A couple of common sense videos on renewable energy


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

prager U? lol let me guess it says environmentalism is just a plot by the the devil worshipers to make jesus cry and steal money from white people?
And this is why Solar is the second most installed source of energy the past 2 years and china is investing hundreds of billions into it...If it is so bad and uneconomical this wouldn't be the case.

Please give me a fucking break!
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

prager U? lol let me guess it says environmentalism is just a plot by the the devil worshipers to make jesus cry and steal money from white people?

If one likes clean air, clean water and seeing animal life on this planet then I don't understand how it can be worshiping the devil....

This is just nutz.
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

prager U? lol let me guess it says environmentalism is just a plot by the the devil worshipers to make jesus cry and steal money from white people?

If one likes clean air, clean water and seeing animal life on this planet then I don't understand how it can be worshiping the devil....

This is just nutz.

more nutz than worshiping a bronze age middle eastern god who could make food appear out of thin air and walk on water?
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

prager U? lol let me guess it says environmentalism is just a plot by the the devil worshipers to make jesus cry and steal money from white people?

If one likes clean air, clean water and seeing animal life on this planet then I don't understand how it can be worshiping the devil....

This is just nutz.

more nutz than worshiping a bronze age middle eastern god who could make food appear out of thin air and walk on water?

Why is it that when people have nothing to say they say it anyway?
Being a child during the early 1950s I know what pollution really is. Living in Pittsburgh at the time sometimes meant the street lights on during the day. Now the air is clean, sorry if I don't worry about a little CO2. Me and Johnny Walker are quite happy.

Great....Prager University....love those videos....Dennis Prager really understands how to deliver the message of freedom and American values...thanks for posting these....the more people who see them, the fewer people who will be fooled by left wing morons...
And this is why Solar is the second most installed source of energy the past 2 years and china is investing hundreds of billions into it...If it is so bad and uneconomical this wouldn't be the case.

Please give me a fucking break!

China is a centrally controlled government system.....basing any understanding of energy production on their choices is a fools game....and they are also building coal fired power plants at a break neck pace.........do you support their efforts in that too?
And this is why Solar is the second most installed source of energy the past 2 years and china is investing hundreds of billions into it...If it is so bad and uneconomical this wouldn't be the case.

Please give me a fucking break!

And they are screwing it up.....

How China Wastes Its Renewable Energy

This is part of a larger power sector management issue in China. In particular, China faces issues in three important grid management areas: power sector planning, market design and energy pricing. As a result, although renewable power plants are built, the power they generate is often wasted because it cannot be transmitted to demand centers, cannot be used at the right time, or is perceived to be too expensive.

There has been a long-term disconnect in China between power-sector planning—including development and siting of power plants and transmission lines—on the one hand, and the development of China’s ambitious energy and environmental policies on the other. Power-sector planning is still focused around creating infrastructure for a coal-based power system, whereas national energy policy has shifted toward rapidly scaling up renewable power. This lack of coordination means that renewable power plants are built in areas that already have excess coal power and where the transmission lines are insufficient to bring renewable energy to areas with unmet demand. Consequently, coal plant investment is surging despite decreasing electricity demand, while renewable power is being wasted.

Market design is another issue. Historically, power plants in China operate based on generation plans that dictate the number of hours each plant generates power a month or year in advance. These plans are hard to reconcile with wind and solar power, sources that are more difficult to predict ahead of time and cannot be powered on at will. In contrast, other countries dispatch power based on real-time availability of energy sources and lowest operating costs. Since wind and solar plants have minimal operating costs once built, it usually makes sense to prioritize their power over fossil fuels, which have higher costs due to the need to constantly purchase new fuel.
The pollution of green energy in China....this is how government creates green energy....

In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale | Daily Mail Online

Live has uncovered the distinctly dirty truth about the process used to extract neodymium: it has an appalling environmental impact that raises serious questions over the credibility of so-called green technology.

The reality is that, as Britain flaunts its environmental credentials by speckling its coastlines and unspoiled moors and mountains with thousands of wind turbines, it is contributing to a vast man-made lake of poison in northern China. This is the deadly and sinister side of the massively profitable rare-earths industry that the ‘green’ companies profiting from the demand for wind turbines would prefer you knew nothing about.

Hidden out of sight behind smoke-shrouded factory complexes in the city of Baotou, and patrolled by platoons of security guards, lies a five-mile wide ‘tailing’ lake. It has killed farmland for miles around, made thousands of people ill and put one of China’s key waterways in jeopardy.

This vast, hissing cauldron of chemicals is the dumping ground for seven million tons a year of mined rare earth after it has been doused in acid and chemicals and processed through red-hot furnaces to extract its components.


People too began to suffer. Dalahai villagers say their teeth began to fall out, their hair turned white at unusually young ages, and they suffered from severe skin and respiratory diseases. Children were born with soft bones and cancer rates rocketed.

Official studies carried out five years ago in Dalahai village confirmed there were unusually high rates of cancer along with high rates of osteoporosis and skin and respiratory diseases. The lake’s radiation levels are ten times higher than in the surrounding countryside, the studies found.

Since then, maybe because of pressure from the companies operating around the lake, which pump out waste 24 hours a day, the results of ongoing radiation and toxicity tests carried out on the lake have been kept secret and officials have refused to publicly acknowledge health risks to nearby villages.

There are 17 ‘rare earth metals’ – the name doesn’t mean they are necessarily in short supply; it refers to the fact that the metals occur in scattered deposits of minerals, rather than concentrated ores. Rare earth metals usually occur together, and, once mined, have to be separated.

Read more: In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale | Daily Mail Online
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Read more: In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale | Daily Mail Online
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Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?

There will always be costs associated with installing a new system in your home.

Your questions sound as though you are looking for the negative. You haven't found it.

How about we go with $12 for the system and install. I have found systems that cost more and systems that cost less.

In a year the difference between $35 a month and $300 a month amounts to a savings of $3,180.00 Over 5 years you can save $15,900.00. Pretty much any decent solar power system will last more than 5 years.

Most home solar systems will easily last 10 years (with a few minor repairs and regular maintenance. In 10 years you can save $31,800.00.

And all of that does not even address the reduction in pollution achieved by solar energy.
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?
My smallest bill without solar going forward from Jan 1, 2016 was going to be $300.00/month.
I took out a loan of 30K and paid off 11K.
I pay $300.00/month for the next 7 months and then I pay $170.00 a month for 16 years unless I pay it off for 16K.
My solar bill went immediately in Feb 2016 from $300.00/month to $70.00 and this month is $35.00; this is pattern that I was told of by coworkers who went solar a year before I did.
So in 7 months I will be paying $200.00/month going forward as opposed to $300.00/month plus rate hikes.
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?

There will always be costs associated with installing a new system in your home.

Your questions sound as though you are looking for the negative. You haven't found it.

How about we go with $12 for the system and install. I have found systems that cost more and systems that cost less.

In a year the difference between $35 a month and $300 a month amounts to a savings of $3,180.00 Over 5 years you can save $15,900.00. Pretty much any decent solar power system will last more than 5 years.

Most home solar systems will easily last 10 years (with a few minor repairs and regular maintenance. In 10 years you can save $31,800.00.

And all of that does not even address the reduction in pollution achieved by solar energy.
I have a written service guarantee for 30 years.
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?

There will always be costs associated with installing a new system in your home.

Your questions sound as though you are looking for the negative. You haven't found it.

How about we go with $12 for the system and install. I have found systems that cost more and systems that cost less.

In a year the difference between $35 a month and $300 a month amounts to a savings of $3,180.00 Over 5 years you can save $15,900.00. Pretty much any decent solar power system will last more than 5 years.

Most home solar systems will easily last 10 years (with a few minor repairs and regular maintenance. In 10 years you can save $31,800.00.

And all of that does not even address the reduction in pollution achieved by solar energy.

No, I am looking at the angles. I have the near perfect set up to install solar, I think and am thinking of doing so.

My electric bill is about 110/month average.

I am not sure where you get the 12 dollars for installation cost. A quick search on google produces a cost for a system at about 25000 dollars. The site I am linking you too says the panels last 30 years with a warranty lasting that long.

Learn the facts behind Solar Power

So let's say we invest 25000 in a system.

25000/30 = 833/year. Or 69.11/month. You have easily saved more than 69/month so it is a very good investment for you, assuming a 30 year life with little upkeep. if the panels last that long then I can assume the only real expense is batteries if you wish to store energy, but that might be a whole other expense. But then again if you pay 25000 up front that pretty much forces you to stay in your house for 30 years. Say you plan on staying 10 years, that is 2500/year which is about 200 a month, still a profit for you but not near as much.

There is also state monies, or was, to help with the installation cost. Which makes the investment sound even better.

Selling electricity back to the power company sounds like a really good idea. Go on vacation, shut everything down and make money off of selling all your solar power.

I think I will start looking for state funding and price some systems.
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Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?

There will always be costs associated with installing a new system in your home.

Your questions sound as though you are looking for the negative. You haven't found it.

How about we go with $12 for the system and install. I have found systems that cost more and systems that cost less.

In a year the difference between $35 a month and $300 a month amounts to a savings of $3,180.00 Over 5 years you can save $15,900.00. Pretty much any decent solar power system will last more than 5 years.

Most home solar systems will easily last 10 years (with a few minor repairs and regular maintenance. In 10 years you can save $31,800.00.

And all of that does not even address the reduction in pollution achieved by solar energy.
I have a written service guarantee for 30 years.

Do you have storage batteries?

Do you sell your surplus electricity back to the power company?

How reliable is it on a cloudy day?

Does having panels add value to your house?

How storm damage prone are they?
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?
My smallest bill without solar going forward from Jan 1, 2016 was going to be $300.00/month.
I took out a loan of 30K and paid off 11K.
I pay $300.00/month for the next 7 months and then I pay $170.00 a month for 16 years unless I pay it off for 16K.
My solar bill went immediately in Feb 2016 from $300.00/month to $70.00 and this month is $35.00; this is pattern that I was told of by coworkers who went solar a year before I did.
So in 7 months I will be paying $200.00/month going forward as opposed to $300.00/month plus rate hikes.
Is it always sunny where you live?
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?

There will always be costs associated with installing a new system in your home.

Your questions sound as though you are looking for the negative. You haven't found it.

How about we go with $12 for the system and install. I have found systems that cost more and systems that cost less.

In a year the difference between $35 a month and $300 a month amounts to a savings of $3,180.00 Over 5 years you can save $15,900.00. Pretty much any decent solar power system will last more than 5 years.

Most home solar systems will easily last 10 years (with a few minor repairs and regular maintenance. In 10 years you can save $31,800.00.

And all of that does not even address the reduction in pollution achieved by solar energy.
I have a written service guarantee for 30 years.

Do you have storage batteries?

Do you sell your surplus electricity back to the power company?

How reliable is it on a cloudy day?

Does having panels add value to your house?

How storm damage prone are they?
I have storage batteries.
PSEG has a severe limit on giving back.
Kicks ass on cloudy days/weeks/months.
Adds value to the house
Solar is a personal choice.
My PSEG Bill without solar was $300.00/month.
My February/March bill with solar is $35.00.
How much did the setup cost and how long will it last?
My smallest bill without solar going forward from Jan 1, 2016 was going to be $300.00/month.
I took out a loan of 30K and paid off 11K.
I pay $300.00/month for the next 7 months and then I pay $170.00 a month for 16 years unless I pay it off for 16K.
My solar bill went immediately in Feb 2016 from $300.00/month to $70.00 and this month is $35.00; this is pattern that I was told of by coworkers who went solar a year before I did.
So in 7 months I will be paying $200.00/month going forward as opposed to $300.00/month plus rate hikes.
Is it always sunny where you live?

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