public health officials have confirmed that’s the case.

Trump was trying to downplay it to protect the economy. He made the wrong call.
In January he said we will be fine and we will. Maybe congress should work with him instead of against him. Little over 200 deaths without a vaccine. Compared to 18,000 Obama lost with a vaccine. Even though I didn't harp on Obama about it, because a single person cannot stop a virus. But since you want to make Trump look bad, I'll bring up the failure of your boy.

And here I thought it was the Dems that we’re trying to make it a political issue. I guess you’ve successfully disproven that allegation.

He claimed it was totally under control. Air tight. No reason for concern. We will have a vaccine very soon.
No, my issue with Trump is that it was more important to deny, dismiss, deflect, and campaign than it was to actually, you know, be a leader.

Then, that's YOUR issue, amiright?

Which didn't happen ... so you should have NO issue.

Glad I helped you understand what you were attempting to state in order to vilify OUR President.

No, this is pretty well documented over the last two months that it did indeed happen...your slavish devotion to your orange savior aside. :)
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
Berg, list your actions and dates if you were POTUS. Be specific.
Never give a TDS moron an opportunity for Monday morning quarterbacking. He'll always claim his every move was genius, but he probably wouldn't have done those moves and they probably wouldn't have had the effect he predicts anyway. If they guy was capable of smart bold action, he would be president instead of just some internet hack.
He is holding daily briefings with his experts, of course you will still complain.

Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.

Are you sure? It seems like the media isn’t the only ones saying it’s really bad. The CDC and public health officials have confirmed that’s the case.

Trump was trying to downplay it to protect the economy. He made the wrong call.
In January he said we will be fine and we will. Maybe congress should work with him instead of against him. Little over 200 deaths without a vaccine. Compared to 18,000 Obama lost with a vaccine. Even though I didn't harp on Obama about it, because a single person cannot stop a virus. But since you want to make Trump look bad, I'll bring up the failure of your boy.

And here I thought it was the Dems that we’re trying to make it a political issue. I guess you’ve successfully disproven that allegation.

He claimed it was totally under control. Air tight. No reason for concern. We will have a vaccine very soon.
He is working on trying to do that, what are the democrats in Congress trying to do. Besides trying to slip free abortions in a relief bill?
Trump was prepared, immediately performed his signature move of closing the border.

And that's why we are far ahead of the nations filled with open borders crazies.

Are you really this fucking stupid? What borders? Suspended flights from China wow we see how that went, didn't stop of fucking thing. If he had have taken this seriously from the beginning he would have suspended all flights and cruises into and out of the U.S. and given it two weeks and then if the spread continued here shut the country down for a couple weeks. Economy in the long run will be damaged for years continuing this drip, drip, drip of something here and there to stop the spread. Should have taken the hit weeks ago so the economy could start recovering sooner than two years from now.
If you had a brain you wouldn't always come off as sounding retarded.
Trump Golf Count

249 golf trips so far.

Cost to Taxpayer: At least $133,000,000

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

You know nothing about the pressures of being POTUS. I defended Obama's golfing on this forum its documented. So shut the hell up about Trumps golf.
Starting on March 13th...exactly two days after his disaster of an address to the nation and the stock market tanking the next day.
Can you tell me, what was the excuse for inaction between January 22nd and March 13th? (besides the requisite knee-jerk travel ban).
Trump has handled this thing fine. Trump calls the virus the China virus and the media only reports how bad that is. The media has hyped this thing way above what it should.

Are you sure? It seems like the media isn’t the only ones saying it’s really bad. The CDC and public health officials have confirmed that’s the case.

Trump was trying to downplay it to protect the economy. He made the wrong call.
In January he said we will be fine and we will. Maybe congress should work with him instead of against him. Little over 200 deaths without a vaccine. Compared to 18,000 Obama lost with a vaccine. Even though I didn't harp on Obama about it, because a single person cannot stop a virus. But since you want to make Trump look bad, I'll bring up the failure of your boy.

And here I thought it was the Dems that we’re trying to make it a political issue. I guess you’ve successfully disproven that allegation.

He claimed it was totally under control. Air tight. No reason for concern. We will have a vaccine very soon.
He is working on trying to do that, what are the democrats in Congress trying to do. Besides trying to slip free abortions in a relief bill?
He’s also trying to misinform and deflect blame.

Like when you tell mistruths such as free abortions in a relief bill.
Trump Golf Count

249 golf trips so far.

Cost to Taxpayer: At least $133,000,000

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

You know nothing about the pressures of being POTUS. I defended Obama's golfing on this forum its documented. So shut the hell up about Trumps golf.

All 27 times Trump tweeted about Obama playing golf too much

Karma is a BITCH!

"I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks."
White House Staffer: Mr. President, HHS has just completed a study, code-named "Crimson Contagion," on the country's preparedness regarding a potential viral outbreak. It highlights "just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed."

Trump: Go on.

WH Staffer: Sir, among other things, like bureaucratic snags, the study found the country does "not have the means to quickly manufacture more essential medical equipment, supplies or medicines, including antiviral medications, needles, syringes, N95 respirators and ventilators."

Trump: I see.

WH Staffer: The study makes some dire predictions, sir. It lays out scenarios in which millions of people could potentially be infected. What would you like to do about it, sir?

Trump: We should see about replacing the people I fired from the NSC who were put in place by the Obama admin to help coordinate the nation's response. Also, plans need to be made for a way to increase our capacity to manufacture protective clothing, masks, and to make sure we have enough accurate test kits that can be made available quickly. Let's get moving on that and report back to me in two weeks on what progress has been made.
The more realistic conversation.

WH Official: Mr. President, your golf clubs are packed, sir. Will you be playing 18 or 36 holes?

Trump: Good, good. 36. I'm supposed to be meeting with staff about some stupid report but I just don't have time. I hear the weather is going to be great in Florida this weekend.
Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded

WASHINGTON — The outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By then it was too late: 110 million Americans were expected to become ill, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion” and imagining an influenza pandemic, was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.
Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded
Here's the Golfer-in-Chief, the guy responsible for keeping the country safe, prioritizing his time.

Prior to Impeached Trump stealing the 2016 election, Hillary and President Obama warned us that Impeached Trump was aggressively unqualified for the job. But did trumpanzees listen to that very sound advice? No,, they did not! and now they are reaping what they sowed! BIGLY!!!!!!

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