A Dictator?


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2020
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Having free speech curtailed

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

The dirty little secret is that any example of a dictatorship is possible if the media becomes the propaganda arm of an administration. What could be worse than arresting innocent Americans and shipping them to concentration camps without due process? FDR got away with it because the media went along with it and a crooked Supreme Court led by a KKK member justified it. Using tanks and poison gas against Americans would be unheard of but the media justified Clinton's incineration of about 80 men, women and children at Waco.
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Been like this in our country since it's inception.

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Like marijuana and beer or vapes?

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Vaccine mandates have existed for decades.

Trumps vaccine was supposed to be one of mankind's greatest achievements.

Having free speech curtailed

This too has been around since the start.

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

Since forever.

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

This is business as usual in America.

All I can gather from your post is you think America has always been a dictatorship.
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Having free speech curtailed

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

How many EV's did you buy?
Been like this in our country since it's inception.

Like marijuana and beer or vapes?

Vaccine mandates have existed for decades.

Trumps vaccine was supposed to be one of mankind's greatest achievements.

This too has been around since the start.

Since forever.

This is business as usual in America.

All I can gather from your post is you think America has always been a dictatorship.
How many EV's did you buy?
Zero, but the government is trying to force all to do so. Witness the government trying to bribe you to do so and trying t eliminate the option to not do so and restricting the production of fossil fuels and the attempts at shaming you if you do not follow the directives.
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Having free speech curtailed

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

For the last time, a dictatorship is a country with any viable opposing political party that challenges the DNC.

Democracy can only work with a one party rule.
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Having free speech curtailed

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

A dictatorship takes away people’s votes because they didn’t like who they voted for.

That’s Trump.
I thought we are supposed to lock up criminals?

Dictators don’t go to jail. They get away with everything. That’s what you want for Trump.
Putin locks up criminals every day, and many seem to be his political opponents

Or they just mysteriously die.
For the last time, a dictatorship is a country with any viable opposing political party that challenges the DNC.

Democracy can only work with a one party rule.
Try reading history before making such a absurd claim.

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