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A drop in 343 quintrillion gallons of water in all the oceans!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Global warming glacier melting EXPERTS were off by 92% when they said glaciers
were melting at 50 billion tons versus reality 4 billion!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast
It was revealed that the ice of the region, which was said to be melting at about 50 billion tons, is actually about 4 billion tons each year. It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

BUT even at the grossly wrong figure of 385 billion tons melted per year (again off in the Himalyas by 92%)
This would represent only 0.00005605% of all the -- 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons in all the oceans.

How many gallons of water does the ocean have
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ONCE again chicken littles without ANY regard to "common sense" much less any knowledge evidently of BIG numbers have to EAT THEIR WORDS!

Think about it! Each year IF 385 billion tons of glacier melt DID occur... remember they were off by 92% regarding Himalaya...

it would add 0.00005605% water to the OCEANS!!

Do you understand? 5/100,000th of 1% added by all the 385 billion (wrong) tons melted!
Oops! Looks like the global warming/climate change scam artists are WRONG AGAIN!

But they've never allowed FACTS to get in the way of their multi-billion dollar "carbon credit" scam, or their multi-trillion dollar demands for ALL nations in the world to lower CO2 emissions to as close to zero as possible.

Why don't these enviro-nazis just go away?
(Its all done in the game of getting every one of us to march to the beat of the same drummer, Hillary's quip that it take a village to raise a child and not its parents, Elizabeth Warren's remark that an individuals success is predicated entirely on the Government's magnificent works beforehand.
More typical Leftist Collectivist BS designed to coerce all of us in behind the Pied Piper as he plays his tunes leading us all the way down and into the river.)

"And the House of Cards Starts to Come Down

As John noted here Tuesday, and I have noted several times over the last few weeks, the climate campaign is suffering body blows on an almost daily basis. The latest is the report, based on new and more comprehensive satellite data, that the ice melt in the Himalayas has been nil—zip, zilch, nada—over the last ten years
(From the Guardian)

The world’s greatest snow-capped peaks, which run in a chain from the Himalayas to Tian Shan on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, have lost no ice over the last decade, new research shows.

The discovery has stunned scientists, who had believed that around 50bn tonnes of meltwater were being shed each year and not being replaced by new snowfall.

The study is the first to survey all the world’s icecaps and glaciers and was made possible by the use of satellite data. Overall, the contribution of melting ice outside the two largest caps – Greenland and Antarctica – is much less than previously estimated, with the lack of ice loss in the Himalayas and the other high peaks of Asia responsible for most of the discrepancy.

Bristol University glaciologist Prof Jonathan Bamber, who was not part of the research team, said: “The very unexpected result was the negligible mass loss from high mountain Asia, which is not significantly different from zero.”

It’s fun watching these guys fall on their face in real time."

And the House of Cards Starts to Come Down | Power Line

(This argument will be forthcoming from the Left, shortly)

"Does Income Inequality Cause Global Warming?

Oh why not? Courtesy of Megan McArdle at The Atlantic and a mischievous suggestion from Glenn Reynolds is the chart below showing that the trend of income inequality has reversed sharply the last few years. And what do you know, the shape of the graph does indeed look a lot like the shape of the global temperature graph (I’ve used Roy Spencer’s here). Maybe income inequality, rather than greenhouse gases, cause global warming?? It would be the perfect Field Theory of Everything for the left, and is almost too irresistible.

Actually, if you parse out global warming diplomacy, you can see this has been the theory all along. Recall the comments I’ve quoted before from one of Germany’s climate diplomats, Ottmar Edenhoffer, who was candid enough to admit:

“But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy."

Does Income Inequality Cause Global Warming? | Power Line
(Its all done in the game of getting every one of us to march to the beat of the same drummer, Hillary's quip that it take a village to raise a child and not its parents, Elizabeth Warren's remark that an individuals success is predicated entirely on the Government's magnificent works beforehand.
More typical Leftist Collectivist BS designed to coerce all of us in behind the Pied Piper as he plays his tunes leading us all the way down and into the river.)

"And the House of Cards Starts to Come Down

As John noted here Tuesday, and I have noted several times over the last few weeks, the climate campaign is suffering body blows on an almost daily basis. The latest is the report, based on new and more comprehensive satellite data, that the ice melt in the Himalayas has been nil—zip, zilch, nada—over the last ten years
(From the Guardian)

The world’s greatest snow-capped peaks, which run in a chain from the Himalayas to Tian Shan on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, have lost no ice over the last decade, new research shows.

The discovery has stunned scientists, who had believed that around 50bn tonnes of meltwater were being shed each year and not being replaced by new snowfall.

The study is the first to survey all the world’s icecaps and glaciers and was made possible by the use of satellite data. Overall, the contribution of melting ice outside the two largest caps – Greenland and Antarctica – is much less than previously estimated, with the lack of ice loss in the Himalayas and the other high peaks of Asia responsible for most of the discrepancy.

Bristol University glaciologist Prof Jonathan Bamber, who was not part of the research team, said: “The very unexpected result was the negligible mass loss from high mountain Asia, which is not significantly different from zero.”

It’s fun watching these guys fall on their face in real time."

And the House of Cards Starts to Come Down | Power Line

(This argument will be forthcoming from the Left, shortly)

"Does Income Inequality Cause Global Warming?

Oh why not? Courtesy of Megan McArdle at The Atlantic and a mischievous suggestion from Glenn Reynolds is the chart below showing that the trend of income inequality has reversed sharply the last few years. And what do you know, the shape of the graph does indeed look a lot like the shape of the global temperature graph (I’ve used Roy Spencer’s here). Maybe income inequality, rather than greenhouse gases, cause global warming?? It would be the perfect Field Theory of Everything for the left, and is almost too irresistible.

Actually, if you parse out global warming diplomacy, you can see this has been the theory all along. Recall the comments I’ve quoted before from one of Germany’s climate diplomats, Ottmar Edenhoffer, who was candid enough to admit:

“But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy."

Does Income Inequality Cause Global Warming? | Power Line

What I find so interesting though is the LACK of comprehension by many of us when it comes to "big numbers"!

Not only does it appear the "experts" were off by 90+% BUT why didn't they take the time to do simple calculation like I did, i.e. find out that 385 billion tons of melted snow in 343 quintillion gallons in all the oceans is equal to
1 oz of water a swimming pool 15 ft wide by 50 feet long with 36,562 gallons!
Gallon Calculator

Big numbers are just accepted without any 2nd guessing because the "experts" told us!
Any of you brain trusts on the right know what the ATLANTIC CONVEYOR is and why dumping a lot of glacial water in it, might have some consequences.

If you don't and you're on this thread discussing it, you're a profoundly ignorant piece of rancid cat feces.

Educate yourself before you come here and make declarative statements that prove what FOOLS you are.

How about when climate change deniers come up with some NUMBERS OF THEIR OWN, instead of merely poking holes in others work?
Oh, because THAT would require an understanding of what a scientific theory ACTUALLY MEANS, which is the best way of describing how things work using empirical evidence collected in the real world.
Deniers collect NO DATA to support THEIR claims...they must rely upon the data of people who actually BELIEVE the theory, which is EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIFIC BODY of any standing IN THE WORLD.
That's right, not ONE SCIENTIFIC BODY in the world denies climate change or that it's man made, but THIS GUY did some MATH and PROVED it's all bunk?

CLOWNS like this need to have their FACES LAUGHED IN LONG AND HARD to HUMILIATE THEM into accepting the reality that they're ignorant low-grade morons.
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From your link.

It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.

"It's Greenland and Antarctica that pose by far the greatest threat to rising sea levels in the future. These results suggest that care should be taken in extending the 2003–2010 results presented in this paper to longer time periods”, he said further.

There is basically need for more efforts to be made by the world authorities to curb the melting of these major glaciers. There is need for making more efforts to make the world awakened about global warming, so that efforts are made to fight it well in the near future.
Global warming glacier melting EXPERTS were off by 92% when they said glaciers
were melting at 50 billion tons versus reality 4 billion!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast
It was revealed that the ice of the region, which was said to be melting at about 50 billion tons, is actually about 4 billion tons each year. It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

BUT even at the grossly wrong figure of 385 billion tons melted per year (again off in the Himalyas by 92%)
This would represent only 0.00005605% of all the -- 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons in all the oceans.

How many gallons of water does the ocean have

The globalists need a crisis, hence an excuse to make the sheep be willingly controlled..

I can't even believe how people fall for this AGW bullshit....

What they're doing is taking a natural event then multiplying it X 1000 in order to scare people into doing what they want -- not only that but telling the people its THEIR fault...

10 fucking years ago they said "Washington DC will be under water."

I think all the AGW nuts should go read the "scientific" predictions from 10 fucking years ago...

You'd think that poppycock would be enough to make these AGW nuts call bullshit - not to mention BOTH climategates...

Yet of course they believe in AGW because they've been trained like little peanut eating monkeys NOT to question authority...
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Global warming glacier melting EXPERTS were off by 92% when they said glaciers
were melting at 50 billion tons versus reality 4 billion!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast
It was revealed that the ice of the region, which was said to be melting at about 50 billion tons, is actually about 4 billion tons each year. It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

BUT even at the grossly wrong figure of 385 billion tons melted per year (again off in the Himalyas by 92%)
This would represent only 0.00005605% of all the -- 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons in all the oceans.

How many gallons of water does the ocean have

The globalists need a crisis, hence an excuse to make the sheep be willingly controlled..

I can't even believe how people fall for this AGW bullshit....

What they're doing is taking a natural event then multiplying it X 1000 in order to scare people into doing what they want -- not only that but telling the people its THEIR fault...

10 fucking years ago they said "Washington DC will be under water."

I think all the AGW nuts should go read the "scientific" predictions from 10 fucking years ago...

You'd think that poppycock would be enough to make these AGW nuts call bullshit - not to mention BOTH climategates...

Yet of course they believe in AGW because they've been trained like little peanut eating monkeys NOT to question authority...

Well then, where is the data that says what you say is happening?
NOT ONE SCIENTIFIC BODY ON THE PLANET says climate change isn't happening and that man is driving it. NOT ONE.

Come back with some scientists on your side the next time you want to discuss scientific matters.
Any of you brain trusts on the right know what the ATLANTIC CONVEYOR is and why dumping a lot of glacial water in it, might have some consequences.

If you don't and you're on this thread discussing it, you're a profoundly ignorant piece of rancid cat feces.

Educate yourself before you come here and make declarative statements that prove what FOOLS you are.

How about when climate change deniers come up with some NUMBERS OF THEIR OWN, instead of merely poking holes in others work?
Oh, because THAT would require an understanding of what a scientific theory ACTUALLY MEANS, which is the best way of describing how things work using empirical evidence collected in the real world.
Deniers collect NO DATA to support THEIR claims...they must rely upon the data of people who actually BELIEVE the theory, which is EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIFIC BODY of any standing IN THE WORLD.
That's right, not ONE SCIENTIFIC BODY in the world denies climate change or that it's man made, but THIS GUY did some MATH and PROVED it's all bunk?

CLOWNS like this need to have their FACES LAUGHED IN LONG AND HARD to HUMILIATE THEM into accepting the reality that they're ignorant low-grade morons.

You wrote" ATLANTIC CONVEYOR is and why dumping a lot of glacial water in it,"
Again... tell me where my math is wrong?
385 billion tons of water from all the world's glaciers (again 92% OFF by the way but I'll give the benefit of doubt...) is equal to 0.00005605% of all water in all the oceans.

Also... are you calling me "THIS GUY" and my simple arithmetic has completely as you said "debunked" global warming?

I wasn't trying to "debunk" global warming.. I was just pointing out how
0.00005605% of all the waters in the oceans cause sea levels to rise.

I mean that seemed to be the concern right.. swamping NYC, Miami, etc?

BUT are YOU aware of what the ATLANTIC CONVEYOR describes?
Maybe you should read this closer!!!

Once considered incredible, the notion that climate can change rapidly is becoming respectable. In a 2003 report, Robert Gagosian cites "rapidly advancing evidence [from, e.g., tree rings and ice cores] that Earth's climate has shifted abruptly and dramatically in the past." For example, as the world warmed at the end of the last ice age about 13,000 years ago, melting ice sheets appear to have triggered a sudden halt in the Conveyor, throwing the world back into a 1,300 year period of ice-age-like conditions called the "Younger Dryas."
A Chilling Possibility - NASA Science
If the Great Conveyor Belt suddenly stops, the cause might not matter. Europeans will have other things on their minds--like how to grow crops in snow. Now is the time to find out, while it's merely a chilling possibility.
Any of you brain trusts on the right know what the ATLANTIC CONVEYOR is and why dumping a lot of glacial water in it, might have some consequences.

The Atlantic Conveyor was a British merchant navy ship, registered in Liverpool, that was requisitioned during the Falklands War and sunk on 25 May 1982 after being hit by two Argentine Exocet missiles, killing 12 sailors.

So, dumping a lot of water into it really won't have any appreciable effect.
seriously now...

Atlantic 'Conveyor Belt' Not Slowing, NASA Study Finds
The latest climate models predict the overturning circulation will slow down as greenhouse gases warm the planet and melting ice adds freshwater to the ocean. "Warm, freshwater is lighter and sinks less readily than cold, salty water," Willis explained.

For now, however, there are no signs of a slowdown in the circulation. "The changes we're seeing in overturning strength are probably part of a natural cycle," said Willis. "The slight increase in overturning since 1993 coincides with a decades-long natural pattern of Atlantic heating and cooling."
Hmmmmm, so water rising in the oceans and covering islands is a myth?

Sea Level Rise Swamps Islands

The seas are already overlapping islands and coasts from Panama to India.

New research from the National Center for Atmospheric Research suggests that climate change is already causing even greater sea level rise along the coastlines of the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, Sri Lanka, Sumatra and Java—coastlines inhabited by hundreds of millions of people. The same climate change is also responsible for falling sea levels around the Seychelles and a potential weakening of the monsoons.

Satellite images and historical photos in other research suggest that some Pacific islands have proven resilient to sea level rise of roughly 17 centimeters over the last century, largely thanks to corals continuing to provide a steady supply of island-building material.
Sea Level Rise Swamps Islands: Scientific American Podcast
Global warming glacier melting EXPERTS were off by 92% when they said glaciers
were melting at 50 billion tons versus reality 4 billion!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast
It was revealed that the ice of the region, which was said to be melting at about 50 billion tons, is actually about 4 billion tons each year. It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

BUT even at the grossly wrong figure of 385 billion tons melted per year (again off in the Himalyas by 92%)
This would represent only 0.00005605% of all the -- 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons in all the oceans.

How many gallons of water does the ocean have




Global warming glacier melting EXPERTS were off by 92% when they said glaciers
were melting at 50 billion tons versus reality 4 billion!

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast
It was revealed that the ice of the region, which was said to be melting at about 50 billion tons, is actually about 4 billion tons each year. It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting That Entire Fast | French Tribune

BUT even at the grossly wrong figure of 385 billion tons melted per year (again off in the Himalyas by 92%)
This would represent only 0.00005605% of all the -- 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons in all the oceans.

How many gallons of water does the ocean have

The globalists need a crisis, hence an excuse to make the sheep be willingly controlled..

I can't even believe how people fall for this AGW bullshit....

What they're doing is taking a natural event then multiplying it X 1000 in order to scare people into doing what they want -- not only that but telling the people its THEIR fault...

10 fucking years ago they said "Washington DC will be under water."

I think all the AGW nuts should go read the "scientific" predictions from 10 fucking years ago...

You'd think that poppycock would be enough to make these AGW nuts call bullshit - not to mention BOTH climategates...

Yet of course they believe in AGW because they've been trained like little peanut eating monkeys NOT to question authority...

Well then, where is the data that says what you say is happening?
NOT ONE SCIENTIFIC BODY ON THE PLANET says climate change isn't happening and that man is driving it. NOT ONE.

Come back with some scientists on your side the next time you want to discuss scientific matters.

Well, where is the data that supports AGW???

Oh yeah there is no reliable data because the AGW community was caught red handed manipulating data..

Of course that is an inconvenient truth for you so you sit there and pretend that the climategates never happened..

Besides every scientist that is not involved in the AGW conspiracy will tell you that SOLAR ACTIVITY is responsible for NATURAL climate change and humans play little if any part in the event...
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From your link.

It was revealed by John Wahr, from the University of Colorado, one of the lead authors of the study, is of the view that the region is one of the small contributors for the entire ice melting in the world. It has other places to be taken into consideration such as Greenland and Antarctica. The estimate from these places was said to be at about 385 billion tons each year.

"It's Greenland and Antarctica that pose by far the greatest threat to rising sea levels in the future. These results suggest that care should be taken in extending the 2003–2010 results presented in this paper to longer time periods”, he said further.

There is basically need for more efforts to be made by the world authorities to curb the melting of these major glaciers. There is need for making more efforts to make the world awakened about global warming, so that efforts are made to fight it well in the near future.

I think the point here is, let's stop making rash decisions and let calmer minds prevail

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