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A Country Divided

No you are far left drone which over rides everything else.

Your religion is the far left..
My religion is Presbyterian.

Does the fact that you are a far right acolyte over ride everything about you?

Yes anyone that is not a far left zealot must be far right!

Yes you have prove that your far left religion over rides anything else.
So, in your world, you can label and dismiss out of hand, but no labels must be stuck on you. Could you please define a few terms before we continue?

"Far left"
"Far right"

I am right of the far left, but then again so are the majorities of Americans.

And the far left drones demanding definat8ions to words they do not even comprehend, now that is comedy..
You realize that you haven't defined any of the words in question; You simply used them in your sentence. Right?

Because the far left definitions do not fit reality, but they will preach the far left religious dogma.

Just like you will being a far left drone..
It is done on purpose the far left needs the country divided into their protected classes so they can hold you into political slavery.
or is it possible the Koch brothers teabagged your sorry ass and you're there slaves

Another far left drone proving that they touch themselves as they post their debunked religious dogma..
Do you know what A.L.E.C is? They are conservative rich corporations and rich people who write legislation then hand it over to Republicans who don't even read it before they pass their agenda. You've been teabaggers son. Either that or the libertarians got you all stupid. Or are you a bushy? Mitt or McCain kind of guy? Michelle bachman Herman Cain Rick Perry? Paul Ryan rand Paul or Ron Paul? Trump? What kind of crazy are you?

Yes we know the far left drones support political slavery and vote for it every chance they get.

Just like the far left and their Hypocrisy on the 11% as they plan to vote for the 1%er known as Hilary Clinton who is much worse than the far left is willing to admit. No one that is right of the far left can even come close to her hypocrisy.

See how they follow they religion without question or hesitation..
You vote for the kind of country you want and I'll vote or we will vote for the kind of country we want and let's see who wins old man

Yes we know you will for who ever your far left masters tell you to vote for..
The far left is a religion and you follow it without question or hesitation and the religious dogma of the far left has been debunked..
That's the most important part of the scientific method. Questioning everything. Is your side that wants to protect the status quo and doesn't want to question the people in power unless of course their Democrats.

And the irony of the far left showing their hypocrisy once again.

This proves once again that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

So please show all the posts you made questioning Obama's illegal wars..
Do you mean the ones Bush got us into ultimately?

See the far left religion can not admit that Obama is in illegal wars and refers to other wars that were legal.

Oh the hypocrisy of the far left drones..
Arent you worried about Iran? How about illegals? Isis? Gays? The debt? What's your top ten worries?

So yes you support Obama illegal wars like a good little drone..
So, in your world, you can label and dismiss out of hand, but no labels must be stuck on you. Could you please define a few terms before we continue?

"Far left"
"Far right"

I am right of the far left, but then again so are the majorities of Americans.

And the far left drones demanding definat8ions to words they do not even comprehend, now that is comedy..
I wanted a level playing field. Who knows what you mean when you write about a religious politics? I know what the Social Comservatives mean. They mean a politics not merely informed by religion, but dictating it.

Now, your catch phrase has me confused. Could you clearly define those terms so we don't end up shouting past each other, but communicating?
You mean far left drones? I would like to see a far-right drone se Obama has kept us safe since 9/11. Remember they used to say that about Bush? That he kept us safe since 9/11? How come I've never heard them say that about Obama?

Yep to bad Clinton did not send a far left drone to take out Bin Laden. He had from 1995 to 2001 to do it..

What would that have done?

Droned Bin Laden, what about you? Would you have let Bin Laden go?
Are you this foolish?!?

Division is division, "political division", as you've so conveniently termed is and always hinged on the list of divisions you posted.

You're just mad because the divide isn't falling in your favor right now.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Don't think that this is done on purpose. They aren't smart enough to be this stupid. They don't even realize that they talk out of both sides of their mouth. If Bush was in office you just know that they would have a completely different position on every issue going right now.
It is a lie.

Majorities of Americans are in agreement on a number of issues, such as immigration reform, privacy rights, and the right of gay American to marry – that you and a minority of fearful, reactionary rightists and social conservatives are unhappy with the way things are for subjective, partisan reasons does not mean the country is 'divided,'
We also agree that our government is corrupt and the bankers need to be reigned in and that we have a problem with employers hiring illegal immigrants but good luck getting conservatives to do what is necessary to fix any of these problems because ultimately they are the rich peoples lap dogs

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It is done on purpose the far left needs the country divided into their protected classes so they can hold you into political slavery.
I can't figure out how extending freedoms to all Americans, providing for the general welfare of the citizens, holding free and fair unrestricted elections among the citizens can be a source of division in this nation.

I don't understand the concept of "political slavery". How does that work?

:lmao: Is THAT what you think has been happening? Jesus God, you're in your own special class of stupid, aintcha? :haha:
That's not much of an argument you proffered there. Did you have trouble with the big words, or are you incapable of responding coherently?
My religion is Presbyterian.

Does the fact that you are a far right acolyte over ride everything about you?

Yes anyone that is not a far left zealot must be far right!

Yes you have prove that your far left religion over rides anything else.
So, in your world, you can label and dismiss out of hand, but no labels must be stuck on you. Could you please define a few terms before we continue?

"Far left"
"Far right"

I am right of the far left, but then again so are the majorities of Americans.

And the far left drones demanding definat8ions to words they do not even comprehend, now that is comedy..
You realize that you haven't defined any of the words in question; You simply used them in your sentence. Right?

Because the far left definitions do not fit reality, but they will preach the far left religious dogma.

Just like you will being a far left drone..
You're not making any sense, as usual.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Cecilie1200 said:
:lmao: Is THAT what you think has been happening? Jesus God, you're in your own special class of stupid, aintcha? :haha:

Cecilie, Liberals live in a world of their own construction. A world where feelings trump facts every day of the week. Where cowardice and treachery are rewarded behaviors, as are laziness and dishonesty. In a Liberal world everyone would think the same things about the same things. To disagree is to be a denying hater. You must toe the Liberal line and speak in a manner approved by the Liberal elite who are the judges and juries of society. In short, these neo-liberals have abandoned reality in the same way they have abandoned traditional norms which have served society well for thousands of years.

Liberal progressives always want more than what they have. They constantly seek greener pastures which, more often than not, turn out to be mirages in the desert of bad ideas. Don't waste your time expecting them to grasp the basic, common sense ideas that most Americans espouse. The tail is busy trying to wag the dog. Sadly, they have been successful, culminating with the Obama Presidency. It has been like reliving the seventies, wth Democrat Jimmy Carter, or frankly worse, at the helm, Islam rearing it s ugly head and asserting its power again hoping to and succeeding in presiding over the creation of the last Caliphate that will rule most, if not all, the world.

Liberals are everyone's worst enemy, including their own. It will be their own hubris in forcing their inferior centralized planning down the throats of the states and in turn the People. They invariably end up hoist by their own petard. It is their own inability to discern between good and evil that makes them dangerous to believe or follow.

So, don't let Liberals worry you too much because it's that worry and abject fear that will be their downfall. Obama, while successful in pushing much of his radical agenda has also been successful in exposing the left's deep reliance on lies to keep their various Ponzi-like schemes working on the American people. Now exposed, the usual Democratic tricks are losing their effectiveness with their disguise. What Obama has been most successful at was ensuring that he will be the last Democratic president for a while I think. If I'm wrong, then the America I grew up in and love is gone forever.

Hyperbole? Only if it doesn't happen just as I said. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
No we aren't. The government claims unemployment is around 5% when in reality it is more like 15%. And more if you happen to be black. This administration makes up the numbers that make them look good while everyone living in this economy knows it's terrible. By any objective measurement our economy is a disaster with old problems ignored and festering. This administration is a giant lie.

Does anyone REALLY look at this economy and say, "Wow, things are going GREAT!" I don't mean the talking points memos with the cooked numbers and statistics they're given. I mean when they actually look around them at their friends, neighbors, community . . . Can even the left be that obtuse and gullible? Or do they just make excuses why this, or that, or the other thing is an anomaly, and not REALLY related to the state of the economy?

I always wonder about this.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
No shit. The Left has a way with ruining perfectly good words. They have destroyed the true meaning of "liberal", "gay", "marriage", etc. The words "liberty" and "liberal" shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.

Unless that sentence is "liberals hate true liberty."
No, because neo-liberalism is communism plain and simple and communism has been our enemy for a very long time.

The irony of it all is that Joe McCarthy was right after all. Correct premise, wrong in dealing with it. Over the last half century every institution in America has fallen under the control of autocratic neo-liberals.

We really do need a different name for these enemies in our midst. Maybe just "traitors" is as accurate as anything. Anything but Liberals.

Because Karl Marx and Milton Friedman were both Jews, you believe that neo-liberalism is communism? That's ridiculous!

What's that got to do with them being Jews or not? And have you noticed that YOU are the one who brought up their Jewishness and made it a "thing" in the conversation? Certainly tells us something about who's a bigot around here.
Don't think that this is done on purpose. They aren't smart enough to be this stupid. They don't even realize that they talk out of both sides of their mouth. If Bush was in office you just know that they would have a completely different position on every issue going right now.
We also agree that our government is corrupt and the bankers need to be reigned in and that we have a problem with employers hiring illegal immigrants but good luck getting conservatives to do what is necessary to fix any of these problems because ultimately they are the rich peoples lap dogs

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It is done on purpose the far left needs the country divided into their protected classes so they can hold you into political slavery.
I can't figure out how extending freedoms to all Americans, providing for the general welfare of the citizens, holding free and fair unrestricted elections among the citizens can be a source of division in this nation.

I don't understand the concept of "political slavery". How does that work?

:lmao: Is THAT what you think has been happening? Jesus God, you're in your own special class of stupid, aintcha? :haha:
That's not much of an argument you proffered there. Did you have trouble with the big words, or are you incapable of responding coherently?

Maybe you should learn the difference between "I consider your position serious and respectable enough to debate it" and "You're a fucking moron worthy of nothing but derision and mockery". Every response is not an "argument", simply because every statement isn't automatically worthy of one.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...
Use your words, like a big boy, I don't see pictures.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
No God necessary. How about fewer low income single parents? That would produce fewer and better citizens.

There is something greater than self. Community and country and the planet. Be a good citizen. That doesn't have to mean go to church every Sunday.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...

Look everyone, the stereotypical left winger, arrogant, condescending, thinks that they rule and reign in God's stead. They assume the role of God because they think the role is vacant. They think they can save mother earth when in reality, they can't even save themselves. They think the only salvation is their collective salvation, but in the end, all we get is more of the same, which is lied to continually. That is because if they told us the truth in terms of what they wanted to do with us, we would all lock them up or hang them from the highest flag pole.

Now they even have the Pope blabbering their propaganda as he gives sermons on the evils of global warming and tells women that God will forgive their abortions. For you see, apparently God is most concerned with forgiving women who have abortions and global warming cause the Pope's Messiah resides in the Oval Office.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...

Look everyone, the stereotypical left winger, arrogant, condescending, thinks that they rule and reign in God's stead. They assume the role of God because they think the role is vacant. They think they can save mother earth when in reality, they can't even save themselves. They think the only salvation is their collective salvation, but in the end, all we get is more of the same, which is lied to continually. That is because if they told us the truth in terms of what they wanted to do with us, we would all lock them up or hang them from the highest flag pole.

Now they even have the Pope blabbering their propaganda as he gives sermons on the evils of global warming and tells women that God will forgive their abortions. For you see, apparently God is most concerned with forgiving women who have abortions and global warming cause the Pope's Messiah resides in the Oval Office.
Here we rule, not your mythical god or gods, and human is a disease, don't try saving it.

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