A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

You're almost right but not quite. If he failed to pay taxes, both federal and state on that via a phony deduction it's tax fraud. The audio tape proves what the intent was, did you forget that? Minimize all you want but the Trump Whitehouse is a criminal enterprise and the Trump Org is likewise. The so-called non-profit portion known as the Trump Foundation has been used to skim off the top. His so-called benefit for wounded warriors for instance, raised a considerable amount of dough and he had to be exposed and threatened to release the money to the actual charity. Anyone who attributes a charitable heart to President Soprano is a damned fool.
Optimum word being “if.” It’s all fantasy...bunch of liberal moonshine.

Yeah, I've heard that one. Tell me another joke. Patience, it's all coming out now. Truth is indeed truth.
Sure it is. :aug08_031:

Yeah, it is. Another one with the stupid imogees. Children, whatcha gonna do?
Dark day for Donald Trump is when he bangs a black chick.

Dark day for our country is when you geniuses helped Russia elect this soulless asshole.
Trump gives to everyone.
Who does George Soros give to?

So, now you are comparing Trump to Soros!

I would not do that, but I guess it works for you
The reason you don't understand what I said is because you only think the worst of Trump.
Soros is okay in your book, because he provides Democrats with the financial backing and media support they need to bring down our economy and our institutions.

Trump gives to everyone. Soros gives to anyone who he figures will cause the US economy to collapse. This is why he supports Socialism, Marxism, and Crony-Capitalism. That way he can make another $6 billion, give or take, with his hedge-funds, and disrupt economies. He did it to the bank of England, and he helped cause the 2008 recession here in the US.
Trump tries to give money so it might do some good.
Soros gives money to make money.
That's the comparison.
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie release his tax returns so we can see how generous he is
Because nobody is or should be required to.

You have no interest in whether our Presidents are shady and maybe tied to a foreign adversary? His "promised" tax returns can only exonerate him, according to all you righties, correct? If someone was calling me traitorous or a toady for Russia and I was innocent, I'd want to show that. I'd want the investigation to go on uninterrupted. I'd be rejoicing in the fact that I'll make all my accusers eat their words. That's the opposite of how President Soprano has acted. "Can't release my returns because I'm being audited." "Shut this Witch hunt down." Those are not the actions of an innocent, honest man.
You're such a retard that you can't see what's going on. If they can't find any crimes...they just make some up.
But as I pointed out before....when you're dealing with the tax code and government regulations....the law is highly subjective.
Nevermind the blaring fact that they had Hillary dead to rights for obstruction of justice but refused to indict her.
Trump won't receive the same treatment.
Mueller has a history of railroading defendants with trumped up charges (no pun intended).
You can't indict a president for this very reason.
The founding fathers knew that a president's political opponents might try to throw him out of office using the courts.
That doesn't protect the people around him, unless he declares Executive Privilege.
This is why they're trying to convict him of crimes they claim were committed before he became president.
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Optimum word being “if.” It’s all fantasy...bunch of liberal moonshine.

Yeah, I've heard that one. Tell me another joke. Patience, it's all coming out now. Truth is indeed truth.
Sure it is. :aug08_031:

Yeah, it is. Another one with the stupid imogees. Children, whatcha gonna do?
Dark day for Donald Trump is when he bangs a black chick.

Dark day for our country is when you geniuses helped Russia elect this soulless asshole.

If you don't like the president Americans in 30 states chose in a free and fair election tough shit, suck it.
Optimum word being “if.” It’s all fantasy...bunch of liberal moonshine.

Yeah, I've heard that one. Tell me another joke. Patience, it's all coming out now. Truth is indeed truth.
Sure it is. :aug08_031:

Yeah, it is. Another one with the stupid imogees. Children, whatcha gonna do?
Dark day for Donald Trump is when he bangs a black chick.

Dark day for our country is when you geniuses helped Russia elect this soulless asshole.
Now I know you're fucking nuts.
Either that or Russian yourself.
Probably Canadian or Aussie.
Definitely not an American.
you're on ignore.
Unlike Watergate, I think Trump will actually be prosecuted
I'm sure he will.
Do you think that will help the economy, heal the wounds, and reverse the damage that Democrats have caused to this nation?
No excuse to ignore criminal behavior
That's pretty rich coming from a Hillary and Obama supporter.
Dude, just shut the fuck up!!!
You have no room to talk about this, not by any stretch of the imagination.
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
Michael Milken, Alfred Taubman, and there are others...

And if Trump ever lands in court, we will quickly find out he is no billionaire.
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
Michael Milken, Alfred Taubman, and there are others...

And if Trump ever lands in court, we will quickly find out he is no billionaire.
You need psychiatric help
Unlike Watergate, I think Trump will actually be prosecuted
I'm sure he will.
Do you think that will help the economy, heal the wounds, and reverse the damage that Democrats have caused to this nation?
No excuse to ignore criminal behavior

Hillary should be investigated?

She has been investigated. The republicans have done all the investigations going back over 2 decades. In fact she's one of the most investigated politicians in our nation. The republican investigations started in 1992 and continue today.

The result of all of those republican investigations: Nothing criminal. All investigations exonerated her from any crimes. Nothing was referred to the DOJ or indictment.

If you believe all those republicans didn't want to find any crime they possibly could find then you need a reality check. If you don't believe republicans would have had her "locked up" as quickly as they could then you're not dealing with reality.

The only thing republicans have proven is they have a very unhealthy fixation on Hillary. And that they use her to lead their followers by the nose.

And through all of those investigations did Hillary come out in public to demand republicans stop the investigations? No. Did she refuse to testify to committees? No. Did she call our justice department and our congress "deep state" out to get her? No.Did she call our press the enemy of the people? No. Did she do anything to stop the investigations? No.

All Hillary has been doing is cooperating and laughing at all you fools.
It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.
A historically awful week, really.
Yeah....and the funny thing is, it's purely meant to peel away Trump's support, so they can impeach him without much of a fight.Talk about trying to influence the election.....this is it.

I don't think it's going to work the way they want though.
Yeah....and the funny thing is, it's purely meant to peel away Trump's support, so they can impeach him without much of a fight.
Nah, pure trumpkin fantasy. These criminals broke the law and plead guilty or asked for immunity....these are facts no matter how much you suck on trump's butthole.
Trump cultists: "The investigation needs to be sped up and finished!

Mueller: "okay then, here are some convictions and guilty pleas, and Trump's closest partners in crime have been granted immunity."

Trump cultists: "Whoah! Slow down! What is this? You must be trying to get Trump impeached!!"

Haha...is there ANYTHING the trumpkins dont whine incessantly about?
Unlike Watergate, I think Trump will actually be prosecuted
I'm sure he will.
Do you think that will help the economy, heal the wounds, and reverse the damage that Democrats have caused to this nation?
No excuse to ignore criminal behavior

Hillary should be investigated?

She has been investigated. The republicans have done all the investigations going back over 2 decades. In fact she's one of the most investigated politicians in our nation. The republican investigations started in 1992 and continue today.

The result of all of those republican investigations: Nothing criminal. All investigations exonerated her from any crimes. Nothing was referred to the DOJ or indictment.

If you believe all those republicans didn't want to find any crime they possibly could find then you need a reality check. If you don't believe republicans would have had her "locked up" as quickly as they could then you're not dealing with reality.

The only thing republicans have proven is they have a very unhealthy fixation on Hillary. And that they use her to lead their followers by the nose.

And through all of those investigations did Hillary come out in public to demand republicans stop the investigations? No. Did she refuse to testify to committees? No. Did she call our justice department and our congress "deep state" out to get her? No.Did she call our press the enemy of the people? No. Did she do anything to stop the investigations? No.

All Hillary has been doing is cooperating and laughing at all you fools.
Clearly you don't understand the law and how it works.

This is why you should never allow criminals to obtain a legal degree.
They discover all of the ways to go around the law.
It's interesting the "crimes" you people choose to be outraged over or not.. oh my god a rich man running for office paid a woman not to tell anyone they fucked holy shit I can't believe it.. if only he would just stick to being the typical murderous stooge for the military industrial complex that every other president has been instead, so I can sleep better at night

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