A detailed view on what ignorance will cost the human race

There's a great movie about this "Don't Look up" ZOMG So much science there!!!

There's a 100% Chance that raising CO2 to 420PPM will destroy all life on Earth, right?!

The movie is about YOU not me Frank. The movie is about Trumpism.

The report in the OP is accurate. That you have to put up strawman arguments tells us ALL that you have no actual rebuttal for its claims.
Why not just write an honest thread title that tells people what the thread is about?

Because no one would enter the thread if we knew it was about global warming, I suppose, but that's still no excuse. Write about something people are interested in, then, and make an honest thread title.

There is so much deceit going on about titles in this forum --- it's getting to be as fake as the news.
99% of the threads in this forum concern global warming. Sorry if I lost you.
The movie is about YOU not me Frank. The movie is about Trumpism.

The report in the OP is accurate. That you have to put up strawman arguments tells us ALL that you have no actual rebuttal for its claims.

Your ignorance in this thread is easy to see and your being quite unaware of it too that is really sad.

Crick you are absolutely right. We know what is coming down the pike. Increasingly, thee majority knows that action on climate change must be taken. The obstructionists will remain a vocal minority until they are kicked to the trash heap where they belong. The upcoming generation will have to deal with the ramifications of the spinelessness of those that preceded them.
We know what is coming down the pike. Increasingly, thee majority knows that action on climate change must be taken.

That's why no one wants to spend their own money to fix the "problem".


I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.


Oh, my I am sure you didn't read 3675 pages of the latest IPCC report yet you write this bigoted post.

It is generated by the IPCC that is: InterGOVERNMENTAL Panel for Climate Change.


The first 5 reports have been short of success what makes YOU this one will be better?

Here is a far better report that cowardly warmist/alarmists refuse to read and challenge because it would destroy their delusions, they have sold their soul for.

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

Just a page long with links in support but will be too much for their weak brains to handle.
Here's the thing ...

"I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators..."

If that is true, then it's difficult to understand how we've gone from neolithic degradation to a modern, comfortable, mostly equitable society is just a few thousand years.

Despite all the impediments put in our path by the "lowest denominators" we continue to evolve and progress as a species.

If you believe the future is hopeless and all is doom and gloom then I support your decision to opt out.

As for me, I'm very curious to see "Things To Come".
The movie is about YOU not me Frank. The movie is about Trumpism.

The report in the OP is accurate. That you have to put up strawman arguments tells us ALL that you have no actual rebuttal for its claims.
The report is "accurate"....because we say so
I used to be a Denier, but then I watched this amazing movie "Don't Look Up" and it changed my life. See the Deniers don't look up, right? That's so clever right? If you don't look up at the CO2 Asteroid, it's not really there! I felt so ashamed of my deniability! I mean 100% chance the CO2 asteroid ends all life on Earth! If only we listed and lowered our carbon footprint! And by "we" I mean only the USA. Yannow, China produces their record setting emission on a per capita basis, so once you hide the decline, it makes perfect sense to give China a pass.

Here's what happened when the entire planet lowered the carbon footprint in 2020


See what happened in 2020 when we lowered our carbon footprint? You see?! It's right there! Well, OK nothing happened, but still
I used to be a Denier, but then I watched this amazing movie "Don't Look Up" and it changed my life. See the Deniers don't look up, right? That's so clever right? If you don't look up at the CO2 Asteroid, it's not really there! I felt so ashamed of my deniability! I mean 100% chance the CO2 asteroid ends all life on Earth! If only we listed and lowered our carbon footprint! And by "we" I mean only the USA. Yannow, China produces their record setting emission on a per capita basis, so once you hide the decline, it makes perfect sense to give China a pass.

Here's what happened when the entire planet lowered the carbon footprint in 2020

View attachment 608854

See what happened in 2020 when we lowered our carbon footprint? You see?! It's right there! Well, OK nothing happened, but still
Still waiting for a statement of a catastrophe that doesn't violate the Laws of Nature ... are there none? ...

crick doesn't believe any of this crap he's posting ... because he keeps burning coal to post it ... stupid ass ...
I'm sure there's a section on natural disaster events, just not one based on science is all. They will never be able to make a Hollywood action movie about climate change without it.

The solution to this is the solution to this, it is not an excuse to increase government authority, to beggar the nation or to restrict our freedoms. Use your fucking head.

100% it is. Stop using plastic bags, no more gas stoves, no more ICE vehicles, use shitty gas cans, stop travelling. Stop using Air Conditioning. Start eating bugs to save the environment.

More taxes, less freedom.

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