A direct statement telling illegals to cross the border from Biden...

Joe Biden said these exact words, not taken out of context but totally 100% his statement:
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. "

And so illegal border crossings have increased by 944%!

Migrant Encounters at Southwest Border Jump 944 Percent over April 2020​

Totally 100% the direct fault of Biden's open borders policy and statements!
Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?”
Definitely not. Definitely,” said one migrant father at a Catholic charity shelter. “We have a chance, you know. That the same violence that is going on today wasn’t there lastB year. We used to watch the news, and I definitely wouldn’t do this.”

“So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?” Raddatz pressed.

“Basically. Basically,” the father replied.
“The main thing was the violence in our country. And the second thing, I think, was Joe Biden.”

Biden is engaged openly in lawlessness and treason at this point------he and his corrupt adminstration should be removed by the military.

It was DONALD TRUMP who was in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act not to mention the Constitutional violations in abundance. The settlement of the civil rights claims will go on for years and cost the USA hundreds of millions of dollars.

When Department Heads and political appointees at DHS refused to disobey Court Orders in regards to the treatment of refugees, Trump fired them and brought in brutal "for-profit" prison guards, to heap more abuse on their victims.

Letting refugees pile up on the Mexican side of the border wasn't a solution either. When Trump took office, illegal immigration was at its lowest levels in 50 years. Why build an expensive wall when no one was sneaking in? Two years later, Trump declared a National Emergency on the border, as illegal crossings reached their highest levels in 20 years.

Every time a Democrat is in office, illegal immigration goes DOWN because Democrats prosecute employers.
The title is a lie based on the information presented.
So Biden was lying when he said: "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. "

These are Biden's exact words. How then is it a LIE?​

Oh I bet you mean "context" right???
Kind of like this statement has to be understood with the context?
"very fine people on both sides."?
Context right?
"A direct statement telling illegals to cross the border from Biden..."

You can't quote Biden stating what you are imaging he said. Oh I bet you mean that you wish he had said what you're alleging.

Trump did call the Neo-Nazis and the murderers in Charlottesville "very fine people".

Lol, Trump said there are fine people on both sides. You're an idiot.
Joe Biden said these exact words, not taken out of context but totally 100% his statement:
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. "

And so illegal border crossings have increased by 944%!

Migrant Encounters at Southwest Border Jump 944 Percent over April 2020​

Totally 100% the direct fault of Biden's open borders policy and statements!
Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?”
Definitely not. Definitely,” said one migrant father at a Catholic charity shelter. “We have a chance, you know. That the same violence that is going on today wasn’t there lastB year. We used to watch the news, and I definitely wouldn’t do this.”

“So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?” Raddatz pressed.

“Basically. Basically,” the father replied.
“The main thing was the violence in our country. And the second thing, I think, was Joe Biden.”

Biden is engaged openly in lawlessness and treason at this point------he and his corrupt adminstration should be removed by the military.

It was DONALD TRUMP who was in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act not to mention the Constitutional violations in abundance. The settlement of the civil rights claims will go on for years and cost the USA hundreds of millions of dollars.

When Department Heads and political appointees at DHS refused to disobey Court Orders in regards to the treatment of refugees, Trump fired them and brought in brutal "for-profit" prison guards, to heap more abuse on their victims.

Letting refugees pile up on the Mexican side of the border wasn't a solution either. When Trump took office, illegal immigration was at its lowest levels in 50 years. Why build an expensive wall when no one was sneaking in? Two years later, Trump declared a National Emergency on the border, as illegal crossings reached their highest levels in 20 years.

Every time a Democrat is in office, illegal immigration goes DOWN because Democrats prosecute employers.
It was DONALD TRUMP who was in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act

Link to him being found guilty of this.

Every time a Democrat is in office, illegal immigration goes DOWN because Democrats prosecute employers.

Good Lord, you have been busted on this lie numerous times. And yet you continue to try to post it without getting exposed as the lying sack of shit you are.

There are dozens of links available proving you are a lying sack Dragonlady
Did he specifically tell illegals to come on in? No.

Did he do anything to stop them from doing it? Not really. Infact he encouraged nasa employees to take them in and shipped them deeper into the country.

This is a prime example of what a weak president and a weak government do. Not trying to do the whole "trump is god thing" but the illegal said he wouldn't try it when trump was president because trump was a strong president that took action. Biden and his government are weak that's why illegals spill into the country, Putin and Kim jong openly talk shit about them, we have more cyber attacks demanding ransom, more citizens turn violent and into domestic terrorists, gas is higher, employment is low and so on.

A weak president, a divided society and a weak government leaves us open to the rest of the world because they see we are weak and see we can be exploited.
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
The same place you'll find Obamacare.
Did he specifically tell illegals to come on in? No.

Did he do anything to stop them from doing it? Not really. Infact he encouraged nasa employees to take them in and shipped them deeper into the country.

This is a prime example of what a weak president and a weak government do. Not trying to do the whole "trump is god thing" but the illegal said he wouldn't try it when trump was president because trump was a strong president that took action. Biden and his government are weak that's why illegals spill into the country, Putin and Kim jong openly talk shit about them, we have more cyber attacks demanding ransom, more citizens turn violent and into domestic terrorists, gas is higher, employment is low and so on.

A weak president, a divided society and a weak government leaves us open to the rest of the world because they see we are weak and see we can be exploited.
Well, at least Trump NEVER blamed the USA like Biden has.

Systemic racism is a stain on our nation': Biden and Harris react to Derek Chauvin verdict – videohttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2021/apr/21/systemic-racism-is-a-stain-on-our-nation-biden-and-harris-react-to-derek-chauvin-verdict-video​

Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The title is a lie based on the information presented.

Um ... Try actually reading the links ...

Joe Biden: "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "

That's not direct enough for you? That while Democrats present quote after quote after quote of Trump not saying what you said he did? Seriously?
Joe Biden said these exact words, not taken out of context but totally 100% his statement:
Here is what he said from your very own link: Speaking to ABC, Biden recently said: "I can say quite clearly don't come over." "So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of — by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now," said Biden during an interview to George Stephanopolous last week.
so this never happened?

How many years ago?????
My quote is current.
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Joe Biden said these exact words, not taken out of context but totally 100% his statement:
Here is what he said from your very own link: Speaking to ABC, Biden recently said: "I can say quite clearly don't come over." "So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of — by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now," said Biden during an interview to George Stephanopolous last week.
I agree! But that's NOW
And NOW is what counts for TODAY, not some out of context quote from years ago!
Joe Biden said these exact words, not taken out of context but totally 100% his statement:
Here is what he said from your very own link: Speaking to ABC, Biden recently said: "I can say quite clearly don't come over." "So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of — by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now," said Biden during an interview to George Stephanopolous last week.
so this never happened?

How many years ago?????
My quote is current.

2019 was two years ago. You're welcome.

And Biden

- 2019 - crash the border!

- 2021 - don't crash the border, but if you do, you get cash prizes, lots and lots of prizes! You get a free ticket to travel, free education, free healthcare, free welfare! $$$! Oh, but don't come (whink)

No, it's actually not different.

BTW, how old are you that you think two years ago is ancient history?
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Not all fetuses are viable. And, better contraception should be a public sector priority.
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Not all fetuses are viable. And, better contraception should be a public sector priority.
How many out of one hundred?
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Not all fetuses are viable. And, better contraception should be a public sector priority.
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Biden is in direct violation of Federal immigration laws, why hasn't he been arrested?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution, right wingers.
re-read post #5
Only illegals don't care about express laws.
and the president ignoring that makes him complicit. look up the big word there.
There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why be such hypocrites upon less fortunate illegals, right wingers?
There is no abortion clause in the Constitution either, Dumbass.
No room for individual liberty or natural rights of adult citizens on the right wing?
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Not all fetuses are viable. And, better contraception should be a public sector priority.
The Constitution doesn't give adults the right to murder babies.
Why do you allege to care about that when you don't care about people murdered with guns?

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