A deadly flu cometh!

I take vitamin D.....
But i also get the flu shot. I'm almost 60 yrs old, i had never gotten a flu shot in my life until last year. That was the first year i ever went the whole winter without even a cold!! They say the flu shot has nothing to do with colds, but i know i never went a winter without 2 or 3 colds before! I was always afraid to get the shot because i heard people can get sick from it....all i can say is it works great for me!
Good for you, it was a decision you made for yourself. :thup: All I was trying to say is most people don't need it if they take proper precautions. Unfortunately some seem to think I was specifically encouraging people not to get one as opposed to just stating I don't think most really need it.

What medical school did you graduate from?

Taco Tech. What 2nd grade school did you almost graduate from?
None of which addresses the points raised: It can't hurt ya, it is very likely to help ya, it's not expensive.

You were raised not to go to the doctor unless very sick (JW?) but you avoid something simple that will make it much more likely that you do not get very sick? Does not compute.

Obviously anything that doesn't fit your paradigm doesn't compute. Ya can't fix mental ossification. I'll start chiseling your brain's epitaph.......

Go ask an actual physician which of us is correct.

Are you always this big of an asshole or is it just during "those times of the month"?
Oh and BTW physicians are not gods. Sorry to bust your bubble but I think you're finally old enough to know the truth. You are old enough aren't you?
Obviously anything that doesn't fit your paradigm doesn't compute. Ya can't fix mental ossification. I'll start chiseling your brain's epitaph.......

Go ask an actual physician which of us is correct.

Are you always this big of an asshole or is it just during "those times of the month"?
Oh and BTW physicians are not gods. Sorry to bust your bubble but I think you're finally old enough to know the truth. You are old enough aren't you?

What's that you say? You know I'm right and that any physician (you know, experts in medicine) would agree with me? What? You go on to say that you know your position doesn't hold water but your arrested emotional development prevents you from being a man and admitting you are wrong? You feel compelled to respond like a petulant child instead? Oh, that's too bad.
Speaking of conspiracies. What is this hardon you have for bullying people into getting a shot unko? You spoke your piece be done with it.
Some good advice there except for getting the flu shot. While it may, and I repeat, may provide some protection to a rather small group of the population it would be better for most just to take vitamin D.

I take vitamin D.....
But i also get the flu shot. I'm almost 60 yrs old, i had never gotten a flu shot in my life until last year. That was the first year i ever went the whole winter without even a cold!! They say the flu shot has nothing to do with colds, but i know i never went a winter without 2 or 3 colds before! I was always afraid to get the shot because i heard people can get sick from it....all i can say is it works great for me!
Good for you, it was a decision you made for yourself. :thup: All I was trying to say is most people don't need it if they take proper precautions. Unfortunately some seem to think I was specifically encouraging people not to get one as opposed to just stating I don't think most really need it.

I understood what you were saying, but i think it's important for most people to have it. They say even people that got the shot are getting sick, just maybe not as sick as if they didn't get it.
I take vitamin D.....
But i also get the flu shot. I'm almost 60 yrs old, i had never gotten a flu shot in my life until last year. That was the first year i ever went the whole winter without even a cold!! They say the flu shot has nothing to do with colds, but i know i never went a winter without 2 or 3 colds before! I was always afraid to get the shot because i heard people can get sick from it....all i can say is it works great for me!
Good for you, it was a decision you made for yourself. :thup: All I was trying to say is most people don't need it if they take proper precautions. Unfortunately some seem to think I was specifically encouraging people not to get one as opposed to just stating I don't think most really need it.

I understood what you were saying, but i think it's important for most people to have it. They say even people that got the shot are getting sick, just maybe not as sick as if they didn't get it.

Excellent way to phrase it and I respect your opinion because unlike punkosmear you did not unnecessarily attack me because I had a valid, differing opinion. :thup:
Go ask an actual physician which of us is correct.

Are you always this big of an asshole or is it just during "those times of the month"?
Oh and BTW physicians are not gods. Sorry to bust your bubble but I think you're finally old enough to know the truth. You are old enough aren't you?

What's that you say? You know I'm right and that any physician (you know, experts in medicine) would agree with me? What? You go on to say that you know your position doesn't hold water but your arrested emotional development prevents you from being a man and admitting you are wrong? You feel compelled to respond like a petulant child instead? Oh, that's too bad.
If only you knew how wrong you are.
Punko, I'm only responding to you in kind, you started taking the cheap shots, so why are you upset when you get hit back. Oh yeah, the classic sign of a bully. I'm not wrong and your petulant, deflective, playground assault isn't going to change anything except lower any modicum of respect I might, but never did have for you. Have a nice life.
Oh and just in case you didn't know, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny ain't real either............
Good for you, it was a decision you made for yourself. :thup: All I was trying to say is most people don't need it if they take proper precautions. Unfortunately some seem to think I was specifically encouraging people not to get one as opposed to just stating I don't think most really need it.

I understood what you were saying, but i think it's important for most people to have it. They say even people that got the shot are getting sick, just maybe not as sick as if they didn't get it.

Excellent way to phrase it and I respect your opinion because unlike punkosmear you did not unnecessarily attack me because I had a valid, differing opinion. :thup:

Just differing, not valid.
Are you always this big of an asshole or is it just during "those times of the month"?
Oh and BTW physicians are not gods. Sorry to bust your bubble but I think you're finally old enough to know the truth. You are old enough aren't you?

What's that you say? You know I'm right and that any physician (you know, experts in medicine) would agree with me? What? You go on to say that you know your position doesn't hold water but your arrested emotional development prevents you from being a man and admitting you are wrong? You feel compelled to respond like a petulant child instead? Oh, that's too bad.
If only you knew how wrong you are.
Punko, I'm only responding to you in kind, you started taking the cheap shots, so why are you upset when you get hit back. Oh yeah, the classic sign of a bully. I'm not wrong and your petulant, deflective, playground assault isn't going to change anything except lower any modicum of respect I might, but never did have for you. Have a nice life.
Oh and just in case you didn't know, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny ain't real either............

All of which, like everything else you've posted on this subject, means exactly nothing.
What's that you say? You know I'm right and that any physician (you know, experts in medicine) would agree with me? What? You go on to say that you know your position doesn't hold water but your arrested emotional development prevents you from being a man and admitting you are wrong? You feel compelled to respond like a petulant child instead? Oh, that's too bad.
If only you knew how wrong you are.
Punko, I'm only responding to you in kind, you started taking the cheap shots, so why are you upset when you get hit back. Oh yeah, the classic sign of a bully. I'm not wrong and your petulant, deflective, playground assault isn't going to change anything except lower any modicum of respect I might, but never did have for you. Have a nice life.
Oh and just in case you didn't know, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny ain't real either............

All of which, like everything else you've posted on this subject, means exactly nothing.

To you.... no. You don't have the cognitive flexibility to perceive anything outside of your restricted scope of understanding.
BTW How long did you work in the medical field? Oh yeah, never, no wonder Doctors hold a god like position to you. Or is it that you're a doctor (snicker, snicker) and you consider yourself god like? I've dealt with enough of those also and if you were a doctor that's probably the pedestal you'd put yourself on.
Go ahead and let everyone know on what basis you consider yourself more expert in the field of medicine than a doctor. If you're not too busy building straw men, that is.
Go ahead and let everyone know on what basis you consider yourself more expert in the field of medicine than a doctor. If you're not too busy building straw men, that is.

How about 2 years of school, (intense premed, no I decided against going to medical school. I wanted my life to be mine), and years of working in the medical field alongside doctors (which includes other intense medical training). Understanding that doctors are human, EXTREMELY busy and don't always have the time to read up on the mountain of material thrown at them every day. This means they frequently have to rely on others to verify new medical treatments and information. That's not always a good thing. The fact that medical researchers really only have scratched the surface of what we know about the human body and each individual's unique makeup and response to medical treatment (that was the most important point) and lastly while many doctors are very good, there are some I wouldn't let treat my cats.
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Wow! Two whole years of pre-med? Why, that makes you a world-class authority! :lol:

And years of cleaning out doctor's toilets or something you were too ashamed to specify. Mighy impressive alright... :rolleyes:

Not doctor either, but I do know that the shot changes your immune system. If I have no problem with my immunity to flu, why would I risk that with a shot that alters it? Further, there is only about a 6 in 10 chance it would positively effect my system. Hardly the type of odds you'd take with most other health treatments.

Wow! Two whole years of pre-med? Why, that makes you a world-class authority! :lol:

And years of cleaning out doctor's toilets or something you were too ashamed to specify. Mighy impressive alright... :rolleyes:


No, but it did give me an insight you don't have, that is painfully obvious. And despite your assumptive slur my other medical training was as a combat medic. When I left the military I worked in a major metropolitan hospital for twelve years in the ER, OR, ICUs and CCU as a medical tech, more intensive medical training. I'd say my knowledge of medicine surpasses your deification of doctors by light years. Try again putz.
Oh punko, the 2 years of pre-med was a specially designed curriculum, it comprised the first two years of medical school which would have allowed me to test out of my first two years of actual med school and finish two years early.
Not doctor either, but I do know that the shot changes your immune system. If I have no problem with my immunity to flu, why would I risk that with a shot that alters it? Further, there is only about a 6 in 10 chance it would positively effect my system. Hardly the type of odds you'd take with most other health treatments.

The shot can't hurt you unless you are allergic.

Wow! Two whole years of pre-med? Why, that makes you a world-class authority! :lol:

And years of cleaning out doctor's toilets or something you were too ashamed to specify. Mighy impressive alright... :rolleyes:


No, but it did give me an insight you don't have, that is painfully obvious.

Oh yeah, two whole years of pre-med absolutely imparts great insight, and suggests you know better than just about every physician in the country. Of course. I mean - pre-med - come on, it doesn't get much more elite than that.

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