A. Coulter Vindicates Non-Violent David Duke Exposing Hillary's Endorsers Who've Raped and Rioted

Coulter missed a few "disavows"
1. I'll bet Louis Farrakhan supports Hillary, recall that the DC sniper was his personal body guard.
2. I'd also bet that the Black Panthers support Hillary, recall that two guarded a polling place with clubs.
3. I bet the Cryps and Bloods support Hillary and the dems, in support of their illicit drug businesses
4. I'm sure there are others that Hillary needs to "disavow".

JoeB131 needs to address the heroin trafficking problem, the low wages due to illegals, and the crime committed by illegals. If/when Trump wins, remember its only for 4-years.

Okay.... ignoring your first points of crzay.

We have a heroin problem because we treat addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. At least for poor people. Rich addicts get fancy clinics,poor addicts get prison.

We have a low wage problem because we busted the unions up and signed ridiculous free trade deals. And even then, most of you aren't desperate enough to take that toilet cleaning job most immigrants take.
Ann Coulter and David Duke are better people that any Democrat politician could hope to be
Point is those Mexicans are taking work from the "Real reputable companies" and from "white people" who are willing to hang dry wall for other "lazy" white people.

Naw, more than likely, those lazy white people would just hang their own drywall. No one is going to pay union rates to hang fucking drywall.

1. Who said anything about illegal? The comment I was responding to used the term Third World. And considering that companies can actually GO TO THOSE NATIONS and shop for workers to give visas to, means you can't limit consideration to those Third Worlders who are actually here.

The scary thing is that you Redneck, bible thumping inbreds keep voting for rich guys like Romney and Trump who do EXACTLY that.

2. Hostile. Try playing against the Mexican Soccer Team in LA as see how friendly the crowd is to your American ass.

Oh my God, you mean there are aggressive Sports fans. Hey, I heard you don't get a big welcome if you wear a White Sox Jersey at Wrigley Field, either.

Seriously, that was the best you come up with, that some sports fans are hooligans?

3. Hence the Right's increasing hostility to "Free Trade".

Right after they take their dumb, inbred, bible-thumping asses to Wal-Mart to buy Chinese made shit.

4. You really need to address your bigotry. THe 1% is using that against you to divide you from your fellow Middle Class citizens, by telling your that "stupid, inbred rednecks" are the problem while they are importing cheap labor and exporting factories.

No, you see, it's the stupid inbred rednecks like you who keep voting Republican, after the gig is up... that's the problem. The funny part is that you really think Trump agrees with you guys.

Why do you think he's saying one thing to you dumb inbreds and another to the Smart People at the New York Times?

1. Your anti-white bigotry is noted. And yes, plenty of "lazy white people" would pay union rates. Others would hire on the side native born Americans to do the work, instead of imported Third World labor. YOur bigotry is not a challenge to my point.

2. YOur anti-white and anti-Christian bigotry is noted. And one of the prime reasons for this populist uprising against the GOP establishment is their lack of action on dealing with the immigration issue.

3. No, it's not "sports". It's the American Team being booed on American soil. My point stands. THey are hostile.

4. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted, again. And my point about the Right moving on the issue of "Free Trade" stands.

5. Your anti-White bigotry is noted, AGAIN. Nothing in your post addressed my point, which still stands.
Coulter says:

David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-'60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn't been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

So she's saying that all the RWnut ranting about Robert Byrd is bullshit?

Difference: Democrats worship Robert Byrd. Republicans do not worship David Duke.

You're in a thread defending David Duke. Who is defending him?

Robert Byrd left the Klan and its beliefs before you were housebroke.

ONe guy on the fringe. Certainly note Ann Coulter.

You guys "forgave" Byrd and keep him in office forever.
Coulter missed a few "disavows"
1. I'll bet Louis Farrakhan supports Hillary, recall that the DC sniper was his personal body guard.
2. I'd also bet that the Black Panthers support Hillary, recall that two guarded a polling place with clubs.
3. I bet the Cryps and Bloods support Hillary and the dems, in support of their illicit drug businesses
4. I'm sure there are others that Hillary needs to "disavow".

JoeB131 needs to address the heroin trafficking problem, the low wages due to illegals, and the crime committed by illegals. If/when Trump wins, remember its only for 4-years.

Okay.... ignoring your first points of crzay.

We have a heroin problem because we treat addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. At least for poor people. Rich addicts get fancy clinics,poor addicts get prison.

We have a low wage problem because we busted the unions up and signed ridiculous free trade deals. And even then, most of you aren't desperate enough to take that toilet cleaning job most immigrants take.

Most of that heroin is coming across the Mexican Border.
12 million? I can remember back in the late 90s it was said to be 11 million. According to the govt upwards of a million cross into this country every year. So we start with 11 million add a million a year for 17-18 years and come up with 12 million. I guess it fits with other govt numbers like unemployment. 250 million people of working age, 157 million have jobs. 93 million not working and only 12.5 million are unemployed. Inflation is another it's said to .7%. I recently read an article saying that if it was calculated using the same criteria as 1980 it would be over 4%. These numbers aren't massaged, they're beaten, chopped and pureed.

There's no need for you to respond, I'll do it for you, nazi, racism.

Naw, I think the best response to you is "Are you a fucking retard?"

Okay, follow the bouncing ball here. About a million people do cross into the country every year. But we deport about a half a million every year and about an equal amount return after only working here a short time. So, yeah, the number is about 12 million. In fact, it has been in decline since it peaked.

Did you read the underlying notes on this graph? Based on surveys? How many people here illegally do you think voluntarily stand up to be counted? How many employers do you think voluntarily stand up and quantify how many illegals are working for them? Must be the exit polls. Face it there isn't a human being on the planet that has the vaguest idea how many people are in this country illegally. Hell I recently read an article citing federal numbers stating that in 2015 500k people had overstayed their visitors visa and the govt hasn't the vaguest idea where they are. And those are people that we know came in. But some how we have a solid grasp of the number of people that came in without our knowledge. The numbers are a farce.
Coulter missed a few "disavows"
1. I'll bet Louis Farrakhan supports Hillary, recall that the DC sniper was his personal body guard.
2. I'd also bet that the Black Panthers support Hillary, recall that two guarded a polling place with clubs.
3. I bet the Cryps and Bloods support Hillary and the dems, in support of their illicit drug businesses
4. I'm sure there are others that Hillary needs to "disavow".

JoeB131 needs to address the heroin trafficking problem, the low wages due to illegals, and the crime committed by illegals. If/when Trump wins, remember its only for 4-years.
Thar you go, she is not only a liar but she can't remember her lies as she gets older.
So Joe, are you saying that wanting to enforce the law of the land and close the borders/deport, is akin to following the old laws of slavery that had to be overturned? Or rather, are you citing some other event you would like to expound on?

guy, I'm going to be blunt.

Trump is a FUCKING NAZI finding someone to blame for the misery he and his fellow wealthy have inflicted on the working class. Much like Hitler blamed the Jews for the mistakes made by Germany's elites, Trump is blaming Mexicans for the mistakes made by America's elite.

The notion that your unhappiness is because some schlub snuck in from Mexico to do a job that you don't want to do is just silly.

That you are so stupid and racist that you are willing to go along with it is truly sad.

Any questions?
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

They can't debate the issues because it's impossible to justify allowing millions of illegal aliens into this country every year. It's also impossible to justify importing hundreds of thousands of muzzie savages who despise everything we believe in and may include terrorists who are planning a mass slaughter. Virtually every plank of the Democrat platform is impossible to justify. Hence, they devolve to hurling insults.
Well, debate why Reagan granted 3.2 Million illegals Amnesty after he let them into the country, why George H.W. Bush extended amnesty to millions more illegals after he let them into the country, and why little Bush opened the door to them with his Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), that erases the borders in the North and South, and lets them flood America.

Ok, your turn hot shot!!!
1. Your anti-white bigotry is noted. And yes, plenty of "lazy white people" would pay union rates. Others would hire on the side native born Americans to do the work, instead of imported Third World labor. YOur bigotry is not a challenge to my point.

Except that's not the case, guy. The fact that "Illegals waiting out side the Home Depot or the U-Haul waiting for work" is a trope. Yes, the rich hiring these people is a large part of the problem, but the fact is, they wouldn't be here if there wasn't a demand.

2. YOur anti-white and anti-Christian bigotry is noted. And one of the prime reasons for this populist uprising against the GOP establishment is their lack of action on dealing with the immigration issue.

Yes, after years of stoking racism and bigotry, Frankenstein's monster has turned on his maker. But since Trump will probably not be the nominee, it's meaningless.

3. No, it's not "sports". It's the American Team being booed on American soil. My point stands. THey are hostile.

Oh, they got "booed".... Poor babies. I'm sure that hurt their self-esteem.

4. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted, again. And my point about the Right moving on the issue of "Free Trade" stands.

Again, when the fat inbreds stop buying shit at Walmart, then I'll take them seriously.

5. Your anti-White bigotry is noted, AGAIN. Nothing in your post addressed my point, which still stands.

Working class whites voting against their own economic interests kind of proves my point. Most of you are stupid if you think a rich guy cares about you. That goes for Romney or Trump.
In one of Ann Coulter's best columns to date, she exposes the rapists, murderers, mob-inciters, and other genuinely violent endorsers of Hillary Clinton. She makes clear the contrast between these horrible people and former Louisiana House Representative David Duke, a non-violent citizen.

Oh Coulter is a lying bitch, and gets worse as she ages.

Her primary point about Duke is that he is irrelevant.

Do you disagree?
1. Your anti-white bigotry is noted. And yes, plenty of "lazy white people" would pay union rates. Others would hire on the side native born Americans to do the work, instead of imported Third World labor. YOur bigotry is not a challenge to my point.

Except that's not the case, guy. The fact that "Illegals waiting out side the Home Depot or the U-Haul waiting for work" is a trope. Yes, the rich hiring these people is a large part of the problem, but the fact is, they wouldn't be here if there wasn't a demand.

There is a demand for child porn too, but society still passes laws against it, and enforces them.

My point stands. There is demand for that work, and if we remove the cheap Third World labor, it would be to the benefit of native born Americans.

2. YOur anti-white and anti-Christian bigotry is noted. And one of the prime reasons for this populist uprising against the GOP establishment is their lack of action on dealing with the immigration issue.

Yes, after years of stoking racism and bigotry, Frankenstein's monster has turned on his maker. But since Trump will probably not be the nominee, it's meaningless.

Your Race Card play is noted and dismissed. And laughed at since you have shown yourself to be such a bigot.

AND my point stands, Republican anger on lack of action by the GOP leadership is one of the forces driving Trump's support.

3. No, it's not "sports". It's the American Team being booed on American soil. My point stands. THey are hostile.

Oh, they got "booed".... Poor babies. I'm sure that hurt their self-esteem.

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

My point stands. Immigrants who boo the American Team on American soil are hostile.

4. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted, again. And my point about the Right moving on the issue of "Free Trade" stands.

Again, when the fat inbreds stop buying shit at Walmart, then I'll take them seriously.

Markets don't work that way. Tariffs do. Raise the Price of imported Chinese Shit, and that demand will go elsewhere.

5. Your anti-White bigotry is noted, AGAIN. Nothing in your post addressed my point, which still stands.

Working class whites voting against their own economic interests kind of proves my point. Most of you are stupid if you think a rich guy cares about you. That goes for Romney or Trump.

It is in the economic interests of a lot of working class whites to stop importing cheap Third World labor, and to reduce imports of cheap Third World Shit.

Your lack of understanding of the many possible motive of a "rich guy" to support working class economic interests is noted. It is not credible that you are unaware of the many reasons Trump or Romney might want to advance the economic interests of Working Class Americans.
So Joe, are you saying that wanting to enforce the law of the land and close the borders/deport, is akin to following the old laws of slavery that had to be overturned? Or rather, are you citing some other event you would like to expound on?

guy, I'm going to be blunt.

Trump is a FUCKING NAZI finding someone to blame for the misery he and his fellow wealthy have inflicted on the working class. Much like Hitler blamed the Jews for the mistakes made by Germany's elites, Trump is blaming Mexicans for the mistakes made by America's elite.

The notion that your unhappiness is because some schlub snuck in from Mexico to do a job that you don't want to do is just silly.

That you are so stupid and racist that you are willing to go along with it is truly sad.

Any questions?
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

They can't debate the issues because it's impossible to justify allowing millions of illegal aliens into this country every year. It's also impossible to justify importing hundreds of thousands of muzzie savages who despise everything we believe in and may include terrorists who are planning a mass slaughter. Virtually every plank of the Democrat platform is impossible to justify. Hence, they devolve to hurling insults.
Here is the thin
So Joe, are you saying that wanting to enforce the law of the land and close the borders/deport, is akin to following the old laws of slavery that had to be overturned? Or rather, are you citing some other event you would like to expound on?

guy, I'm going to be blunt.

Trump is a FUCKING NAZI finding someone to blame for the misery he and his fellow wealthy have inflicted on the working class. Much like Hitler blamed the Jews for the mistakes made by Germany's elites, Trump is blaming Mexicans for the mistakes made by America's elite.

The notion that your unhappiness is because some schlub snuck in from Mexico to do a job that you don't want to do is just silly.

That you are so stupid and racist that you are willing to go along with it is truly sad.

Any questions?
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

They can't debate the issues because it's impossible to justify allowing millions of illegal aliens into this country every year. It's also impossible to justify importing hundreds of thousands of muzzie savages who despise everything we believe in and may include terrorists who are planning a mass slaughter. Virtually every plank of the Democrat platform is impossible to justify. Hence, they devolve to hurling insults.

Here is the thing----------> It is not us or Trump, or even Cruz who created this problem, it is the congress and former Presidents of the United States. They cut deals to legalize people who were here for barriers, then never put them up. They stopped few.

In the end, it is the lefts problem, because they don't have the gonads to try and change the law. Last time they tried anything, you see how the citizenry reacted.

So all they have left is dog whistle's to blow, that is it, nothing else. They will not put their money where their mouth is, and FORCE the lefties in congress to change the law, because they know it would force 15% more people to come out and vote for anyone against it.

They are all phonies, and their dog whistle's are kinda funny when you think about it. They have no legal leg to stand on, and NOBODY is going to throw American citizens out of the country. If their illegal alien parents see it in their best interests to take their children with them while waiting for legal entry, it is on them, not us!
Trump Endorsed By Ex-KKK Leader, Convicted Child Molester During Trial

"A former Aryan Nation leader convicted of child molestation endorsed the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during his trial."

"Before sentencing, Kreis renewed his endorsement of Trump’s presidential campaign: “I will always hate the Jew. This government is run by an evil group of people, and please vote for Trump!”

Never heard of him.

You have now.
The KKK is non violent. Next Episode of Kids say the Darnedest things

From the linked article. Something Ann Coulter actually did say.

"I am not aware of David Duke ever inciting a mob that went on to commit murder. Al Sharpton has -- and no Democrat can run for president without kissing his ring. "

That's a valid point. YOu have anything on topic to say?

Rhetorical question: I know the answer is no.

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