A. Coulter Vindicates Non-Violent David Duke Exposing Hillary's Endorsers Who've Raped and Rioted

JoeB131 said:
Is one of the reasons Trump is so popular because he is seen as not putting up with the left's PC bullsh**, used to control the masses? Absolutely!

Let him win the GOP nomination, and watch how fast stones start flying from his camp at her, and the Democrats will have no answer because it has never happened before!

the reason why Trump is so popular is because he's rich enough to say the racist shit most of you wish you could say...
What has Trump said that is exactly racist? Be specific.

<crickets . . . >
Sorry Joe, but I thought it was an economic given that as our companies and corporations productivity rises, our standard of living does to because prices drop. Problem with that is----->as productivity rises, jobs disappear.

I'm sorry your understanding of economics is so poor. the fact is, wages have not kept pace with productivity increases. Quite the reverse, the american worker works a lot harder for a lot less money. Thankfully for the 1%, the GOP has gotten very good at getting the stupids like you to blame "Those people".

Wages haven't kept pace because Democrats are importing an ocean of foreign labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to making.
Well, since you haven't refuted anything I said and are now demanding........or at least bringing up SOCIALISM, we now know why you say, what you say, each and every time.

I will note that you admit buying the "capitalist dogs" products, while demanding the very system that gave them to you for a reasonable price, is somehow in error. I also do not understand the illogical logic of yours, that if the price is down 100 dollars that you used as an example, then leaving you with that extra 100 dollars in your pocket to spend elsewhere in the economy for products somebody else created, is somehow a bad thing, and does not raise your standard of living, because now you have the TV, computer, or auto, AND the other product(s) purchased with the money you had left over.

And this again, is where you are kind of a retard. It doesn't matter if I have an extra $100 in my pocket if my employer uses every recession and cutback to pay me less or make me work harder. Because if that good manufacturing job goes to China, that means other consumers have less money to pay for products I make or buy.

Again, you guys are all kind of stupid to think that what benefits the rich benefits you.
Wages haven't kept pace because Democrats are importing an ocean of foreign labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to making.

Um, no. Wages aren't keeping up because that money is shifting to the 1%.

A country that doesn't have immigration is going into a demagraphic death spiral, like Japan is right now. New births aren't replacing deaths fast enough, and Japan doesn't allow immigration.

But you keep believing "Those people' are the source of your misery.
Well, since you haven't refuted anything I said and are now demanding........or at least bringing up SOCIALISM, we now know why you say, what you say, each and every time.

I will note that you admit buying the "capitalist dogs" products, while demanding the very system that gave them to you for a reasonable price, is somehow in error. I also do not understand the illogical logic of yours, that if the price is down 100 dollars that you used as an example, then leaving you with that extra 100 dollars in your pocket to spend elsewhere in the economy for products somebody else created, is somehow a bad thing, and does not raise your standard of living, because now you have the TV, computer, or auto, AND the other product(s) purchased with the money you had left over.

And this again, is where you are kind of a retard. It doesn't matter if I have an extra $100 in my pocket if my employer uses every recession and cutback to pay me less or make me work harder. Because if that good manufacturing job goes to China, that means other consumers have less money to pay for products I make or buy.

Again, you guys are all kind of stupid to think that what benefits the rich benefits you.

Since when are you tied to one job? Is that a new left edict I haven't heard about? How does a cutback effect you in manufacturing, if 10% of the workers are sent back to their own country?

Joe, you go round, and round, and round, but the reasons always come back home to roost, whether you like it or not--------------> to many workers, chasing to few jobs, and some of those workers don't belong here chasing them.

The corporations can not offer less money, if they need workers, and there are none available. It is economics 101, or didn't you ever go to school! The law of supply and demand regulates labor, just like everything else.

I do not understand the mental block you have on this. You can't have it both ways unless you are SOCIALIST, or MARXIST. You can NOT flood the market with labor without slots for them, then demand compensation rise. Squeeze out excess labor, and the market for labor rises by itself.

I am not debating who/whom fault it is, I am proclaiming an economic fact! Labor is a commodity, just like every commodity, in the build process. All commodities rise and fall by their availability, or lack there of. It is why the fed moves interest rates by the unemployment rate. They do not want to cause inflation because of labor costs. (u-6, or u-whatever, you choose)

Your argument has no basis in fact! I know it, and everybody else knows it who owns a business. If labor costs were not a commodity built into the cost, we could proclaim that all people can make 30 bucks an hr, and we would be competitive here, there, and everywhere.

How many jobs would you like to provide for illegals? How many working age people are in South America willing to come here illegally? That is really what you are suggesting, because nobody is going to hire a MORE expensive employee, when they can hire a cheaper one. Do you when you have your car fixed? Your air conditioner? Your furnace? Or don't you take bids!

YOUR personal stance is screwing your fellow Americans for political gain; and I don't give a damn if you are a Republican or Democrat. It is NOT the illegal alien screwing us, it is the goofy people inside BOTH party's who could care less how their WANT's screw everyone else.

If the law is followed, (unless you want to try and change it) our American brethren would have many more opportunities. The 1% are crooks, but what you fail to admit is----------> you are too, and because of people like you, they are allowed to be!

This conversation is OVER. Not because either one of us won or lost, but rather because I am for Americans, and you seem more interested in screwing the owners of the country, instead of helping them.

Since when are you tied to one job? Is that a new left edict I haven't heard about? How does a cutback effect you in manufacturing, if 10% of the workers are sent back to their own country?

Joe, you go round, and round, and round, but the reasons always come back home to roost, whether you like it or not--------------> to many workers, chasing to few jobs, and some of those workers don't belong here chasing them.

If you really are Hispanic, you are probably one of the really self-loathing types... no matter how hard you scrub, it doesn't come off.

Other than that, I'm kind of done with your trying to excuse racism.
Wages haven't kept pace because Democrats are importing an ocean of foreign labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to making.

Um, no. Wages aren't keeping up because that money is shifting to the 1%.

A country that doesn't have immigration is going into a demagraphic death spiral, like Japan is right now. New births aren't replacing deaths fast enough, and Japan doesn't allow immigration.

But you keep believing "Those people' are the source of your misery.

The near infinite supply of cheap labor is one of prime reasons that the "Rich" is not pressured to increase wages.

And better a shrinking population than one being absorbed by a hostile population.
The near infinite supply of cheap labor is one of prime reasons that the "Rich" is not pressured to increase wages.

And better a shrinking population than one being absorbed by a hostile population.

Let's get a few things clear, here, guy. The illegal population is only about 12 million people out of a population of 310 million. Somehow, they are hardly in a position to absorb anyone.

Nor are they really hostile. The great beauty of why we are seeing Democratic win after Democratic Win is that all your hateful racist rhetoric has driven otherwise culturally and economically conservative Hispanics into the Arms of the Democrats.

But if you weren't such a stupid, inbred redneck, you'd realize that even if you got your fence the 1%ers would STILL find a way to screw you. If they can't get the Mexicans to the factory, they'll get the factory to the Mexicans.
So Joe, are you saying that wanting to enforce the law of the land and close the borders/deport, is akin to following the old laws of slavery that had to be overturned? Or rather, are you citing some other event you would like to expound on?

guy, I'm going to be blunt.

Trump is a FUCKING NAZI finding someone to blame for the misery he and his fellow wealthy have inflicted on the working class. Much like Hitler blamed the Jews for the mistakes made by Germany's elites, Trump is blaming Mexicans for the mistakes made by America's elite.

The notion that your unhappiness is because some schlub snuck in from Mexico to do a job that you don't want to do is just silly.

That you are so stupid and racist that you are willing to go along with it is truly sad.

Any questions?
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.
The near infinite supply of cheap labor is one of prime reasons that the "Rich" is not pressured to increase wages.

And better a shrinking population than one being absorbed by a hostile population.

Let's get a few things clear, here, guy. The illegal population is only about 12 million people out of a population of 310 million. Somehow, they are hardly in a position to absorb anyone.

Nor are they really hostile. The great beauty of why we are seeing Democratic win after Democratic Win is that all your hateful racist rhetoric has driven otherwise culturally and economically conservative Hispanics into the Arms of the Democrats.

But if you weren't such a stupid, inbred redneck, you'd realize that even if you got your fence the 1%ers would STILL find a way to screw you. If they can't get the Mexicans to the factory, they'll get the factory to the Mexicans.
12 million? I can remember back in the late 90s it was said to be 11 million. According to the govt upwards of a million cross into this country every year. So we start with 11 million add a million a year for 17-18 years and come up with 12 million. I guess it fits with other govt numbers like unemployment. 250 million people of working age, 157 million have jobs. 93 million not working and only 12.5 million are unemployed. Inflation is another it's said to .7%. I recently read an article saying that if it was calculated using the same criteria as 1980 it would be over 4%. These numbers aren't massaged, they're beaten, chopped and pureed.

There's no need for you to respond, I'll do it for you, nazi, racism.
Wages haven't kept pace because Democrats are importing an ocean of foreign labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to making.

Um, no. Wages aren't keeping up because that money is shifting to the 1%.

A country that doesn't have immigration is going into a demagraphic death spiral, like Japan is right now. New births aren't replacing deaths fast enough, and Japan doesn't allow immigration.

But you keep believing "Those people' are the source of your misery.
And the one percent love using these rightwing racist groups while they fight minorities and scary brown people for the scraps falling from their table , keeps the focus off them. scapegoating is their best friend

The "white race" is a construct to do just that and the rubes fall for it instead of fighting the people who are really making their lives miserable

So Joe, are you saying that wanting to enforce the law of the land and close the borders/deport, is akin to following the old laws of slavery that had to be overturned? Or rather, are you citing some other event you would like to expound on?

guy, I'm going to be blunt.

Trump is a FUCKING NAZI finding someone to blame for the misery he and his fellow wealthy have inflicted on the working class. Much like Hitler blamed the Jews for the mistakes made by Germany's elites, Trump is blaming Mexicans for the mistakes made by America's elite.

The notion that your unhappiness is because some schlub snuck in from Mexico to do a job that you don't want to do is just silly.

That you are so stupid and racist that you are willing to go along with it is truly sad.

Any questions?
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

They can't debate the issues because it's impossible to justify allowing millions of illegal aliens into this country every year. It's also impossible to justify importing hundreds of thousands of muzzie savages who despise everything we believe in and may include terrorists who are planning a mass slaughter. Virtually every plank of the Democrat platform is impossible to justify. Hence, they devolve to hurling insults.
Wages haven't kept pace because Democrats are importing an ocean of foreign labor from third world countries that is willing to work for a fraction of what Americans are used to making.

Um, no. Wages aren't keeping up because that money is shifting to the 1%.

A country that doesn't have immigration is going into a demagraphic death spiral, like Japan is right now. New births aren't replacing deaths fast enough, and Japan doesn't allow immigration.

But you keep believing "Those people' are the source of your misery.
And the one percent love using these rightwing racist groups while they fight minorities and scary brown people for the scraps falling from their table , keeps the focus off them. scapegoating is their best friend

The "white race" is a construct to do just that and the rubes fall for it instead of fighting the people who are really making their lives miserable

The 1% are the ones who want to grant amnesty to millions of illegals, you fucking dumbass.
The near infinite supply of cheap labor is one of prime reasons that the "Rich" is not pressured to increase wages.

And better a shrinking population than one being absorbed by a hostile population.

Let's get a few things clear, here, guy. The illegal population is only about 12 million people out of a population of 310 million. Somehow, they are hardly in a position to absorb anyone.

Nor are they really hostile. The great beauty of why we are seeing Democratic win after Democratic Win is that all your hateful racist rhetoric has driven otherwise culturally and economically conservative Hispanics into the Arms of the Democrats.

But if you weren't such a stupid, inbred redneck, you'd realize that even if you got your fence the 1%ers would STILL find a way to screw you. If they can't get the Mexicans to the factory, they'll get the factory to the Mexicans.

1. Who said anything about illegal? The comment I was responding to used the term Third World. And considering that companies can actually GO TO THOSE NATIONS and shop for workers to give visas to, means you can't limit consideration to those Third Worlders who are actually here.

2. Hostile. Try playing against the Mexican Soccer Team in LA as see how friendly the crowd is to your American ass.

3. Hence the Right's increasing hostility to "Free Trade".

4. You really need to address your bigotry. THe 1% is using that against you to divide you from your fellow Middle Class citizens, by telling your that "stupid, inbred rednecks" are the problem while they are importing cheap labor and exporting factories.
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

The only tool here is you, buddy.

Do you know when I stopped being a Republican. It's when I realized that the Hispanic Lesbian I worked with was really in the same boat I'm in. The boat that the 1% is trying very hard to sink.

point is, those Mexicans wouldn't be standing outside the Home Depot if there weren't white people to lazy to hang their own fucking drywall and too cheap to hire a real reputable company to do it for them.
I have a question. Do those on the left have anything else to say other than racism? OK racism and nazi? It is utterly impossible to have an intelligent discussion on any subject in this country.

I'll give you an example. I listen to NPR a lot. I heard one program talking about how in Texas there are 10-15 mexicans standing outside of every Home Depot looking for work. Shortly after I hear another program talking about how the wages in Texas for construction work have plummeted. Why have they plummeted? Well many of the workers are mexican so it's obviously racism. Economics? Don't be silly. 15 people waiting for one job. How could that possibly affect wages?

I guess the old adage is true, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.

The only tool here is you, buddy.

Do you know when I stopped being a Republican. It's when I realized that the Hispanic Lesbian I worked with was really in the same boat I'm in. The boat that the 1% is trying very hard to sink.

point is, those Mexicans wouldn't be standing outside the Home Depot if there weren't white people to lazy to hang their own fucking drywall and too cheap to hire a real reputable company to do it for them.

Point is those Mexicans are taking work from the "Real reputable companies" and from "white people" who are willing to hang dry wall for other "lazy" white people.
12 million? I can remember back in the late 90s it was said to be 11 million. According to the govt upwards of a million cross into this country every year. So we start with 11 million add a million a year for 17-18 years and come up with 12 million. I guess it fits with other govt numbers like unemployment. 250 million people of working age, 157 million have jobs. 93 million not working and only 12.5 million are unemployed. Inflation is another it's said to .7%. I recently read an article saying that if it was calculated using the same criteria as 1980 it would be over 4%. These numbers aren't massaged, they're beaten, chopped and pureed.

There's no need for you to respond, I'll do it for you, nazi, racism.

Naw, I think the best response to you is "Are you a fucking retard?"

Okay, follow the bouncing ball here. About a million people do cross into the country every year. But we deport about a half a million every year and about an equal amount return after only working here a short time. So, yeah, the number is about 12 million. In fact, it has been in decline since it peaked.

Point is those Mexicans are taking work from the "Real reputable companies" and from "white people" who are willing to hang dry wall for other "lazy" white people.

Naw, more than likely, those lazy white people would just hang their own drywall. No one is going to pay union rates to hang fucking drywall.

1. Who said anything about illegal? The comment I was responding to used the term Third World. And considering that companies can actually GO TO THOSE NATIONS and shop for workers to give visas to, means you can't limit consideration to those Third Worlders who are actually here.

The scary thing is that you Redneck, bible thumping inbreds keep voting for rich guys like Romney and Trump who do EXACTLY that.

2. Hostile. Try playing against the Mexican Soccer Team in LA as see how friendly the crowd is to your American ass.

Oh my God, you mean there are aggressive Sports fans. Hey, I heard you don't get a big welcome if you wear a White Sox Jersey at Wrigley Field, either.

Seriously, that was the best you come up with, that some sports fans are hooligans?

3. Hence the Right's increasing hostility to "Free Trade".

Right after they take their dumb, inbred, bible-thumping asses to Wal-Mart to buy Chinese made shit.

4. You really need to address your bigotry. THe 1% is using that against you to divide you from your fellow Middle Class citizens, by telling your that "stupid, inbred rednecks" are the problem while they are importing cheap labor and exporting factories.

No, you see, it's the stupid inbred rednecks like you who keep voting Republican, after the gig is up... that's the problem. The funny part is that you really think Trump agrees with you guys.

Why do you think he's saying one thing to you dumb inbreds and another to the Smart People at the New York Times?
Coulter missed a few "disavows"
1. I'll bet Louis Farrakhan supports Hillary, recall that the DC sniper was his personal body guard.
2. I'd also bet that the Black Panthers support Hillary, recall that two guarded a polling place with clubs.
3. I bet the Cryps and Bloods support Hillary and the dems, in support of their illicit drug businesses
4. I'm sure there are others that Hillary needs to "disavow".

JoeB131 needs to address the heroin trafficking problem, the low wages due to illegals, and the crime committed by illegals. If/when Trump wins, remember its only for 4-years.
Coulter says:

David Duke IS a random person: The KKK has not been an organization of any significance since the mid-'60s (outside of Southern Poverty Law Center fundraisers), and David Duke hasn't been a member of this meaningless group since 1980.

So she's saying that all the RWnut ranting about Robert Byrd is bullshit?

Difference: Democrats worship Robert Byrd. Republicans do not worship David Duke.

You're in a thread defending David Duke. Who is defending him?

Robert Byrd left the Klan and its beliefs before you were housebroke.

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