A detailed view on what ignorance will cost the human race


I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.



I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.

“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions (Climate change cult) and marketers have always known this fact.” ― Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow

I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.

I agree.
My family must freeze to death, because CO2 is bad.

I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.
Good, kill us all. Fuck it.
Why not just write an honest thread title that tells people what the thread is about?

Because no one would enter the thread if we knew it was about global warming, I suppose, but that's still no excuse. Write about something people are interested in, then, and make an honest thread title.

There is so much deceit going on about titles in this forum --- it's getting to be as fake as the news.

I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.
Or it could just be an honest difference of opinion.

I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.

This is strictly your own ignorance ...

... requiring you challenge common understanding ...

Atmospheric Science is hardly "common understanding" ... your complete and utter ignorance of the material is far more common among regular folks ... just ask yourself why there's a cusp in the pseudo-adibatic laspe rate ... anyone with just the basic understanding of Meteorology will answer straight away, it's an easy question ... just not one answered anywhere on the internet ... ha ha ha ha ha ...

All the "catastrophic" effects of global warming ever posted on the internet violate one or more of the Laws of Thermodynamics ... I'm sorry, today's 1.8 W/m^2 isn't enough power to make any noticeable changes in weather, nor in the averages of weather ( = climate ) ... this is the same as a grain-of-wheat light bulb every two square meters ... ha ha ha ... one could die laughing thinking this was catastrophic ... ha ha ha ...

... [choke] ... [gasp] ... [snicker] ...

Please pick any catastrophic effect of global warming and explain to us how this doesn't violate any of the three Laws ... and so keep in mind that only the turn of a woman's shoulder has ever been measured to be colder than absolute zero ...
Another idiot. ^

Ignorance is bliss.

You are terrified idiot who can't answer simple questions given to you and your science illiterate friends.

There is NO climate emergency never has been it is all dumb propaganda that you are your friends uncritically swallow.

I don't think you have the answers to address the CONTENT of the below article, heck you will RUN away like the cowards warmist/alarmists show every time they see the article they can't answer.

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?


And it’s no surprise that the IPCC doesn’t think there’s an emergency. To start with, deaths from climate-related phenomena are at an all-time low. If you think deaths from climate-related catastrophes are an emergency, please point in the graph below to the start of the “emergency”


The chart is fully supported by data.
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I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.

You say that when you can't understand a simple statement made by Dr. Marcott about that bogus 20th Century uptick.

"20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and therefore is not the basis of any of our conclusions."
I just refuse to accept that I have to lower my standard of living because of this, while the elites continue to jet around and not lower theirs.

Why is the only solution to all this, more government, more costs, and less freedom?
The solution to this is the solution to this, it is not an excuse to increase government authority, to beggar the nation or to restrict our freedoms. Use your fucking head.
More to the point, why is it that those who demand that we “little people” sacrifice our freedom and our prosperity, on the altar of this false god, not willing to make similar sacrifices themselves?
No one is demanding that you sacrifice anything. They are telling us that unless we CHOOSE to move away from fossil fuels and towards other sustainable energy sources that we will fuck the human race. And eliminating ICE-powered cars and coal fired power plants will affect both the big AND the little people you fucking dimwit.
The only environmentalists I take seriously on this issue are the ones who are proponents of expanding nuclear power, and even with them I disagree on the severity of the situation.

Most hard core environmentalists are "Watermelons", green on the outside, red on the inside.
I think nuclear power is an excellent alternative to fossil fuel. And whether or not I might be a "watermelon" has NOTHING to do with whether or not the world is headed for a shitstorm of epic proportions.
The solution to this is the solution to this, it is not an excuse to increase government authority, to beggar the nation or to restrict our freedoms. Use your fucking head.

No one is demanding that you sacrifice anything. They are telling us that unless we CHOOSE to move away from fossil fuels and towards other sustainable energy sources that we will fuck the human race. And eliminating ICE-powered cars and coal fired power plants will affect both the big AND the little people you fucking dimwit.

First doomsday wackos were pushing global cooling along with over population

Then they found an acorn with smog

but after the smog was gone you folks latched onto CO2 as the death of us all

Now its methane produced by cow farts

and after that comes the global pandemic and never ending covid19 alerts which lead to mandates with fangs

but I am wise to your tricks
Apparently not.
44 and the greatest scientist the world has ever known Al Gore have fixed the problem of global warming, climate change or whatever it is being called this week. You can tell because they both bought multi million dollar mansions on Coasts that were due to be under the waves by now. While running around in large suvs and private jets.
Read this: Is Al Gore A Hypocrite?

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