A day we will never forget

Yes never forget. I just have trouble understanding of the celebrating of never forgetting
My American flag flies every day of the year.

Thank you for posting this.
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine on Facebook posted a video of the fallers / jumpers.
It was one of the most disturbing vids I have ever seen, but I made myself watch it. Personally, I think this and all over videos of that day are reminders that every American needs to see.

Just this past week I watched 9/11: The Rudy Giuliani Story on NGEO.
I'm sure they'll be repeating it, so if you get a chance ... check it out.
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We will make no distinction between
the terrorists of 9-11 and the illegal invaders
who trespass on American soil!
I'll never forget. I won't forgive either.

And, I'll never be ashamed to be an American.
seems hard to believe that it has been 9 years....i think all of us...remember the exact moment we found out...it was a perfect fall day here...my husband called....i remember saying...how could a plane hit the wtc that was just sillie....how could they not see it.....his answer chilled me to the bone....'go inside honey, it is a terrorist attack'

i remember how beautiful the skies were....with the no fly zones for days following 9/11....how clear the skys were....how we would look up and talk about how beautiful it was..then fell the grief of why it was like that...

the lines at blood banks...500 people in johnson city at 5 pm...the red cross had to turn people away..the shock of how much collected blood was wasted...

how canada moved in...and did what they could..from giving blood...to putting thier military (stop laughing) in the air and in the water....how they came to nyc with the unfavorable exchange rate...to shop and help nyc...

how the free world stood with us and we stood as one....shame on us...shame on us....we have not honored the victims of 9/11 with our petty bickering...the political divisions are just reflected of the divisions of the populas...not content with racial bickering we not have a total hate based on political parties...shame i say....shame on us all.
3,286 days ago.... I would never have dreamed America would be so devided :confused:

I cant watch those vidoes w/o getting emotional :( &
you will always choke up...when seeing them.....the people jumping...that is what stays with me

the plane that may or may not have known their fate and took their fate into their own hands
I hear ya bones.... Can't believe it's been 9 years! I remember being at work and hearing over the intercom for us to come to the office after the first one hit and all of us gathered around a tiny tv trying to figure out what the hell was going on, then the second one hit... you could hear a pin drop in the shop. Needless to say no work got done the rest of the day.
Oh, yes. we will soon forget just like we forgot the genocide of native americans, slavery of blacks, civil war, internment of japanese americans, vietnam, civil rights movenment, nagasaki and hiroshima, etc. we forget to easily and make the same mistake over and over again. What's so special about victims of 9-11? On the site where the twin towers were built were probably built on native american burial grounds since native americans once owned Mahattan. Get the fuque over it and lets move on like we have every thing else.
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WE lost 53,000 men and women in Vietnam and countless vietnamese and we got over it. Next thing we will have a national holiday on 9-11.
Get over the Koran buring, the Mosque and 9-11.
Oh, yes. we will soon forget just like we forgot the genocide of native americans, slavery of blacks, civil war, internment of japanese americans, vietnam, civil rights movenment, nagasaki and hiroshima, etc. we forget to easily and make the same mistake over and over again. What's so special about victims of 9-11? On the site where the twin towers were built were probably built on native american burial grounds since native americans once owned Mahattan. Get the fuque over it and lets move on like we have every thing else.

WE lost 53,000 men and women in Vietnam and countless vietnamese and we got over it. Next thing we will have a national holiday on 9-11.
Get over the Koran buring, the Mosque and 9-11.

If you dont care to remember.... then go the fuck off somewhere else.

As for your America hating attitude, go read some REAL history books and stop lisrtening to your dumb libtard friends who feed you that garbage, b/c we all know you didnt think that up on your own. (talking points :doubt: )
Oh, yes. we will soon forget just like we forgot the genocide of native americans, slavery of blacks, civil war, internment of japanese americans, vietnam, civil rights movenment, nagasaki and hiroshima, etc. we forget to easily and make the same mistake over and over again. What's so special about victims of 9-11? On the site where the twin towers were built were probably built on native american burial grounds since native americans once owned Mahattan. Get the fuque over it and lets move on like we have every thing else.

Whatever floats YOUR boat, LilOllady - but - last I heard we are still living in a free country and we have a choice. So choose and go bark to someone else! BTW, you want to keep alive what happened to the native american - well go for it - as I said, we are FREE to choose. Oh yes, I would say that many, many things are probably on top of something native american. And yes, the memorial will be on top of parts of bodies of victims that were NEVER recovered.

Let us never forget all that Mexicans have contributed to America!

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