A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
I don’t hate him as much as I did bush. He’s better than that.

Hell, I’ve even given up on defending women, minorities, poor people, the struggling middle class. You all get what you deserve.

I’m fortunate to be while, male, no debt, no kids, no school to deal with and I make a lot of money. I’ll retire at 67. It used to be 65 but you dumb shits vote republican so it’s 67 now. Maybe it’ll be 70 eventually and maybe republicans will cut our benefits 30%. I’ll be able to deal with that blow will you?
Yeah, did you see Rudy's tweet? Said Mueller should come out with his report right now! And when it shows Trump did nothing wrong they'll admit he was fair. I guess that means if Mueller finds the truth he wasn't being fair. Desparado... Why can't you come to your senses? LOL Crazy is contagious.

Key players are just starting to talk
These things take time
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
I don’t hate him as much as I did bush. He’s better than that.

Hell, I’ve even given up on defending women, minorities, poor people, the struggling middle class. You all get what you deserve.

I’m fortunate to be while, male, no debt, no kids, no school to deal with and I make a lot of money. I’ll retire at 67. It used to be 65 but you dumb shits vote republican so it’s 67 now. Maybe it’ll be 70 eventually and maybe republicans will cut our benefits 30%. I’ll be able to deal with that blow will you?
The way I'm structuring my life I'll never have to depend on social security
Yeah, did you see Rudy's tweet? Said Mueller should come out with his report right now! And when it shows Trump did nothing wrong they'll admit he was fair. I guess that means if Mueller finds the truth he wasn't being fair. Desparado... Why can't you come to your senses? LOL Crazy is contagious.

Key players are just starting to talk
These things take time

The heat is on. The daily defense went from Nothing to see here, to no collusion, to collusion's not a crime, to everybody does it, to shut down that witch hunt, to hurry up before you find the truth. None of that will sell to the so-named low IQ folks who can see which way the wind blows. I guess we'll see who the clueless are in the end. I can wait. It's more than worth it to restore the rule of law and bring back reality.
If trump wasn’t potus he’d already be indicted
Right because we regularly see billionaires taking it in the ass in the court room :rolleyes: you fucking people are nuts over this guy I don't even think you guys hated bush this much and that guy was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a war for profit
I don’t hate him as much as I did bush. He’s better than that.

Hell, I’ve even given up on defending women, minorities, poor people, the struggling middle class. You all get what you deserve.

I’m fortunate to be while, male, no debt, no kids, no school to deal with and I make a lot of money. I’ll retire at 67. It used to be 65 but you dumb shits vote republican so it’s 67 now. Maybe it’ll be 70 eventually and maybe republicans will cut our benefits 30%. I’ll be able to deal with that blow will you?
The way I'm structuring my life I'll never have to depend on social security
You married the right guy or you plan to hit the lotto?
Yeah, did you see Rudy's tweet? Said Mueller should come out with his report right now! And when it shows Trump did nothing wrong they'll admit he was fair. I guess that means if Mueller finds the truth he wasn't being fair. Desparado... Why can't you come to your senses? LOL Crazy is contagious.

Key players are just starting to talk
These things take time

The heat is on. The daily defense went from Nothing to see here, to no collusion, to collusion's not a crime, to everybody does it, to shut down that witch hunt, to hurry up before you find the truth. None of that will sell to the so-named low IQ folks who can see which way the wind blows. I guess we'll see who the clueless are in the end. I can wait. It's more than worth it to restore the rule of law and bring back reality.
You forgot...

<sob>. But....but.....What about HIllary?
Yeah, did you see Rudy's tweet? Said Mueller should come out with his report right now! And when it shows Trump did nothing wrong they'll admit he was fair. I guess that means if Mueller finds the truth he wasn't being fair. Desparado... Why can't you come to your senses? LOL Crazy is contagious.

Key players are just starting to talk
These things take time

The heat is on. The daily defense went from Nothing to see here, to no collusion, to collusion's not a crime, to everybody does it, to shut down that witch hunt, to hurry up before you find the truth. None of that will sell to the so-named low IQ folks who can see which way the wind blows. I guess we'll see who the clueless are in the end. I can wait. It's more than worth it to restore the rule of law and bring back reality.
You forgot...

<sob>. But....but.....What about HIllary?

Yeah, I think someone bought one of those Junior Deflector Kits. They're great when you have no real defense to Agent Orange. BTW they come with a decoder ring and everything!
ANALYSIS: Two of the president's former associates were in court Tuesday. Both guilty of multiple felonies. What happened to draining the swamp?

by Jonathan Allen / Aug.21.2018 / 6:11 PM ET

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.

In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.
Thoughts on the following?

It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.​

Or maybe Lanny Davis was lying, as he now claims....

“I made a mistake,” Davis told BuzzFeed News on Monday. “I did not mean to be cute.”

Last week, The Post also confronted Davis about the contradictions in the CNN stories.

“I should have been more clear. I could not independently confirm the information in the CNN story,” Davis told The Post. “I’m sorry that I left that impression. I wasn’t at the meeting. The only person who could confirm that information is my client.”
Trump thought Puerto Rico's darkest days was a Great Day to Play Crony Swamp Politics while Literally 3,000 US Citizens were DYING!!!

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