A day of absence: the seed of race seperation.


Silver Member
May 19, 2016
When I was in college I got into a play called "A day of absence;" it was about a white town that woke up one day and all their blacks were gone! The time was in the 1930's and the play was done by black actors in white face , and how it affected the whites that had lost their black slaves. I was 19 when I did it and racism had not been a giant in my life as of yet. Its a very funny play and was fun to do ; fun to play a white person who was now handicapped by the absence of their slaves.

You don't see the play being done much now ,in the early 70's the tolerance and understanding of such plays was quite differing than it is now. Race separation was funny and had humor ,now its more serious and the art of the play can get offensive.

I think about that change of atmosphere and its affect on the arts. Its like taking Don Rickles and Richard Pryor out of their time and putting their talent into the year 2020. Where the separation of art and racism has narrowed.

Now separation of races is a serious consideration in problem solving. There are some people wanting a " White America" again; make America great again by making it white again. Its like an old seed of thinking popping up again in a new field. The way to get your neighborhood, your city, your nation together , is to purge it of minorities. Not a day of absence , but a whole life of absence. Hitler tried this with a deadly killing spree, the seed of this kind of thinking keeps rearing its ugly head again and again in this thing we call life. One race wants to wake up and see the other race gone.

In a desired unity, separation wants to be the problem solver. That's a strange unity.
A lot of Whites feel that America is getting worse because of all the other races they have absorbed, and they would not mind a purge at all. I personally don't even think that would even be possible; were too far in to be put out. Besides , there are too many Whites that would not agree with separation any way ; and where else in the modern world has it been tried?

Yet the desire for it lurks inside of human nature.
There are enough Whites and Blacks that support unity ; us staying together; but we need to recognize all the keen ways that the seed of separation is popping up in. The face will change from the KKK ,to this new face of Nationalism;" The ALT Right! Its a powerful resurrection.

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