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A Country Divided

Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?
A country divided will stand and has for centuries.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...

Look everyone, the stereotypical left winger, arrogant, condescending, thinks that they rule and reign in God's stead. They assume the role of God because they think the role is vacant. They think they can save mother earth when in reality, they can't even save themselves. They think the only salvation is their collective salvation, but in the end, all we get is more of the same, which is lied to continually. That is because if they told us the truth in terms of what they wanted to do with us, we would all lock them up or hang them from the highest flag pole.

Now they even have the Pope blabbering their propaganda as he gives sermons on the evils of global warming and tells women that God will forgive their abortions. For you see, apparently God is most concerned with forgiving women who have abortions and global warming cause the Pope's Messiah resides in the Oval Office.
Yay I like this post.
Hold that thought. There is a Conservative revolution underway and, as is always the case with "progressives", they have no clue what is going on.

So 2016 is going be an eventful year and I have a hunch it's going to be the beginning of woes for neo-liberals in America and around the world as conservatism sees a resurgence in the wake of Obama's irresponsible reign of liberal madness.

2016 is the last chance real Americans will have to change the course of their beloved country. If neo-liberals prevail in 2016, then the odds of another civil war in America increases substantially enough as to flirt with being inevitable.

I just cannot believe that one generation, albeit America's Worst Generation, begat by our Best Generation (go figure), would be able to tear America asunder. I have to believe, from what I have seen and heard from my fellow Americans that we are not going to just stand by, business as usual, as the Left tears apart what was built with the sweat and blood of other great Americans. I think that America is very slow to stir, but once stirred cannot be stopped. Obama's Presidency has been like slap across the face of the America I know. If that hasn't awoken the REAL America, then that America is dead.

Is America dead? We will know the answer on the second Tuesday in November 2016. My bet is on America being alive and unwell, which spells big trouble if you're a liberal in this country.

I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...

Look everyone, the stereotypical left winger, arrogant, condescending, thinks that they rule and reign in God's stead. They assume the role of God because they think the role is vacant. They think they can save mother earth when in reality, they can't even save themselves. They think the only salvation is their collective salvation, but in the end, all we get is more of the same, which is lied to continually. That is because if they told us the truth in terms of what they wanted to do with us, we would all lock them up or hang them from the highest flag pole.

Now they even have the Pope blabbering their propaganda as he gives sermons on the evils of global warming and tells women that God will forgive their abortions. For you see, apparently God is most concerned with forgiving women who have abortions and global warming cause the Pope's Messiah resides in the Oval Office.

You know, if you look out the window and 'it's everyone else', it isn't everyone else.

And give up the clichés for kriste sake.
The country is not divided, there's just a small percentage of liberals who snuck into power by lying that we are in the process of getting rid of.
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.
I'd like to believe that we're going to enter another phase of the pendulum swinging back and the grand experiment that is the United States of America continuing, but I will tell you honestly that my family is also preparing for the possible future need to hunker down and survive a coming collapse of society. Not like "joining a militia in Montana" or anything, but a much higher level of independent sustainability than we currently have.
Oh, same here. We are prepper. Just because we take America back from the liberals who maimed her, it doesn't mean instant healing. The damage done still will require remedy (e.g. we now have at least 2.5 million new illegal immigrants since Barry slithered into the Oval Office, etc.) and the enemies Obama emboldened with his liberal foreign policy and his stench of weakness.

Oh no, there will be no America the way it was before the liberals did their damage. That America is gone forever and there is no getting it back. What we can, however, strive for is an America that's closer to the old America than the one today.

History marches on with us on its back. Here's to this next chapter being about the reconstruction of America. About us getting back to the values that made America exceptional. Let us pray that America is still exceptional. We will know ten years from now.

I totally agree that we can't put the toothpaste all back in the tube, but we can try to do the best we can. Mainly we have to stop the bleeding and bring the notion of God and something greater than self back into this corrupt culture of ours. We can never go back, but we can move ahead in the right direction for a change.
God is either dead, or might as well be. Deal with it...

Look everyone, the stereotypical left winger, arrogant, condescending, thinks that they rule and reign in God's stead. They assume the role of God because they think the role is vacant. They think they can save mother earth when in reality, they can't even save themselves. They think the only salvation is their collective salvation, but in the end, all we get is more of the same, which is lied to continually. That is because if they told us the truth in terms of what they wanted to do with us, we would all lock them up or hang them from the highest flag pole.

Now they even have the Pope blabbering their propaganda as he gives sermons on the evils of global warming and tells women that God will forgive their abortions. For you see, apparently God is most concerned with forgiving women who have abortions and global warming cause the Pope's Messiah resides in the Oval Office.
Here we rule, not your mythical god or gods, and human is a disease, don't try saving it.

My, my, out comes the truth. Humans are a disease. Specifically, their free will is the disease.

So what to do about freedom? They simply try to have less of them through abortion, euthanasia, gay sex, etc. Those that are left can be drowned in laws and regulations that are passed in the US at the rate of about 40,000 every year.

And if that were not enough, they will just crash the economy so that people won't have the freedom to do much of anything.
This country needs to be divided. I'm tired of you Americans-in-name-only living in it. Get out...

Guess what, Americans are tired of Progs like you. I have no illusions though. You don't want division, rather, you want submission. So long as their is one free human being left on the face of the planet, it will be your ambition to snuff them out.
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.

Your mind is just too far gone. You see everything as us vs them and the world doesn't work like that. Turn off the radio and the fake cable tv news and join the real world. Who cares what King blah blah did, it is a red herring re the Constitution.

The founders created a democracy with forced compromise. Period.
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.

Your mind is just too far gone. You see everything as us vs them and the world doesn't work like that. Turn off the radio and the fake cable tv news and join the real world. Who cares what King blah blah did, it is a red herring re the Constitution.

The founders created a democracy with forced compromise. Period.

You can't compromise with a liberal, you can't find a middle ground, its their way or the highway or worse they will lie to your face pretending to compromise while fully intending to break the deal later. They have run around lying about conservatives for decades. They openly hate conservatives so is it surprising that I hate them back? The truth is I have no use for them in any case they need me I don't need them. So whatever it is that libs want you can forget it the answer is NO!
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.

Your mind is just too far gone. You see everything as us vs them and the world doesn't work like that. Turn off the radio and the fake cable tv news and join the real world. Who cares what King blah blah did, it is a red herring re the Constitution.

The founders created a democracy with forced compromise. Period.

You can't compromise with a liberal, you can't find a middle ground, its their way or the highway or worse they will lie to your face pretending to compromise while fully intending to break the deal later. They have run around lying about conservatives for decades. They openly hate conservatives so is it surprising that I hate them back? The truth is I have no use for them in any case they need me I don't need them. So whatever it is that libs want you can forget it the answer is NO!

Dr Zaus is that you?
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

I believe some don't want this country to stand.

While both parties pretend to agree that getting the country back on track is important, there are decidedly different ideas on what that means.

Some are outspoken and admit they want socialism. We have a lot of communists/socialists/Marxists in the Democrat party and they make themselves heard at every DMC convention.

We also have a lot of idiots who have no clue what made this country work and all they hear is what will be done for them personally. And too many are not willing to put any effort into bettering themselves and think they are entitled to everything because they exist. It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are.

And because so many people are completely ignorant, they don't understand or care about the consequences of the current policies. The people of Greece are a good example of that. They don't understand the part about not enough money being there to cover their demands. They expect the government to just make it happen.

Until some people get a clue, nothing will improve. Politicians are taking advantage of the ignorance of their dependents and can't see past their own careers and power.
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.

Your mind is just too far gone. You see everything as us vs them and the world doesn't work like that. Turn off the radio and the fake cable tv news and join the real world. Who cares what King blah blah did, it is a red herring re the Constitution.

The founders created a democracy with forced compromise. Period.

You can't compromise with a liberal, you can't find a middle ground, its their way or the highway or worse they will lie to your face pretending to compromise while fully intending to break the deal later. They have run around lying about conservatives for decades. They openly hate conservatives so is it surprising that I hate them back? The truth is I have no use for them in any case they need me I don't need them. So whatever it is that libs want you can forget it the answer is NO!

Dr Zaus is that you?

That's all you got? Meh someone take care of my light work. ^^^
A country divided can not stand. This country is way too divided to stand.

Dividing is the best thing to happen. Something of what made this country great would survive.
The very construction of American democracy is forced compromise. The founders understood division among people is natural. How to coral that division and keep a functioning government and nation was the challenge.

That's what the Constitution does, it tempers the rule of mob.

Reminder, the founders did not choose to compromise with England, the King pushed them too far and look what happened. Liberals would be wise to remember that.

Your mind is just too far gone. You see everything as us vs them and the world doesn't work like that. Turn off the radio and the fake cable tv news and join the real world. Who cares what King blah blah did, it is a red herring re the Constitution.

The founders created a democracy with forced compromise. Period.
You sound very sure of yourself.

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Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

I believe some don't want this country to stand.

While both parties pretend to agree that getting the country back on track is important, there are decidedly different ideas on what that means.

Some are outspoken and admit they want socialism. We have a lot of communists/socialists/Marxists in the Democrat party and they make themselves heard at every DMC convention.

We also have a lot of idiots who have no clue what made this country work and all they hear is what will be done for them personally. And too many are not willing to put any effort into bettering themselves and think they are entitled to everything because they exist. It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are.

And because so many people are completely ignorant, they don't understand or care about the consequences of the current policies. The people of Greece are a good example of that. They don't understand the part about not enough money being there to cover their demands. They expect the government to just make it happen.

Until some people get a clue, nothing will improve. Politicians are taking advantage of the ignorance of their dependents and can't see past their own careers and power.

"It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are."

We hear this garbage over and over. Except the reality is, it is the wealthy who have bought politicians who vote taxpayer money to the wealthy. THAT is the problem. I don't see the poor getting off for stealing food to eat but Wall Street destroys trillions of dollars of wealth and ruins millions of lives and nothing happens to any of them. HMMMMM, a clue?

Yes there are people voting themselves taxpayer money, its called the military industrial complex and the already ultra-wealthy. Welfare for the wealthy.

And they have a propaganda network, Faux News and con-talk-radio that keeps their addle-minded followers thinking its 'the poor' who are the problem.

How gullible and stupid can people be.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

I believe some don't want this country to stand.

While both parties pretend to agree that getting the country back on track is important, there are decidedly different ideas on what that means.

Some are outspoken and admit they want socialism. We have a lot of communists/socialists/Marxists in the Democrat party and they make themselves heard at every DMC convention.

We also have a lot of idiots who have no clue what made this country work and all they hear is what will be done for them personally. And too many are not willing to put any effort into bettering themselves and think they are entitled to everything because they exist. It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are.

And because so many people are completely ignorant, they don't understand or care about the consequences of the current policies. The people of Greece are a good example of that. They don't understand the part about not enough money being there to cover their demands. They expect the government to just make it happen.

Until some people get a clue, nothing will improve. Politicians are taking advantage of the ignorance of their dependents and can't see past their own careers and power.

"It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are."

We hear this garbage over and over. Except the reality is, it is the wealthy who have bought politicians who vote taxpayer money to the wealthy. THAT is the problem. I don't see the poor getting off for stealing food to eat but Wall Street destroys trillions of dollars of wealth and ruins millions of lives and nothing happens to any of them. HMMMMM, a clue?

Yes there are people voting themselves taxpayer money, its called the military industrial complex and the already ultra-wealthy. Welfare for the wealthy.

And they have a propaganda network, Faux News and con-talk-radio that keeps their addle-minded followers thinking its 'the poor' who are the problem.

How gullible and stupid can people be.
99.9% of the mass media is dominated by liberals and it is the right that's brainwashed?
That is hilarious.
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

I believe some don't want this country to stand.

While both parties pretend to agree that getting the country back on track is important, there are decidedly different ideas on what that means.

Some are outspoken and admit they want socialism. We have a lot of communists/socialists/Marxists in the Democrat party and they make themselves heard at every DMC convention.

We also have a lot of idiots who have no clue what made this country work and all they hear is what will be done for them personally. And too many are not willing to put any effort into bettering themselves and think they are entitled to everything because they exist. It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are.

And because so many people are completely ignorant, they don't understand or care about the consequences of the current policies. The people of Greece are a good example of that. They don't understand the part about not enough money being there to cover their demands. They expect the government to just make it happen.

Until some people get a clue, nothing will improve. Politicians are taking advantage of the ignorance of their dependents and can't see past their own careers and power.

"It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are."

We hear this garbage over and over. Except the reality is, it is the wealthy who have bought politicians who vote taxpayer money to the wealthy. THAT is the problem. I don't see the poor getting off for stealing food to eat but Wall Street destroys trillions of dollars of wealth and ruins millions of lives and nothing happens to any of them. HMMMMM, a clue?

Yes there are people voting themselves taxpayer money, its called the military industrial complex and the already ultra-wealthy. Welfare for the wealthy.

And they have a propaganda network, Faux News and con-talk-radio that keeps their addle-minded followers thinking its 'the poor' who are the problem.

How gullible and stupid can people be.
99.9% of the mass media is dominated by liberals and it is the right that's brainwashed?
That is hilarious.

So in your mind 99.9 % of the population is wrong and you are right, they are evil and you are good and dripping with syrupy honey goodness.

Same mindset as Isis, and Al Qaeda, Stalin, Pol Pot, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Adam Lansa, Mohammed Atta, Dick Cheney, Tojo, Ronald Reagan, Hitler, Milosevic, Adolph Eichman, Idi Amin, Machiavelli, Caligula...
Is this a good thing? Why has our differences become a "competition" which is causing tension and dissention in our Country.... ?

If we can't agree on anything else, can we agree a "Country divided will not stand"?

I believe some don't want this country to stand.

While both parties pretend to agree that getting the country back on track is important, there are decidedly different ideas on what that means.

Some are outspoken and admit they want socialism. We have a lot of communists/socialists/Marxists in the Democrat party and they make themselves heard at every DMC convention.

We also have a lot of idiots who have no clue what made this country work and all they hear is what will be done for them personally. And too many are not willing to put any effort into bettering themselves and think they are entitled to everything because they exist. It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are.

And because so many people are completely ignorant, they don't understand or care about the consequences of the current policies. The people of Greece are a good example of that. They don't understand the part about not enough money being there to cover their demands. They expect the government to just make it happen.

Until some people get a clue, nothing will improve. Politicians are taking advantage of the ignorance of their dependents and can't see past their own careers and power.

"It was predicted by our forefathers that the end would come when people realized they could vote themselves tax payer money. Here we are."

We hear this garbage over and over. Except the reality is, it is the wealthy who have bought politicians who vote taxpayer money to the wealthy. THAT is the problem. I don't see the poor getting off for stealing food to eat but Wall Street destroys trillions of dollars of wealth and ruins millions of lives and nothing happens to any of them. HMMMMM, a clue?

Yes there are people voting themselves taxpayer money, its called the military industrial complex and the already ultra-wealthy. Welfare for the wealthy.

And they have a propaganda network, Faux News and con-talk-radio that keeps their addle-minded followers thinking its 'the poor' who are the problem.

How gullible and stupid can people be.
99.9% of the mass media is dominated by liberals and it is the right that's brainwashed?
That is hilarious.

So in your mind 99.9 % of the population is wrong and you are right, they are evil and you are good and dripping with syrupy honey goodness.

Same mindset as Isis, and Al Qaeda, Stalin, Pol Pot, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Adam Lansa, Mohammed Atta, Dick Cheney, Tojo, Ronald Reagan, Hitler, Milosevic, Adolph Eichman, Idi Amin, Machiavelli, Caligula...
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." ~ Mark Twain

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