Zone1 A fake person of Faith is more insulting to G_d than an Atheist.

And what is a fake person of faith. If this person is a catholic, born agains would say they are fake. And jews don't believe the Jesus stories. So they think Christianity is fake. Do Jews believe it's better to not believe than to believe a myth like Christianity?
Jesus is far from being a myth. Jesus is the only FRIEND anyone has. And some of us KNOW this. Too bad everyone doesn't.
I am humbled by it all. Sure does look like there must be something right?

But then I realize that everything that happens in the universe happens naturally and if we had the ability, we could explain everything scientifically. The things we can't, are unknown. You don't get to just say "must be god" when the real answer is we don't know yet.

I think this universe is just one of many universes in an almost infinite amount of empty black dark deep cold space. So a big bang happens here and expands. About 2 or 3 universe size dark matter spaces to the left or right might actually be another universe. Some older than ours some younger. Some expanding like us and some crunching back in towards the next big bang. Universes only last about 40 billion years. We are at 14 b right now?

Some scientists look off towards the edge of our universe and see signs that look like we may have merged with another universe.

Where is the big bang? Is it out towards the Milky Way? Andromeda? Can you point to the star that is closest to where the big bang started?
How about this? Why is the reproduction process so enjoyable? Naturally we apply evolution and say, "well, to ensure we reproduce". If it were a procees required whether it was enjoyable or not shouldn't matter since we would instinctively do so for the survival of our species but somehow we need encouragement? G_d my friend.
How about this? Why is the reproduction process so enjoyable? Naturally we apply evolution and say, "well, to ensure we reproduce". If it were a procees required whether it was enjoyable or not shouldn't matter since we would instinctively do so for the survival of our species but somehow we need encouragement? G_d my friend.
Why is giving birth so painful? Is it so we don't have too many kids?
Why is giving birth so painful? Is it so we don't have too many kids?
Probably to encourage women to be selective with their mating partner. Even the nine month process is a burden. Thst is necessary to ensure a mother is very close to the child even before they are born.
Probably to encourage women to be selective with their mating partner. Even the nine month process is a burden. Thst is necessary to ensure a mother is very close to the child even before they are born.
It is crazy how much an advantage tall guys have over short.
who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd.

there is nothing wrong w/ being an atheist especially one that is free of sins -

to insinuate differently would be those that do not espouse the true tenets of heavenly faith being primarily those of the three desert religions who do persecute and victimize the innocent for not adhering to the false desert doctrines obviously madeup for the very purpose, deceivingly expressed by the thread title.
I know there is a G_d, I just can't prove it. :)

I know Hairy Potter exists too, I can't prove it, I just know it.

Doesn't bode well for US politics when you have 3/4th of the country going around saying "I know XXXXX is true, but I don't need to prove it, because accepting a God is normal, so why not accept all the other nonsense is true too?"

I mean, the stolen election. We don't need proof, WE JUST KNOW IT'S TRUE.
All religion is based on people claiming to know the will of God, And promoting their own ideals as the ideals of god.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.
sometimes I wonder why there are a thousand churches but only one bible.....of course a person will say their church is the right one....but fuck, they all say their church is the right one
I know Hairy Potter exists too, I can't prove it, I just know it.

Doesn't bode well for US politics when you have 3/4th of the country going around saying "I know XXXXX is true, but I don't need to prove it, because accepting a God is normal, so why not accept all the other nonsense is true too?"

I mean, the stolen election. We don't need proof, WE JUST KNOW IT'S TRUE.
its true that stolen or not we got a semi functioning grinning jackass int ]the oval office....who is only accomplishing the browning of america which means nothing to anybody except third world nations are taking out their trash
All religion is based on people claiming to know the will of God, And promoting their own ideals as the ideals of god.
It is not that simple. Religion/faith cannot be broad-brushed with any accuracy. Like anything else, religion/faith began with people observing what is already present. God may be unseen, but so are atoms, neutrinos, even gravity.

Martin Luther is an interesting example of promoting his own ideals. His first ideal was to try to do everything to perfection. As a child, he had to do this to earn his father's approval and as an adult, he transferred this to earning God's approval. It finally dawned on him he already had approval and he became hyper-focused on grace. So, yes, we see different focuses in al faith denominations, similar to how we see different focuses in colleges and universities.

God, and the ways of God, are not so small and simple that they can fit into any box. God spills out of any box and could be the very reason we see so many faiths and denominations within our various faiths.
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain"

This has nothing to do with saying, "G-d damn you!" It refers to speaking falsely in the name of G-d. False prophets, and so forth.
Vain ~ producing no result; useless.
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain"

This has nothing to do with saying, "G-d damn you!" It refers to speaking falsely in the name of G-d. False prophets, and so forth.

"God said this." "God wants that." Yeah making claims on behalf of God is using his name for vain profits. I'd personally love to see the electric chair for people that use God's name in vain.

If someone says, "God damn you." I don't really care. When people use the name of God to manipulate people I become very angry and most times call people out on that bs in real life. On the internet it is so abundant I overlook a lot of it.
How would you know whether God is insulted??
You can't but you can use your experiences as a proxy. I think the OP's premise is correct although I wouldn't have used "insulted." I would have used "more disappointed."
You can't but you can use your experiences as a proxy. I think the OP's premise is correct although I wouldn't have used "insulted." I would have used "more disappointed."

I think the OP is reasonable with his/her assumption.

Let's say there is a man that believes the coca-cola company doesn't exist and all coca-cola is made by a bunch of individuals randomly. The man believes there is no "real thing".

Let's say another man makes his own coca-cola with inferior quality and sells it as the real thing.

Would coca-cola be more offended by the man who doesn't believe there is a coca-cola company or would coca-cola be offended more by the man who misrepresents their product?

I don't think the OP is all that stupid. In the scenario I created I think offended is more appropriate than disappointed. Coca-cola wouldn't even be phased by the guy who doesn't believe the coca-cola company exists.

Of course this analogy isn't an exact representation. Coca-cola can invite people to their headquarters. God would never invite anybody to His headquarters.
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I think the OP is reasonable with his/her assumption.

Let's say there is a man that believes the coca-cola company doesn't exist and all coca-cola is made by a bunch of individuals randomly. The man believes there is no "real thing".

Let's say another man makes his own coca-cola with inferior quality and sells it as the real thing.

Would coca-cola be more offended by the man who doesn't believe there is a coca-cola company or would coca-cola be offended more by the man who misrepresents their product?

I don't think the OP is all that stupid. In the scenario I created I think offended is more appropriate than disappointed. Coca-cola wouldn't even be phased by the guy who doesn't believe the coca-cola company exists.

Of course this analogy isn't an exact representation. Coca-cola can invite people to their headquarters. God would never invite anybody to His headquarters.
That's all well and good except what we are talking about is every extant attribute of reality (i.e. God). When you can wrap your mind around that concept, then you will know how silly it is to compare him to the negation of one extant attribute of reality.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.

so true, and when in the 1st century judaism was repudiated by jesus so few stood by his side and the consequences were for them as true believers to be put to death - by the crucifiers whomever they are.
That's all well and good except what we are talking about is every extant attribute of reality (i.e. God). When you can wrap your mind around that concept, then you will know how silly it is to compare him to the negation of one extant attribute of reality.

Oh. I already think it is silly to talk about but I enjoy talking about it. The truth about God is self-evident. You see it all the time. People will chose to believe lies over truth if the truth is uncomfortable. To me a world without a god is scary. I totally wished I believed. I just can't.

Those who believe in God are a lot more comfortable than I am. Atheists are living with the amazing fear of chaos. Dummies don't have that fear.
Oh. I already think it is silly to talk about but I enjoy talking about it. The truth about God is self-evident. You see it all the time. People will chose to believe lies over truth if the truth is uncomfortable. To me a world without a god is scary. I totally wished I believed. I just can't.

Those who believe in God are a lot more comfortable than I am. Atheists are living with the amazing fear of chaos. Dummies don't have that fear.
I think you are full of shit. I think you believe exactly what you want to believe. As for you courageously living with chaos, the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint, while I have peace and joy through the storm. It's not a test of bravery. It's a test of intelligence.

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