A. Coulter Vindicates Non-Violent David Duke Exposing Hillary's Endorsers Who've Raped and Rioted

Coulter says:

David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-'60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn't been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

So she's saying that all the RWnut ranting about Robert Byrd is bullshit?

Nah. What happened in the 1930's is of the utmost importance to Coulter and her readers (PoliticalChic, for instance)
Hey, considering I am Mexican-American, I find your diatribe rather insulting. (I thought minorities couldn't be racist was the lefts mantra. Why? Because they didn't have any power) So what does that make me? I know, I know, an Uncle Jose'!

actually, what it makes you is someone on the internet making unverifiable claims... but never mind.

If that is what you really and honestly believe, then you have no business expounding on anything political, because you start from a tainted position from the get go. In the world according to you, EVERYTHING has a racial explanation, never a policy explanation.

No, no, stupid. What i am trying to explain to you is that everything has a FINANCIAL explanation. The rich are too fucking greedy and their goal is to have more and more of the wealth. The way this state of affairs continues is getting stupid people like you upset about gays, Mexicans, abortions, guns, and every other brand of bullshit to vote against your own economic interests. That Mexican wants half your cookie! That Feminist wants to kill YOUR baby! That fruit wants to flaunt your religion. And you dumb fucks just keep falling for it.

And I am still offering (with Mudwistles help) to write you racialists a form letter to pass around and sign, so as you can DEMAND your guys revoke the law that allows the government to put physical barriers on the Southern border before the November election.

Yeah, maybe Mudwhistle can take time off his cushy government job to do that. But I think you kind of miss the point of who is responsible for the "illegal" issue. Hint- it's the rich guy who doesn't want to pay you a fair wage to clean his toilet and pick his lettuce. But you keep thinking a fence is going to solve THAT problem.

1. Actually it doesn't make me stupid, it makes me rather intelligent. If you have 10 jobs and 10 adults for that job, all is well. But, if you have 10 jobs and 13 adults for it, 3 people are out of a job if they want, need, or must have one. Where did the other 3 come from? Across an unsecured border. Law of supply and demand, I rest my case on that one; unless you want to rewrite that law, and if you do, praytell, carry on!

2. I am Mexican American......well 1/2, so instead of you calling me Uncle Jose', maybe you would be accurate since I am only 1/2, calling me cousin Jose'. I woulda chose Carlos' instead, but I have a brother by that name and it would have become confusing.

3. I am not all about religion, (although my father was) so their entreaties mean little to me. Gays? Not me, but live and let live in my book. Guns? The debate on that affects me very little. I am for all the amendments as it secures freedom for us all. If your side was against any other amendment, I would stand with those believing in the constitution. If you want to over turn the amendment, just go ahead and try instead of trying to convince people to vote others in to deny them their own rights!

4, Rich are to greedy? You might have a point, except you forgot to mention, your side wants extra voters. So to point in one direction and refuse to point in the opposite direction at the same time is sort of disingenuous.

5. As far as the fence stopping it? A crook can break in your door or window; even if you lock it if he wants to get in. So I suppose that if we use your thought process, no use in anyone locking their doors anymore, guns are bad so no protection there when the crook sashays in, and since we don't have enough jobs to go around, we need forgive them because it is not their fault.....and if we do blame them and they are a person of color, we are then racist!

Yep, sounds exactly like a brilliant liberal plan to me!
Is one of the reasons Trump is so popular because he is seen as not putting up with the left's PC bullsh**, used to control the masses? Absolutely!

Let him win the GOP nomination, and watch how fast stones start flying from his camp at her, and the Democrats will have no answer because it has never happened before!

the reason why Trump is so popular is because he's rich enough to say the racist shit most of you wish you could say...
Put your race card back in your wallet. A unqualified dumbass black man isn't running for office. Just an old unqualified dumbass white bitch is.
1. Actually it doesn't make me stupid, it makes me rather intelligent. If you have 10 jobs and 10 adults for that job, all is well. But, if you have 10 jobs and 13 adults for it, 3 people are out of a job if they want, need, or must have one. Where did the other 3 come from? Across an unsecured border. Law of supply and demand, I rest my case on that one; unless you want to rewrite that law, and if you do, praytell, carry on!

But you see, that's the problem. The number of jobs is limited because the 1% INTENTIONALLY limits them. Not because we have "Too many people", but because we have too much greed.

The point is, the jobs being done by illegals aren't jobs you or I would want to do at any rate of pay.

No, it isn't an economic issue. When unemployment was at 4% in 2007, Bush and McCain STILL couldn't get even modest immigration reform past the racists in their own party. They mocked McCain as Juan McAmnesty, to the point where the guy had to disown his own immigration plan to get the nomination.
Coulter says:

David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-'60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn't been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

So she's saying that all the RWnut ranting about Robert Byrd is bullshit?

Difference: Democrats worship Robert Byrd. Republicans do not worship David Duke.
1. Actually it doesn't make me stupid, it makes me rather intelligent. If you have 10 jobs and 10 adults for that job, all is well. But, if you have 10 jobs and 13 adults for it, 3 people are out of a job if they want, need, or must have one. Where did the other 3 come from? Across an unsecured border. Law of supply and demand, I rest my case on that one; unless you want to rewrite that law, and if you do, praytell, carry on!

But you see, that's the problem. The number of jobs is limited because the 1% INTENTIONALLY limits them. Not because we have "Too many people", but because we have too much greed.

The point is, the jobs being done by illegals aren't jobs you or I would want to do at any rate of pay.

No, it isn't an economic issue. When unemployment was at 4% in 2007, Bush and McCain STILL couldn't get even modest immigration reform past the racists in their own party. They mocked McCain as Juan McAmnesty, to the point where the guy had to disown his own immigration plan to get the nomination.

Sorry Joe, but I thought it was an economic given that as our companies and corporations productivity rises, our standard of living does to because prices drop. Problem with that is----->as productivity rises, jobs disappear.

So then we are back to the same equation..........to many people, (some who don't belong here) and not enough jobs.

There is no way in hell I am going to sit here and LIE to everyone's face, while proclaiming that the owners of a lot of these businesses aren't using the rules to pad their profit margin. We seen what American apple pie-Disney did, and it is disgusting in my book.

Still, both establishment party's are fighting the American people on this issue. Their explanations have been consumed and deemed unacceptable. Now if there is another reason that they are not telling us, then let them spill the beans and we will re-evaluate. But at this time, their excuses for this have not been worth while at all in most people's books. If this is the best that they can come up with, then Donald Trump will continue to draw blue collar workers from BOTH party's into his camp. It is perceived by them they are voting for their jobs and pay structure, and with the weak rebuttals they have been given from those in power, who can say they are wrong!
Sorry Joe, but I thought it was an economic given that as our companies and corporations productivity rises, our standard of living does to because prices drop. Problem with that is----->as productivity rises, jobs disappear.

I'm sorry your understanding of economics is so poor. the fact is, wages have not kept pace with productivity increases. Quite the reverse, the american worker works a lot harder for a lot less money. Thankfully for the 1%, the GOP has gotten very good at getting the stupids like you to blame "Those people".
Sorry Joe, but I thought it was an economic given that as our companies and corporations productivity rises, our standard of living does to because prices drop. Problem with that is----->as productivity rises, jobs disappear.

I'm sorry your understanding of economics is so poor. the fact is, wages have not kept pace with productivity increases. Quite the reverse, the american worker works a lot harder for a lot less money. Thankfully for the 1%, the GOP has gotten very good at getting the stupids like you to blame "Those people".

Now that is kinda funny Joe, since innovation brings productivity rise, which causes prices to drop; but does mean loss of jobs without the creation of new businesses to soak up the displaced workers.

How do we know? Let me count just a few of the ways-) How much was a plasma tv 15 years ago? Today? Cell phone 25 years ago? How many people did it take to build a car 25 years ago? Hey did you like that Commodore computer, hehehehehe.

Sorry Joe, you are the one who doesn't understand economics. Innovation creates productivity gains, lower prices, and better products......RAISING the standard of living.

CONSIDER-----------> What would you rather have as your every day vehicle? a 1977 Thunderbird, or a 2015 Fusion? Fusion is safer, gets far better mileage, has basically the same interior room, much more dependable, has all the gadgets, uses less natural resources to build, far less manpower to create, rides better, drives better, and holds a larger percentage of its resale value.

How did that happen? INNOVATION=productivity gain=better product. One of the outcomes was less workers, so by your thought process, you want the Thunderchicken.

So, if that is your SOCIALIST choice, then I suppose if we ever meet personally, it won't be at a Starbucks, it will be at a repair shop while your Thunderchicken is getting repaired on a weekly basis. Never fear, I will bring you a coffee there, and while it is getting repaired, we will revisit our economic discussion to see if you have learned anything. Oh yeah, and if your Thunderchicken has to stay all night at the repair shop, I will gladly drive you home in my INNOVATIVE=productivity gain=better standard of living=less manpower Fusion-)
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Now that is kinda funny Joe, since innovation brings productivity rise, which causes prices to drop; but does mean loss of jobs without the creation of new businesses to soak up the displaced workers.

How do we know? Let me count just a few of the ways-) How much was a plasma tv 15 years ago? Today? Cell phone 25 years ago? How many people did it take to build a car 25 years ago? Hey did you like that Commodore computer, hehehehehe.

this is where you are kind of fucking stupid. How many Plasma TV's (do they still make those) or Computers do you buy every year. In the last 15 years, I've bought exactly 1 TV, 2 Computers, 2 cell phones and 1 Car. Now, yes, it is unfortunate that the 1% are so fucking greedy they've moved those jobs to third world shitholes where the government doesn't care if their people are drinking poisoned water.

But the benefit to the American consumer is negligible... So I paid $100 less for something I only buy once every five years, anyway.

This is why a SOCIALIST can have major play in an election. People are figuring out capitalism is a shit sandwich and it's time for something better.

But tRump will keep telling you that it's "those people' who are causing the problems. And after they are done screwing over the undocumented, you are probably still looking a little too brown for most of his supporters, "Pedro".
Now that is kinda funny Joe, since innovation brings productivity rise, which causes prices to drop; but does mean loss of jobs without the creation of new businesses to soak up the displaced workers.

How do we know? Let me count just a few of the ways-) How much was a plasma tv 15 years ago? Today? Cell phone 25 years ago? How many people did it take to build a car 25 years ago? Hey did you like that Commodore computer, hehehehehe.

this is where you are kind of fucking stupid. How many Plasma TV's (do they still make those) or Computers do you buy every year. In the last 15 years, I've bought exactly 1 TV, 2 Computers, 2 cell phones and 1 Car. Now, yes, it is unfortunate that the 1% are so fucking greedy they've moved those jobs to third world shitholes where the government doesn't care if their people are drinking poisoned water.

But the benefit to the American consumer is negligible... So I paid $100 less for something I only buy once every five years, anyway.

This is why a SOCIALIST can have major play in an election. People are figuring out capitalism is a shit sandwich and it's time for something better.

But tRump will keep telling you that it's "those people' who are causing the problems. And after they are done screwing over the undocumented, you are probably still looking a little too brown for most of his supporters, "Pedro".

Well, since you haven't refuted anything I said and are now demanding........or at least bringing up SOCIALISM, we now know why you say, what you say, each and every time.

I will note that you admit buying the "capitalist dogs" products, while demanding the very system that gave them to you for a reasonable price, is somehow in error. I also do not understand the illogical logic of yours, that if the price is down 100 dollars that you used as an example, then leaving you with that extra 100 dollars in your pocket to spend elsewhere in the economy for products somebody else created, is somehow a bad thing, and does not raise your standard of living, because now you have the TV, computer, or auto, AND the other product(s) purchased with the money you had left over.

So let us recap----->

Joe insists that he is ahead when he only gets a car, a computer, and a TV, and so is the economy.

Whosure insists he is ahead, if through innovation and productivity gains, he gets to buy the car for 100 dollars less, buys the TV for a 100 dollars less, and buys the computer for 100 dollars less, leaving Whosure with 300 dollars more to buy...........a program for the new computer putting someone else to work, buying a Netflix subscription for the TV putting someone else to work, and buying a satellite radio subscription that puts someone else to work...........and it improves my quality of life, AKA.......living standards.

Interesting concept there Comrade, but what the heck, I am sure 95% of Americans will agree with you-)
The "White racism/White supremacist" meme is losing its punch. Ann Coulter just went a long way to invalidate it altogether, with the simple truth.
If we gave a shit what A. Coulter had to say, this thread might be relevant. She is like Trump, just says outrageous things to sell books and you guys lap it up.

You might want to read this column. She makes some good points, and is NOT defending Duke, despite the spin the OP put on it.
Is one of the reasons Trump is so popular because he is seen as not putting up with the left's PC bullsh**, used to control the masses? Absolutely!

Let him win the GOP nomination, and watch how fast stones start flying from his camp at her, and the Democrats will have no answer because it has never happened before!

the reason why Trump is so popular is because he's rich enough to say the racist shit most of you wish you could say...

There is nothing racist about wanting to deport illegals, and only a dishonest jerk would claim otherwise.

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