A conversation with my brother about Trump

My brother ... He's been following a blog written by Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert.
My father has a friend who is a professor, and knows that if he speaks out, he will be stripped of tenure and fired.
The statement above does not compute; academic freedom for tenured professors allows them to express their views without getting fired.

If your brother follows Scott Adams:

Scott Adams:
"a Trump presidency would probably be the worst possible outcome for me."
. When Bill was raping and sexually abusing all those women, Hillary was in charge of destroying those women so the Clinton presidency can continue. Their marriage is a marriage of convenience so that Hillary can become President too.
It's easy to like a guy that is so thoroughly hated by everyone one I despise, people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan.
Good column on the Trump Effect...I hope Trump is a non-interventionist and will drastically cut the defense budget. We know for certain that Cankles will not.

Republicans Feel Trump Terror
By Eric Margolis

I’m sick of reading the New York Times sneer at ‘uneducated white male workers who support Trump.’ What about all the welfare recipients who are the core of Hilary Clinton’s supporters?

Trump vows to make the trains run on time. But at a deeper level, he threatens three of the nation’s most sacred cows: 1. imperial war-making, the American Empire, and the military industrial complex; 2. the vast power of Wall Street and its shameful tax breaks; 3. the Israel lobby and its undue influence over US foreign policy.

No wonder his candidacy has produced so much fierce opposition and cries of anguish. Trump is remarkably brave, or incredibly foolish, to gore all these sacred cows at the same time.

But Trump is right when he says no more foreign wars. Equally important, it’s time to begin dismantling the US Empire which is precisely what invites attacks we call ‘terrorism.’

Today, NATO does not defend the US or Europe. It is a control mechanism that keeps Europe under American strategic domination. It should have been ditched when the Soviet Union collapsed. Instead, we see the Washington neocons who control the Obama administration’s policy planning to send a full US armored brigade to Russia’s western border and intensifying air and naval patrols there. Madness, and likely stepping stones to a new war.

What they really do care about is the danger of cutting the Pentagon’s $700 billion annual budget, protecting the military industrial complex, and defending Wall Street from government investigation. After all, it’s Wall Street that funds Congress.
Trump Terror - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

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