A Decade in Review

Well forgive me but Brittany kissing Madonna is not a memorable event in my decade. :cuckoo:
Well forgive me but Brittany kissing Madonna is not a memorable event in my decade. :cuckoo:


It would only be memorable, and worthwhile, for me if one of them gave the other some communicable, permanent, disease.

The Recount!!!




War in Iraq
For me, it will always be the decade that might have been.

From the addressing of global warming to the development of alternative energies, we missed oppertunity after oppertunity. And maybe handed the leadership position in the world to another country before we see 2020.

When I read Tolland's "Hitler turns East", and "Scorched Earth", as much as I hold the Nazis in contempt, I could not be disheartened at the military oppertunities purchased with the blood of the Werhmacht that were thrown away be the Nazis.

I feel much the same about this past decade and our nation. We threw away so many real oppertunities to lead, and to regain our position as the technological leader of the world, both in research and in manufacturing.
I would rather forget this decade.

God knows I do too, with the exception of the birth of my son and some pretty kinky sex, the rest of it sucked.

The fact I was drunk through most of the decade and still remember much of it hints to me there are some lessons to be learned if I sober up however.

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After much thought on the matter, I have come up with a question, As a nation what would be our greatest achievement during the last decade? and how would that rank with previous ones? In my opinion would have to be Human Genome Mapping, Chemo Smart Bomb technology, and the Mar's rovers just to name a fews. How it ranks with others., well in my opinion this past decade ranks about the middle of the pack , if we had not spent so much time the last ten years invloved in conflict both real and political then perhaps this past decade would have seen more advances.



Ipod Oct. 2001



Help me out there folks, I'm intreested in what pictures all of you think make the hit parade.

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