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A Country Divided

did god write that or was it a bunch of religious zealots over the Centuries?......

The Bible is the God inspired word. I think you read the Bible in it's entirety, pray and enter into relationship with God, you know what is sin - God is a God of order. We all have our sexual urges and desires, many are unhealthy and perverted. God asks us to live for Him, to be obedient to Him, so that we shine with His light her o Earth. So that we can all have relationship with Him.
you mean its Gods inspired word translated the way the religious zealots throughout the Centuries wanted it to say so they can retain their power over their followers.... sorry i dont trust anything transcribed by people wanting to retain power....i have no doubt many words were changed to fit their agenda .....
I'm not all knowing, but what I do know is God will speak to you and reveal r things to you when you read the Bible
ive read the bible,but i had the misfortune to be raised a Catholic.....luckily for me i asked questions about the bullshit they throw at you and got bullshit answers,thats all i needed to see the exit sign....

Catholicism has done more to damage the Faith than any atheist could dream of doing....
Yes, and mainstream Christianity has sadly joined them in that venture.

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While we are busy bickering with one another, our common interests are being targeted by an expansionist Islam. Likewise, as Europe and the rest of the world is in turmoil, Muslims continue to spread their fundamentalist ideology and recruit our spoiled and disillusioned children. While we raze our own cultures and societies they quietly move in and reproduce at more than twice the rate of the native born citizens.

The world is about to go dark and Americans are so wrapped up in our petty first world problems that most of us are oblivious to the full scale invasion that's occurring all around us. But by all means, let's keep fighting over who sleeps with who and how racist America has become even as a black POTUS presides over a divided nation.

Snap out of it, people. We are being played. If you can't see that, then you're part of the problem.

Stop being part of the problem.
We don't have common interests, that's the problem.

Divide the country peacefully. We might then join forces against a common enemy. As it is, liberals are trying to find ways to use that enemy for its own purposes.
How does one "divide the country peacefully?" Can you cite some examples of this?


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Oh, we most certainly do have common interests if you consider things at a global level. We just aren't big thinkers for the most part. We are more interested in our own, often petty, concerns than we are for America as a whole.

Liberalism is a very selfish ideology wrapped in the guise of social justice. In the end it comes down to the hunger for power.

I'm pretty sure that we would dispense with much of our arguing if we believed a real common threat was upon us. I would submit that a real threat IS upon us and too few recognize it because we're too busy trying to further our own selfish agendas.

At this point I have accepted the demise of America as we have known her and have steeled myself for what inevitably lies ahead. I can say with a fair amount of certainty that the 21st century is going to be one of the most defining ones in human history. We will either emerge from it a more advanced people or it will leave us back in a dark age. The way things are going and the fragility of our reliance on electrical power has me betting on the dark ages prevailing. Never in the history of our species have we ever been so vulnerable and yet so unaware.

I doubt I'll be around to see it happen, but America is probably headed for a fall and this generation will be the culprits. We will be remembered as America's Worst Generation, the generation that lost America.

I hope like hell that I'm wrong, but I doubt that I am.
You. Are. Wrong.

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While we have always had divisions, we always felt we were one country and we could find a way to compromise and work together.

That's what is no longer there. We aren't one country and we hate each other. There is no point on which we will compromise. Under these circumstances there is no way the nation can stay intact for long.
Other than right after 9/11, do you think that the whole country felt united at any time during the Bush Administration? Be honest.

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This isn't a matter of who is president. The president doesn't bring us together. We have been dividing long before Bush was president. We've been dividing since the 60s.

I would say that 911 did not bring us together at all. There was a brief moment of collective shock. Then Ward Churchill called the dead little Eichmans and liberals mostly agreed that we asked for it.
We were united truly for about 3 days to a week. I lived in NYC at the time. I witnessed the unity first hand.

And if the argument isn't against who is President, then how are you proposing we come together as a country?
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White conservatives vs everyone else? Man are you blind.
S'pose you're going to tell me you're not white, or a conservative?
You don't have to tell me you're a liberal.
I'm a registered Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican, which makes me a fiscal Conservative, and a social Libertarian.

And though Fox News, and talk radio would tell you it's impossible, I don't hate Obama, and I never voted for him.

No one hates obama... he's too pitiful to hate.

The people I feel the worst for are the hard working black folks, who were too quick, just too eager to see a black man as President. Only to have that choice turn out to embody the worst of every racial stereotype ever devised.

Shiftless, lazy, deceitful, eager to take the property of others and use it toward his own interests... a reprobate in general and a embarrassment to the human race specifically.
I hate him. The traitor is destroying my country. Plus this shit about "like the man, hate his policies is PC bullshit. Barry Soetoro is a pompous ass no matter what his capacity and a loathsome human being. These qualities have nothing to do with his color or his office, they are a result of his worldview. One which I oppose with every fiber of my being.

I would submit that if you don't feel the same way, then you don't share my patriotism.
Yep, there you have it, another goner.


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The funny thing is the country is divided. The right and the left. The Republicans and the Democrats.

However there isn't much difference between the right and the left or the reps and the dems.

They both go into office in DC, they both take a shed load of cash and spend it on advertising. They both avoid meaningful debate on topics that are necessary. They both stick to the issues which allow them to be partisan, which show their position in an easy manner and allow their supporters to get all hot under the collar while avoiding the REAL ISSUES.

I'd say the most important issues in the US right now are 1) the corruption that has been legitimised in politics.They call this campaign funds and donations, but often this is simply the buying of congressmen and presidents.
2) The manner in which elections are held which has allowed the two main parties to essentially do whatever they like and avoid any dissension in the ranks and among the people.

However you talk about these and people just aren't interested. They haven't been told these are important by those spending lots of money advertising, so they stick to gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on.

It amazes me that people actually take this stuff in hook, line and sinker.

But then again it amazed me when a guy working in a supermarket in Colorado told me he bought Pepsi when he could get Coca-Cola for free any time at work. His reason: Pepsi was the drink of the poor people. Yeah, he bought that advertising and believed what they told him. He didn't think that the reason he was poor was because he was stupidly buying pepsi at $1 a bottle instead of drinking A) something that was free or B) something much healthier than sugared water with brown color.

When you see advertising working so well in the US that it actually buys people's thoughts, you realise how scary democracy is.
Very well said.


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The funny thing is the country is divided. The right and the left. The Republicans and the Democrats.

However there isn't much difference between the right and the left or the reps and the dems.

They both go into office in DC, they both take a shed load of cash and spend it on advertising. They both avoid meaningful debate on topics that are necessary. They both stick to the issues which allow them to be partisan, which show their position in an easy manner and allow their supporters to get all hot under the collar while avoiding the REAL ISSUES.

I'd say the most important issues in the US right now are 1) the corruption that has been legitimised in politics.They call this campaign funds and donations, but often this is simply the buying of congressmen and presidents.
2) The manner in which elections are held which has allowed the two main parties to essentially do whatever they like and avoid any dissension in the ranks and among the people.

However you talk about these and people just aren't interested. They haven't been told these are important by those spending lots of money advertising, so they stick to gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on.

It amazes me that people actually take this stuff in hook, line and sinker.

But then again it amazed me when a guy working in a supermarket in Colorado told me he bought Pepsi when he could get Coca-Cola for free any time at work. His reason: Pepsi was the drink of the poor people. Yeah, he bought that advertising and believed what they told him. He didn't think that the reason he was poor was because he was stupidly buying pepsi at $1 a bottle instead of drinking A) something that was free or B) something much healthier than sugared water with brown color.

When you see advertising working so well in the US that it actually buys people's thoughts, you realise how scary democracy is.

The people are interested.
However, the politicians are not, since they benefit from this mess.
The politicians respond according to what the people do. The people are not responding to those important issues you illustrated, they do, however, respond to partisan issues.

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Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
All of these hypocritical politicians who continually say we are getting away from the principles our country were founded on by the founding Fathers through the Constitution.
Our founding Father's were able to write our Constitution because they were able to compromise on issues they were divided.
The current politicians who refuse to compromise are an embarrassment to the principles our country was founded.
Thus a country divided and getting more divided.
The funny thing is the country is divided. The right and the left. The Republicans and the Democrats.

However there isn't much difference between the right and the left or the reps and the dems.

They both go into office in DC, they both take a shed load of cash and spend it on advertising. They both avoid meaningful debate on topics that are necessary. They both stick to the issues which allow them to be partisan, which show their position in an easy manner and allow their supporters to get all hot under the collar while avoiding the REAL ISSUES.

I'd say the most important issues in the US right now are 1) the corruption that has been legitimised in politics.They call this campaign funds and donations, but often this is simply the buying of congressmen and presidents.
2) The manner in which elections are held which has allowed the two main parties to essentially do whatever they like and avoid any dissension in the ranks and among the people.

However you talk about these and people just aren't interested. They haven't been told these are important by those spending lots of money advertising, so they stick to gun control, abortion, gay marriage and so on.

It amazes me that people actually take this stuff in hook, line and sinker.

But then again it amazed me when a guy working in a supermarket in Colorado told me he bought Pepsi when he could get Coca-Cola for free any time at work. His reason: Pepsi was the drink of the poor people. Yeah, he bought that advertising and believed what they told him. He didn't think that the reason he was poor was because he was stupidly buying pepsi at $1 a bottle instead of drinking A) something that was free or B) something much healthier than sugared water with brown color.

When you see advertising working so well in the US that it actually buys people's thoughts, you realise how scary democracy is.
Very well said.


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Look a far left drone praising another far left drone as they continue to vote far left and for the segmentation and division of our society.
The amusing thing about liberals is that they actually believe they are the majority in America and celebrate unconstitutional court decisions which can be overturned and reversed as easily and quickly as they were made.

The tenure of Barack Hussein Obama has awoken the sleeping giant which is the vast majority of Americans who identify as Conservative. All I can say to these deviant traitor's is that they had better really enjoy the next year and a half because Obama will not only go down in history as America's first black President, but also as the worst POTUS ever, and the last Democrat to sit in the Oval Office for at least a couple of decades. Likewise, Democrats will likely be a tiny minority in Congress and in state governments across America for the foreseeable future. If you don't believe it, just watch.

Liberals have had their way with America for five decades longer than such enemies ever should have. They have done their best to destroy America, culminating in the election of their Manchurian Vandidate: Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama, the one man sleeper cell occupying our White House thanks to an uninformed electorate and Liberal operatives breaking election laws.

This chapter in America's history is about to close as real Americans take their nation back from the enemies of America who live in and exploit the very system of government they loathe. Liberals are about to become pariahs in America, if you're lucky. If you are unlucky, you and your Marxist friends might end up victims of lead poisoning like America's past enemies have. Personally, I hope it doesn't come to that. I'd much rather make them subject to an America steered by the majority instead of deviant freaks and mental cases for a change.

2016 is going to be an interesting year. It is going to be the year America wakes up and remembers who she is. It is going to be the year Liberalism is put where it belongs. Namely the history's dustbin of bad ideas.
What will you do when Hillary Clinton is elected President?

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I hate him. The traitor is destroying my country. Plus this shit about "like the man, hate his policies is PC bullshit. Barry Soetoro is a pompous ass no matter what his capacity and a loathsome human being. These qualities have nothing to do with his color or his office, they are a result of his worldview. One which I oppose with every fiber of my being.

I would submit that if you don't feel the same way, then you don't share my patriotism.

I get where you're at.

But I don't hate obama as a human being. he's a flawed human being... I hate everything he is, what he stands for, what he has done and is doing and know to an axiomatic certainty that he is animated by pure, unadulterated evil.

I would not step off the sidewalk to piss on his head if he were ablaze, laying in the gutter.

I can't speak for your patriotism, but I speak of my principles every single day... and if there's something you'd like to discuss regarding such, I'm ready to go at any time you'd like. I am well aware of where I stand and WHY... across the entire spectrum friend and I don't need your assent, approval, thumbs-up or so much as a nod of your head to sustain my position on anything, or to carry same, anywhere, without regard to who or how many are standing there.

SO... I appreciate the emotion, it just doesn't do anything for me. Love to have ya on board, but... by no means is it necessary.
Just curious, are you a self-proclaimed Christian?

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The amusing thing about liberals is that they actually believe they are the majority in America and celebrate unconstitutional court decisions which can be overturned and reversed as easily and quickly as they were made.

The tenure of Barack Hussein Obama has awoken the sleeping giant which is the vast majority of Americans who identify as Conservative. All I can say to these deviant traitor's is that they had better really enjoy the next year and a half because Obama will not only go down in history as America's first black President, but also as the worst POTUS ever, and the last Democrat to sit in the Oval Office for at least a couple of decades. Likewise, Democrats will likely be a tiny minority in Congress and in state governments across America for the foreseeable future. If you don't believe it, just watch.

Liberals have had their way with America for five decades longer than such enemies ever should have. They have done their best to destroy America, culminating in the election of their Manchurian Vandidate: Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama, the one man sleeper cell occupying our White House thanks to an uninformed electorate and Liberal operatives breaking election laws.

This chapter in America's history is about to close as real Americans take their nation back from the enemies of America who live in and exploit the very system of government they loathe. Liberals are about to become pariahs in America, if you're lucky. If you are unlucky, you and your Marxist friends might end up victims of lead poisoning like America's past enemies have. Personally, I hope it doesn't come to that. I'd much rather make them subject to an America steered by the majority instead of deviant freaks and mental cases for a change.

2016 is going to be an interesting year. It is going to be the year America wakes up and remembers who she is. It is going to be the year Liberalism is put where it belongs. Namely the history's dustbin of bad ideas.
What will you do when Hillary Clinton is elected President?

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So you will vote for a (D) even if they do match what the far left wants..

See this is why the far left religion is dangerous.

They vote for the division of the country.
I hate him. The traitor is destroying my country. Plus this shit about "like the man, hate his policies is PC bullshit. Barry Soetoro is a pompous ass no matter what his capacity and a loathsome human being. These qualities have nothing to do with his color or his office, they are a result of his worldview. One which I oppose with every fiber of my being.

I would submit that if you don't feel the same way, then you don't share my patriotism.

I get where you're at.

But I don't hate obama as a human being. he's a flawed human being... I hate everything he is, what he stands for, what he has done and is doing and know to an axiomatic certainty that he is animated by pure, unadulterated evil.

I would not step off the sidewalk to piss on his head if he were ablaze, laying in the gutter.

I can't speak for your patriotism, but I speak of my principles every single day... and if there's something you'd like to discuss regarding such, I'm ready to go at any time you'd like. I am well aware of where I stand and WHY... across the entire spectrum friend and I don't need your assent, approval, thumbs-up or so much as a nod of your head to sustain my position on anything, or to carry same, anywhere, without regard to who or how many are standing there.

SO... I appreciate the emotion, it just doesn't do anything for me. Love to have ya on board, but... by no means is it necessary.
Just curious, are you a self-proclaimed Christian?

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Like Obama and Jeremiah Wright?
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

We are bitterly divided because nobody really has a majority in the ideology department. Over the past thirty years, conservatives have pretty much defined the narrative, but that is now changing and conservatives are scared to death that they are losing control of the dialogue.

Well, I think we can see clearly demonstrated in this post where the real division lies: Leftists are delusional to the point of hallucinating. How do you find common ground and rapport with lunatics?

See, when you call people delusional you prove my point. I'm not even a liberal, but a former moderate Republican turned Democrat due to the far right completely hijacking the Republican Party.
You were never a conservative, so save your myths for your liberal traitor friends. No real American is going to buy them.

You are correct, I never was a whack job right wing conservative. I was a moderate Republican as I said. Idiots like you are driving the mods away from the party with your stupidity. Even my son, who is a US Marine, is a Democrat. Imagine that, will ya?
We welcome all of you.

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We are bitterly divided because nobody really has a majority in the ideology department. Over the past thirty years, conservatives have pretty much defined the narrative, but that is now changing and conservatives are scared to death that they are losing control of the dialogue.

Well, I think we can see clearly demonstrated in this post where the real division lies: Leftists are delusional to the point of hallucinating. How do you find common ground and rapport with lunatics?

See, when you call people delusional you prove my point. I'm not even a liberal, but a former moderate Republican turned Democrat due to the far right completely hijacking the Republican Party.
You were never a conservative, so save your myths for your liberal traitor friends. No real American is going to buy them.

You are correct, I never was a whack job right wing conservative. I was a moderate Republican as I said. Idiots like you are driving the mods away from the party with your stupidity. Even my son, who is a US Marine, is a Democrat. Imagine that, will ya?
We welcome all of you.

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The far left does not want moderates in their party..
We are bitterly divided because nobody really has a majority in the ideology department. Over the past thirty years, conservatives have pretty much defined the narrative, but that is now changing and conservatives are scared to death that they are losing control of the dialogue.

Well, I think we can see clearly demonstrated in this post where the real division lies: Leftists are delusional to the point of hallucinating. How do you find common ground and rapport with lunatics?

See, when you call people delusional you prove my point. I'm not even a liberal, but a former moderate Republican turned Democrat due to the far right completely hijacking the Republican Party.
You were never a conservative, so save your myths for your liberal traitor friends. No real American is going to buy them.

You are correct, I never was a whack job right wing conservative. I was a moderate Republican as I said. Idiots like you are driving the mods away from the party with your stupidity. Even my son, who is a US Marine, is a Democrat. Imagine that, will ya?
I am not a Republican and I frankly find the current GOP to be nearly as detestable and selfserving as the Democrats. Both parties are just sides of the same counterfeit coin.

The people we call liberals today are nothing of the sort. George Washington was a liberal, Michael Moore and his ilk, and those who sympathize with him, are autocratic elitist hypocrites dead set on turning America into some Marxist utopia of shared misery.

Meanwhile, there are so called conservatives in the GOP who, while spewing rhetoric to the contrary, pretty much govern just as the neoliberal Democrats do (see John Boehner).

Outside the incumbent Washington machine lie those who are so far left they consider Obama a nazi and those who are so far right they reckon Jesus wouldn't be too happy if they were to not penalize other people they don't even know for loving one another.

I don't get any of them because I happen to belong to the large and rapidly growing number of independent thinkers who are Independent voters who lean conservative; real conservative, as in being much more interested in national defense and the fiscal disaster which is our federal budget than in social issues which are mired in religious and even racial biases.

I look at the world and see it for what it is and at people for who and what they are. The world is a very simple place complicated only by the number of people trying to live on this tiny rock. I have been around a while and have picked up on humanity's modus operandi.

It is my opinion that the condition most refer to as "liberalism" is, in fact, a mental disorder brought on by a decadent and pampered lifestyle or self-inflicted and/or self-perpetuating poverty. These two constituencies of modern liberalism are connected by the former exploiting the latter under an aegis of altruism and lies.

I oppose today's liberals as I did the Communists they emulate with their goals and tactics. The West, and with it its culture, is committing suicide by liberalism and America joined the death march when we elected the criminal serving as POTUS, not once, but twice. We are getting what we asked for and people ain't happy. We are an amusing species.

At any rate, America is fucking pissed off; and when I say America I don't mean the loud squeaky voices of a deviant few, but I mean the thunderous roar of the common masses who have had it up to here with the way things are and what has become of the nation we love.
Mark my words. This shit ends come November 2016. America is awake and we woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
So we're not just liberals we're neoliberals too? WoW!


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Well, I think we can see clearly demonstrated in this post where the real division lies: Leftists are delusional to the point of hallucinating. How do you find common ground and rapport with lunatics?

See, when you call people delusional you prove my point. I'm not even a liberal, but a former moderate Republican turned Democrat due to the far right completely hijacking the Republican Party.
You were never a conservative, so save your myths for your liberal traitor friends. No real American is going to buy them.

You are correct, I never was a whack job right wing conservative. I was a moderate Republican as I said. Idiots like you are driving the mods away from the party with your stupidity. Even my son, who is a US Marine, is a Democrat. Imagine that, will ya?
I am not a Republican and I frankly find the current GOP to be nearly as detestable and selfserving as the Democrats. Both parties are just sides of the same counterfeit coin.

The people we call liberals today are nothing of the sort. George Washington was a liberal, Michael Moore and his ilk, and those who sympathize with him, are autocratic elitist hypocrites dead set on turning America into some Marxist utopia of shared misery.

Meanwhile, there are so called conservatives in the GOP who, while spewing rhetoric to the contrary, pretty much govern just as the neoliberal Democrats do (see John Boehner).

Outside the incumbent Washington machine lie those who are so far left they consider Obama a nazi and those who are so far right they reckon Jesus wouldn't be too happy if they were to not penalize other people they don't even know for loving one another.

I don't get any of them because I happen to belong to the large and rapidly growing number of independent thinkers who are Independent voters who lean conservative; real conservative, as in being much more interested in national defense and the fiscal disaster which is our federal budget than in social issues which are mired in religious and even racial biases.

I look at the world and see it for what it is and at people for who and what they are. The world is a very simple place complicated only by the number of people trying to live on this tiny rock. I have been around a while and have picked up on humanity's modus operandi.

It is my opinion that the condition most refer to as "liberalism" is, in fact, a mental disorder brought on by a decadent and pampered lifestyle or self-inflicted and/or self-perpetuating poverty. These two constituencies of modern liberalism are connected by the former exploiting the latter under an aegis of altruism and lies.

I oppose today's liberals as I did the Communists they emulate with their goals and tactics. The West, and with it its culture, is committing suicide by liberalism and America joined the death march when we elected the criminal serving as POTUS, not once, but twice. We are getting what we asked for and people ain't happy. We are an amusing species.

At any rate, America is fucking pissed off; and when I say America I don't mean the loud squeaky voices of a deviant few, but I mean the thunderous roar of the common masses who have had it up to here with the way things are and what has become of the nation we love.
Mark my words. This shit ends come November 2016. America is awake and we woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
So we're not just liberals we're neoliberals too? WoW!


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No you are not liberals or progressives, far left drones are the furthest thing from it, they make bible thumpers look like the most open minded people on the planet..
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

one of obama's goals has been to divide the country as part of his "fundamental transformation". Divide and conquer, its not a new idea..

thats what nutjobs like you have been saying ever since Obama started running for President.

Despite your best efforts the country is no more divided now than then.

bullshit. This country is more divided today than ever before. tolerance of differing views does not exist. obozo has demonized the police and the military, he has tried to remove religion from our daily lives, he has created racial unrest that has manifested itself in Ferguson, Baltimore, and other places. He has made us vulnerable to terrorist attacks by not enforcing our borders.
You, sir, are a FOOL!

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Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

one of obama's goals has been to divide the country as part of his "fundamental transformation". Divide and conquer, its not a new idea..

thats what nutjobs like you have been saying ever since Obama started running for President.

Despite your best efforts the country is no more divided now than then.

bullshit. This country is more divided today than ever before. tolerance of differing views does not exist. obozo has demonized the police and the military, he has tried to remove religion from our daily lives, he has created racial unrest that has manifested itself in Ferguson, Baltimore, and other places. He has made us vulnerable to terrorist attacks by not enforcing our borders.
You, sir, are a FOOL!

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Says the far left drone!
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

one of obama's goals has been to divide the country as part of his "fundamental transformation". Divide and conquer, its not a new idea..

thats what nutjobs like you have been saying ever since Obama started running for President.

Despite your best efforts the country is no more divided now than then.

This 'divided country' nonsense is yet another ridiculous lie from the right.
Actually, the country does divide(ideologically) before elections

So far, it has always been a healthy, natural and Good response. So I don't really see the point of this tread.

What, does anyone think we should all get up and vote one way? That there are no dissenters to how things are going.? No supporters to how things have gone?

I hope this isn't one of those memes like "Don't elect Hillary because it sets a precedent that power is inherited" . These 'memes' don't work in the rights favor(Obama won, remember) , and it is obvious the right don't believe in these meme themselves(Jeb Bush is running!?!? What happened to the inheritance meme?)

To demonstrate it--How many of you right wingers are clicking your boots for Obama? Not one of you? Even some Dems are refusing?

If keeping the country from dividing so important, why aren't you goose stepping for Obama and his choice for the next President?

"divided country problem" is A bunch of BS

you are talking about political divides, what we are seeing is the country divided or race, sexual orientation, age, income, geography, and sex.

the socialist doctrine is based on dividing and conquering. Obama is a radical socialist, or more accurately a marxist collectivist. He is following the agenda set out by his mentor Saul Alinsky, and you fools on the left are too brainwashed to even see what is happening to you.
Are you this foolish?!?

Division is division, "political division", as you've so conveniently termed is and always hinged on the list of divisions you posted.

You're just mad because the divide isn't falling in your favor right now.

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