A detailed view on what ignorance will cost the human race

I think nuclear power is an excellent alternative to fossil fuel. And whether or not I might be a "watermelon" has NOTHING to do with whether or not the world is headed for a shitstorm of epic proportions.

If you want to suck government dick to save the environment, you are a watermelon.

We've been heading for the same shitstorm in "the next ten years" for 40 years now.

This is beyond crying wolf, it's crying stupid.
If you want to suck government dick to save the environment, you are a watermelon.

We've been heading for the same shitstorm in "the next ten years" for 40 years now.

This is beyond crying wolf, it's crying stupid.
Thanks for all your excellent Topical content.
A perfect representative of USMBs 2000 shltstlck RW Trolls.
Thanks for all your excellent Topical content.
A perfect representative of USMBs 2000 shltstlck RW Trolls.

And yet all you can answer my post with is being snarky.

Why should I have to lower my standard of living when the so called elites who bitch about the end of the world won't lower theirs?

I think we all know that humanity, always prone to being led by its lowest denominators, will not act in time or with sufficient commitment to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming. For those of you that have been fighting action, be it out of scientific ignorance, fear of change, politically-driven mendacity or an ego requiring you challenge common understanding, you might want to start developing the detours and delays and diversions you'll use to hold off the attacks and animosity of your children and theirs the world over who will clearly see your role in destroying the planet we leave them.

Oh Gawd

Talk about a thread that screams, "I'm not a serious person" :iyfyus.jpg:

Very few people concerned about this doomsday shit. Not even debatable. No different than the nutters still driving around wearing masks. It's the same level of k00k. OCD stuff for people with waaaay too much time on their hands.

Voters have consistently shown they have about 20 more pressing concerns than global warming destroying the planet. How do we know?
Virtually no climate change legislation in the past 20 years. So it's pivotal to some...but not many. Like....very few!:bye1::bye1:

Been telling you for years s0n....need to find a hobby.
Maybe model railroading?
I've done it....layout design is a hoot. You can work some solar fields and windmills into the layout. Gets you mind off st00pid stuff nobody cares about!:up:

This thread in the running now.....

If you want to suck government dick to save the environment, you are a watermelon.

We've been heading for the same shitstorm in "the next ten years" for 40 years now.

This is beyond crying wolf, it's crying stupid.
The IPCC is not our government. The Trump fans around here would best seem to fit that description.

We are still headed for that shit storm. Nothing has happened in the intervening 40 years to make anyone with a functional brain think otherwise. The projections are still accurate:


The IPCC is not our government. The Trump fans around here would best seem to fit that description.

We are still headed for that shit storm. Nothing has happened in the intervening 40 years to make anyone with a functional brain think otherwise. The projections are still accurate:

View attachment 609103
View attachment 609105

In other news the Chocolate Ration has been increased from 25 grams to 20 grams.
I'm sure there's a section on natural disaster events, just not one based on science is all. They will never be able to make a Hollywood action movie about climate change without it.

View attachment 608918

The Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green is the definitive cinematic expression of global warming ... no reason to repeat the endeavor ... those scenes of the `New York City of the Future` are amazingly close to what we would have seen today butt fore the NRA ...
The IPCC is not our government. The Trump fans around here would best seem to fit that description.

We are still headed for that shit storm. Nothing has happened in the intervening 40 years to make anyone with a functional brain think otherwise. The projections are still accurate:

View attachment 609103
View attachment 609105

Absolutely nobody paying attention to these projections.

When will people care?

When in January in northern Canada we get a 2 week long period of 80 degrees with videos of babes in thongs jetskiing around a lake. Not a moment sooner. Sorry.........that's how it works! Your head can explode 500 times about the Trumpers....wont make a damn bit of difference. Most of the DUMS don't even care about this. :abgg2q.jpg:
The Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green is the definitive cinematic expression of global warming ... no reason to repeat the endeavor ... those scenes of the `New York City of the Future` are amazingly close to what we would have seen today butt fore the NRA ...
I actually never saw that movie. I guess I'm going to have to watch it now.
Ignorance goes both ways. Ignorant lefties might fool themselves into thinking that some crazy hundred mile grid of sizzling haz-mat solar panels might work but they are only displaying their ignorance when the world runs on fossil fuel. Bird killing windmills need constant maintenance and they only supply a fraction of energy demand on the grid. Historically we might be dealing with millions of tons of oil waste and hazardous material percolating from the ocean as a result of a 75 year old conflagration of a global war. Ignorant hypocrite environmentalists who fly around in gas guzzling planes to lecture us about our decadent lifestyle don't seem to worry that the Fukashima earthquake that shifted the earth on it's axis because you can't make any extortion money off a natural disaster or a historical event.
Wheeze awl gunny dye!!!

Dec 2021: "If you're vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death"

March 2022 "If you accept the CO2 molecule as your Lord and Savior, you're protected from severe illness and death,"
I've peer reviewed this post and got the Omicold anyway.
The IPCC is not our government. The Trump fans around here would best seem to fit that description.

We are still headed for that shit storm. Nothing has happened in the intervening 40 years to make anyone with a functional brain think otherwise. The projections are still accurate:

View attachment 609103
View attachment 609105

A cultist without a graph is like a Mormon without a bible.

Cultist: We're all going to die, I have a graph that says so.
Sane Person: What is your graph based on?
Cultist: If we don't repent of our carbon sins, cities will spontaneously combust in 3 years.
Sane Person: That's what you said 10 years ago and nothing happened. And what do you mean "repent?"
Cultist: Submit to your rulers, give up all your wealth and your freedom.
Sane Person: Last time you posted that graph it was in Celsius, now it's in Fahrenheit; but the claim of a 1 degree rise is the same, why?
Cultist: Pope Algore died for your sins
Sane Person: Algore is still alive and travels the globe in a private Lear Jet
Oh Gawd

Talk about a thread that screams, "I'm not a serious person" :iyfyus.jpg:

Very few people concerned about this doomsday shit. Not even debatable. No different than the nutters still driving around wearing masks. It's the same level of k00k. OCD stuff for people with waaaay too much time on their hands.

Voters have consistently shown they have about 20 more pressing concerns than global warming destroying the planet. How do we know?
Virtually no climate change legislation in the past 20 years. So it's pivotal to some...but not many. Like....very few!:bye1::bye1:

Been telling you for years s0n....need to find a hobby.
Maybe model railroading?
I've done it....layout design is a hoot. You can work some solar fields and windmills into the layout. Gets you mind off st00pid stuff nobody cares about!:up:

The "KABOOM!!!" Cabal

Good advice, except that it will be too expensive for the Unabomber Cult because, with their sadistic childish imagination, all they are interested in is fantasizing about train wrecks.

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