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A Country Divided

We don't need to agree. Just recognize that the country is too divided to maintain itself.
I don't think the country is as divided as the professional grievance-mongers on either side would have us believe.

have you listened to obama, hillary, sanders, oprah, whoopi, MSNBC, et al? They are so full of hate and divisiveness that it is blatant. If you can't see it, you are either blind, or stupid.

The hate I see here on the boards is mostly by Cons like yourself.

Any of the people you mention are saints compared to the hate you Cons pour out each day.
As long as the media is allowed to promote that divide, instead of urging compromise, you can be assured division will continue. Hate sells. That's why FUX news is so popular with the dividers.

you are in some kind of fantasy world. Fox gives air to both sides. The dividers are MSNBC, ABC, NBC, NY times, Huffpuff post, kos, Sharpton, and other far left rabble rousers.

the hate speech is coming fromt the left-----------you hate successful people, you hate Christians, you hate southerners, you hate white cops, you hate everyone who does not subscribe to your left wing bullshit and lies.

LOL- since I know you don't hesitate to lie- I don't know whether you are deliberately lying or drinking the psychotic koolaid of the Right wing hate machine.

But regardless- you live a very sad life.
It's not a lie, it's a question (Country Divided) - it's obviously the differences are becoming much more broad, and peaceable discussion and discourse, less and less.

Sides are not genuinely listening to each other, it's more of a battle of wills at this point.

I just don't see how it's going to get better. I don't think people are just going to rollover and "accept" the recent changes (or, changes to come) without a fight.

I am old enough to remember politics in this country since the 1960's.

The differences are not more 'broad'- there are people on the far right and far left who have become more shrill but this country has always been divided.
I hate him. The traitor is destroying my country. Plus this shit about "like the man, hate his policies is PC bullshit. Barry Soetoro is a pompous ass no matter what his capacity and a loathsome human being. These qualities have nothing to do with his color or his office, they are a result of his worldview. One which I oppose with every fiber of my being.

I would submit that if you don't feel the same way, then you don't share my patriotism.

I get where you're at.

But I don't hate obama as a human being. he's a flawed human being... I hate everything he is, what he stands for, what he has done and is doing and know to an axiomatic certainty that he is animated by pure, unadulterated evil.

I would not step off the sidewalk to piss on his head if he were ablaze, laying in the gutter.

I can't speak for your patriotism, but I speak of my principles every single day... and if there's something you'd like to discuss regarding such, I'm ready to go at any time you'd like. I am well aware of where I stand and WHY... across the entire spectrum friend and I don't need your assent, approval, thumbs-up or so much as a nod of your head to sustain my position on anything, or to carry same, anywhere, without regard to who or how many are standing there.

SO... I appreciate the emotion, it just doesn't do anything for me. Love to have ya on board, but... by no means is it necessary.

I find it very doubtful that I would like Obama as a person if I were to meet him, but I haven't met him, so I really have no basis for a personal dislike, much less hatred.

Now, hating his policies, his words, and the effects of his administration . . . I'm all kinds of onboard with THAT.

And I agree with you, Keys. I have no patience with the "my viewpoint is the only possible valid and moral one!" attitude, regardless of who spouts it.
The funny thing is the country is divided. The right and the left. The Republicans and the Democrats.

However there isn't much difference between the right and the left or the reps and the dems.

They both go into office in DC, they both take a shed load of cash and spend it on advertising. They both avoid meaningful debate on topics that are necessary. They both stick to the issues which allow them to be partisan, which show their position in an easy manner and allow their supporters to get all hot under the collar while avoiding the REAL ISSUES.

I'd say the most important issues in the US right now are 1) the corruption that has been legitimised in politics.They call this campaign funds and donations, but often this is simply the buying of congressmen and presidents.
2) The manner in which elections are held which has allowed the two main parties to essentially do whatever they like and avoid any dissension in the ranks and among the people.

However you talk about these and people just aren't interested. They haven't been told these are important by those spending lots of money advertising, so they stick to gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on.

It amazes me that people actually take this stuff in hook, line and sinker.

But then again it amazed me when a guy working in a supermarket in Colorado told me he bought Pepsi when he could get Coca-Cola for free any time at work. His reason: Pepsi was the drink of the poor people. Yeah, he bought that advertising and believed what they told him. He didn't think that the reason he was poor was because he was stupidly buying pepsi at $1 a bottle instead of drinking A) something that was free or B) something much healthier than sugared water with brown color.

When you see advertising working so well in the US that it actually buys people's thoughts, you realise how scary democracy is.

If we were all of the same though, there would be no needs for courts or government and we would all be clones, or robots
English is not even 'english', it is germanic.

Not exactly.

The Germanic languages
Perhaps the most important development that distinguishes the Germanic languages from others in the Indo-European family is the one that produced the difference, illustrated above, between the p of Latin pater and the f of Old English fæder. This change, called “Grimm’s Law” after Jacob Grimm, the great linguist and folklorist, affected all of the consonants called “stops”—that is, those consonants produced by momentarily stopping the breath and then releasing it (for example, [p], , [t], [d]):[5]<<
English is not even 'english', it is germanic.

Not exactly.

The Germanic languages
Perhaps the most important development that distinguishes the Germanic languages from others in the Indo-European family is the one that produced the difference, illustrated above, between the p of Latin pater and the f of Old English fæder. This change, called “Grimm’s Law” after Jacob Grimm, the great linguist and folklorist, affected all of the consonants called “stops”—that is, those consonants produced by momentarily stopping the breath and then releasing it (for example, [p], , [t], [d]):[5]<<

America has always been divided about something. Pick an era and there was always somethings to disagree about. Take the naming of the state of Maine. There were hundreds of thousands of Americans (primarily from the neighboring State of New Hampshire) who felt very strongly that the territory we now call the State of Maine should have been called "The Kingdom of Coonskin Caps". They felt so strongly about this moniker that a group of supporters named the Coonskin Cap Cavalry declared war on Canada until then an agreement was reached to call the territory by the Ordafugawee Indian word for " Kingdom of Coonskin Caps" which happens to be Mayon. It was eventually changed to Maine because Andrew Jackson decreed, decherokeed, and generally deinjunned much of America. He was so thorough that they had to use Italians and Jews to play the American Indians John Wayne killed in western movies like High Noon. Anyway, Maine. The first governor of Maine was one of my ancestors. One of my few ancestors who survived being ambushed by a small village of mostly women and children who lived a mere three days ride over rugged terrain and could have mounted a full-scale attack at any time if my surviving ancestors, which was all of them but one who died of heart heart failure as a result of hanging by the neck for saying the Lord's name in vain while acting as a pallbearer at Miss Lardburger's funeral last January. It was an eventful month. But I seem to have digressed yet again. I shall try to do better going forward and stick to the subject at hand.

So, to answer your question, no, Atilla the Hun, did not carry a Capital One Card. Besides, those are Vikings in the commercials, not Huns, like there's a difference. Where was I? Oh yeah.

If I had a hammer I'd hammer the beejeesus out of the next magazine salesman to fall down my basement stairs onto the spike bed I installed at the foot of the cellar stairs.

Like they always say, if you are going to be the first bank teller to dress like Tarzan, be sure you go all ape.

We don't need to agree. Just recognize that the country is too divided to maintain itself.
I don't think the country is as divided as the professional grievance-mongers on either side would have us believe.

have you listened to obama, hillary, sanders, oprah, whoopi, MSNBC, et al? They are so full of hate and divisiveness that it is blatant. If you can't see it, you are either blind, or stupid.

The hate I see here on the boards is mostly by Cons like yourself.

Any of the people you mention are saints compared to the hate you Cons pour out each day.
Assume you are correct. The Cons just hate. That means the country is divided to the point where it cannot stand much longer. You can't recognize that a significant part of the country hates another part of the country and still think there's a chance of hanging together. That's just denying reality.
We don't need to agree. Just recognize that the country is too divided to maintain itself.
I don't think the country is as divided as the professional grievance-mongers on either side would have us believe.

have you listened to obama, hillary, sanders, oprah, whoopi, MSNBC, et al? They are so full of hate and divisiveness that it is blatant. If you can't see it, you are either blind, or stupid.

The hate I see here on the boards is mostly by Cons like yourself.

Any of the people you mention are saints compared to the hate you Cons pour out each day.
Assume you are correct. The Cons just hate. That means the country is divided to the point where it cannot stand much longer. You can't recognize that a significant part of the country hates another part of the country and still think there's a chance of hanging together. That's just denying reality.

No Cons like you hate. Not all Cons

But there have always been haters- probably fewer today than before.

Haters gotta hate, hate, hate- shake it off.
Actually, as an Independent voter, I see far more hate, albeit carefully disguised, from the Left that from the Right any day of the week.

In terms of accusations of hate and racism, the Right definitely gets more than its share. However, when it comes to actually acting on hate and racism, and exploiting both, the Democrats are the worst by a long shot.

Slavery= Democrats, Jim Crow = Democrats, Segregation = Democrats,
Fought the Civil Rights Act tooth and nail = Democrats
Some of the first Republicans were Black. The NAACP was started by Jews. The Democrats still exploit blacks by enslaving them again, this time with the chains of dependence on government and what is extracted from blacks instead of back-breaking labor is their votes allowing this new sort of Democratic plantation owner to hold onto power and the immense weather it naturally brings.
And yet- here we are- still going strong

Really? Going strong?

If you had as much debt (proportionately) as this Country has, would you consider yourself a "success"?

The United States- still the strongest country in the world.

Yeah I consider us a success- sorry you don't.

We are now the 12the freest country. Before the Obama administration we were ranked #4. Our labor participation rate hasn't been so low since 1977, the Carter Administration. We have total unfunded liabilities of over $200 trillion. We are swirling around the toilet bowl.

The United States- still the strongest country in the world.

yeah I consider us a success- sorry you despise America and Americans so much.

Rome was the greatest empire in the world right until just before Alaric and the Visigoths sacked Rome.
And yet- here we are- still going strong

Really? Going strong?

If you had as much debt (proportionately) as this Country has, would you consider yourself a "success"?

The United States- still the strongest country in the world.

Yeah I consider us a success- sorry you don't.

We are now the 12the freest country. Before the Obama administration we were ranked #4. Our labor participation rate hasn't been so low since 1977, the Carter Administration. We have total unfunded liabilities of over $200 trillion. We are swirling around the toilet bowl.

The United States- still the strongest country in the world.

yeah I consider us a success- sorry you despise America and Americans so much.

Rome was the greatest empire in the world right until just before Alaric and the Visigoths sacked Rome.

It had been declining for centuries
If we were all of the same though, there would be no needs for courts or government and we would all be clones, or robots

I'm certainly not suggesting everyone be the same. However there's different and there's people getting in other people's faces. The US has been built on Human Rights for a long time. But many people don't care about rights and don't understand them. There are some things you expect to be fundamental within such a society, but then you find out it's just a facade.
Actually, as an Independent voter, I see far more hate, albeit carefully disguised, from the Left that from the Right any day of the week.

In terms of accusations of hate and racism, the Right definitely gets more than its share. However, when it comes to actually acting on hate and racism, and exploiting both, the Democrats are the worst by a long shot.

Slavery= Democrats, Jim Crow = Democrats, Segregation = Democrats,
Fought the Civil Rights Act tooth and nail = Democrats
Some of the first Republicans were Black. The NAACP was started by Jews. The Democrats still exploit blacks by enslaving them again, this time with the chains of dependence on government and what is extracted from blacks instead of back-breaking labor is their votes allowing this new sort of Democratic plantation owner to hold onto power and the immense weather it naturally brings.

Finally! An independent voice! So refreshing.
one of obama's goals has been to divide the country as part of his "fundamental transformation". Divide and conquer, its not a new idea..

thats what nutjobs like you have been saying ever since Obama started running for President.

Despite your best efforts the country is no more divided now than then.

This 'divided country' nonsense is yet another ridiculous lie from the right.
Actually, the country does divide(ideologically) before elections

So far, it has always been a healthy, natural and Good response. So I don't really see the point of this tread.

What, does anyone think we should all get up and vote one way? That there are no dissenters to how things are going.? No supporters to how things have gone?

I hope this isn't one of those memes like "Don't elect Hillary because it sets a precedent that power is inherited" . These 'memes' don't work in the rights favor(Obama won, remember) , and it is obvious the right don't believe in these meme themselves(Jeb Bush is running!?!? What happened to the inheritance meme?)

To demonstrate it--How many of you right wingers are clicking your boots for Obama? Not one of you? Even some Dems are refusing?

If keeping the country from dividing so important, why aren't you goose stepping for Obama and his choice for the next President?

"divided country problem" is A bunch of BS

you are talking about political divides, what we are seeing is the country divided or race, sexual orientation, age, income, geography, and sex.

the socialist doctrine is based on dividing and conquering. Obama is a radical socialist, or more accurately a marxist collectivist. He is following the agenda set out by his mentor Saul Alinsky, and you fools on the left are too brainwashed to even see what is happening to you.

Always fun when you give us a peek into the mind of a far right wingnut.


nothing I said is far right, wingnutty, or untrue. I do realize that your only defense when presented with facts that you don't like is to insult the messenger.

but you have a very small mind so that is expected.
thats what nutjobs like you have been saying ever since Obama started running for President.

Despite your best efforts the country is no more divided now than then.

This 'divided country' nonsense is yet another ridiculous lie from the right.
Actually, the country does divide(ideologically) before elections

So far, it has always been a healthy, natural and Good response. So I don't really see the point of this tread.

What, does anyone think we should all get up and vote one way? That there are no dissenters to how things are going.? No supporters to how things have gone?

I hope this isn't one of those memes like "Don't elect Hillary because it sets a precedent that power is inherited" . These 'memes' don't work in the rights favor(Obama won, remember) , and it is obvious the right don't believe in these meme themselves(Jeb Bush is running!?!? What happened to the inheritance meme?)

To demonstrate it--How many of you right wingers are clicking your boots for Obama? Not one of you? Even some Dems are refusing?

If keeping the country from dividing so important, why aren't you goose stepping for Obama and his choice for the next President?

"divided country problem" is A bunch of BS

you are talking about political divides, what we are seeing is the country divided or race, sexual orientation, age, income, geography, and sex.

the socialist doctrine is based on dividing and conquering. Obama is a radical socialist, or more accurately a marxist collectivist. He is following the agenda set out by his mentor Saul Alinsky, and you fools on the left are too brainwashed to even see what is happening to you.

Always fun when you give us a peek into the mind of a far right wingnut.


nothing I said is far right, wingnutty, or untrue. I do realize that your only defense when presented with facts that you don't like is to insult the messenger.

but you have a very small mind so that is expected.

Everything you said was untrue, and everything you said were the talking points of the wingnut far right.

But then again- that is what you do.
Actually, as an Independent voter, I see far more hate, albeit carefully disguised, from the Left that from the Right any day of the week.

In terms of accusations of hate and racism, the Right definitely gets more than its share. However, when it comes to actually acting on hate and racism, and exploiting both, the Democrats are the worst by a long shot.

Slavery= Democrats, Jim Crow = Democrats, Segregation = Democrats,
Fought the Civil Rights Act tooth and nail = Democrats
Some of the first Republicans were Black. The NAACP was started by Jews. The Democrats still exploit blacks by enslaving them again, this time with the chains of dependence on government and what is extracted from blacks instead of back-breaking labor is their votes allowing this new sort of Democratic plantation owner to hold onto power and the immense weather it naturally brings.

Well lets talk about that- shall we?
Slavery- actually slavery pre-dates the Democratic Party. And even as the Civil War rolled on- there were anti-slavery Democrats in the North- but absolutely it would be accurate to claim that the Confederates States were composed of Democrats- in your experience do modern proponents of the Confederate States tend to be Democrats?
Jim Crow- absolutely passed by politicians who were Democrats- though it was not a policy of the Democratic Party.
Civil Rights Act- passed by Democrats. To be more specific- the 1964 Civil Rights Act was proposed by JFK, and then pushed by LBJ- both Democrats- it was pushed through Congress by Democrats, with Republican support. More Democrats voted for the Act than Republicans. The Act was opposed by every Southern Democrat- and Republican.
Some of the first Republicans were black- and now most Blacks are Democrats- clearly African Americans changed- as the Democratic and Republican Parties changed.
The NAACP started by Jews? Why the hell do you care that "Jews" started the NAACP- even if they did? I am really curious as to why you included this comment.
And your last part- "Democrats enslave blacks' is frankly an insult to African Americans- and pretty much explains why the Republicans have lost the African American votes- you are telling African Americans you are smarter than they are- and that you know what is best for them.

What in the end your rant comes down to is you telling minorities that Democrats are the racists- but minorities don't seem to agree.

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