Zone1 A fake person of Faith is more insulting to G_d than an Atheist.

Not everybody has the same level of intelligence. Slice as many ways as you want. I'll play along. I wish I was intelligent as you.
How much intelligence does it take to choose between having peace through the storm or not having peace through the storm?
How much intelligence does it take to choose between having peace through the storm or not having peace through the storm?
For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1 Corinthians 1:19-21

For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the understanding of the experts. Where is the philosopher? Where is the scholar? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish? For since, in God’s wisdom, the world did not know God through wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of the message preached. 1 Corinthians 1:19-21 HCSB

I'd say that being stupid is a mandate of Christianity and a prerequisite to the kind of peace you are discussing. Have you ever heard the term "fat, dumb, and happy"? You can call it intelligence if you wish. The Bible clearly calls it foolishness and applauds foolishness as a virtue.

It is no secret that intelligent people are more miserable than those with less intelligence. You are on the right track if happiness is your goal.
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I think you believe exactly what you want to believe.

How is that working for me? What you believe is more rewarding and comforting than what I believe. I'd love to chat with God in the way that you do. Shoot. If God spoke to me I'd be fully convinced that He existed. So you are no super hero. You just have connections that I don't have. If God exists then He is indifferent towards me but loves you immensely. How would you feel if God ignored you but loved a select few immensely? Wouldn't you be pissed? You probably wouldn't believe in Him either if He ignored you. You'd probably draw the conclusion that He didn't exist if He ignored you. You would assume that others were making Him all up to have a little fun with life. You are no super hero. You have an advantage my friend. Embrace it and stop using it to shame others for using their experiences to draw their own conclusions.
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For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1 Corinthians 1:19-21

For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the understanding of the experts. Where is the philosopher? Where is the scholar? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made the world’s wisdom foolish? For since, in God’s wisdom, the world did not know God through wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of the message preached. 1 Corinthians 1:19-21 HCSB

I'd say that being stupid is a mandate of Christianity and a prerequisite to the kind of peace you are discussing. Have you ever heard the term "fat, dumb, and happy"? You can call it intelligence if you wish. The Bible clearly calls it foolishness and applauds foolishness as a virtue.

It is no secret that intelligent people are more miserable than those with less intelligence. You are on the right track if happiness is your goal.
I think it's great you read these passages for confirmation of your biases and miss out on all of the good stuff. That's really showing me. :rolleyes:
How is that working for me? What you believe is more rewarding and comforting than what I believe. I'd love to chat with God in the way that you do. Shoot. If God spoke to me I'd be fully convinced that He existed. So you are no super hero. You just have connections that I don't have. If God exists then He is indifferent towards me but loves you immensely. How would you feel if God ignored you but loved a select few immensely? Wouldn't you be pissed? You probably wouldn't believe in Him either if He ignored you. You'd probably draw the conclusion that He didn't exist if He ignored you. You would assume that others were making Him all up to have a little fun with life. You are no super hero. You have an advantage my friend. Embrace it and stop using it to shame others for using their experiences to draw their own conclusions.
Exactly. There's nothing special about me. The only difference between you and me is that I can see how God has been working in my life and you can't. But he has been.
How is that working for me? What you believe is more rewarding and comforting than what I believe. I'd love to chat with God in the way that you do. Shoot. If God spoke to me I'd be fully convinced that He existed. So you are no super hero. You just have connections that I don't have. If God exists then He is indifferent towards me but loves you immensely. How would you feel if God ignored you but loved a select few immensely? Wouldn't you be pissed? You probably wouldn't believe in Him either if He ignored you. You'd probably draw the conclusion that He didn't exist if He ignored you. You would assume that others were making Him all up to have a little fun with life. You are no super hero. You have an advantage my friend. Embrace it and stop using it to shame others for using their experiences to draw their own conclusions.
Boston Catechism for children:

Q: Why did God make me?
A: God made me to know him, love him, and serve him...

Can you love someone without first knowing them? Children can be so logical. To be able to love God, I have to first know him. And he's not there! Children also love to play hide a seek. God's the best game of hide and seek ever! But there are clues...The Word, The Law--and the best one that Elijah provided in the Book of Kings. God is found in the tiniest whispers of our lives--not the big traumas.

In Hebrew, 'serve' and 'worship' have the same root, along with the idea that it is what comes first. What we love has first place in our lives.

As a child the words are steps, but later--and tough to imagine--know-love-serve are not steps but more like a single unit where all work together at the same time.

As a child, it didn't even cross my mind what God could do for me because I had parents for that. I also wondered how a kid could serve God. All I wanted was to know God so I could then love him and discover how to serve him.

Are you thinking of what God can do for you, how that would make you feel? Try thinking that you have others to do those things for you and to build/soothe your feelings. That being taken care of, what can you do for God? What would God experience if creation put the feelings/needs of Creator first? How can we--how do we--serve the Creator?
Exactly. There's nothing special about me. The only difference between you and me is that I can see how God has been working in my life and you can't. But he has been.
Exactly. No argument there. God has never even let me know He exists. He revealed Himself to you. Either that or you are pretending He did. I'm leaning towards that you are pretending.

Honestly, the fact that you are pretending and getting the same benefit is more impressive than if you actually met God or spoke to God. I honestly think you are making it all up but if you are telling the truth then you are extremely lucky. God ignores most people. That would be God's fault not the ignored person's fault. Next time you talk to God, tell Him to stop doing that shit. We all hate it.

Then again 9 foot tall talking pink unicorns wearing cowboy boots ignore me too. It is just that nobody tells me I am bad for being ignored by 9 foot tall talking pink unicorns wearing cowboy boots.
Exactly. No argument there. God has never even let me know He exists. He revealed Himself to you. Either that or you are pretending He did. I'm leaning towards that you are pretending.

Honestly, the fact that you are pretending and getting the same benefit is more impressive than if you actually met God or spoke to God. I honestly think you are making it all up but if you are telling the truth then you are extremely lucky. God ignores most people. That would be God's fault not the ignored person's fault. Next time you talk to God, tell Him to stop doing that shit. We all hate it.

Then again 9 foot tall talking pink unicorns wearing cowboy boots ignore me too. It is just that nobody tells me I am bad for being ignored by 9 foot tall talking pink unicorns wearing cowboy boots.
God has let you know he exists. You just aren't receptive to it. And I don't think one would get the same benefit from pretending to have a relationship with God. It never worked for you, right?

There's a lot of irony the way you are putting God on trial like this. I bet his response would be he knew you would do this so he put himself on trial before you could.
God has let you know he exists. You just aren't receptive to it. And I don't think one would get the same benefit from pretending to have a relationship with God. It never worked for you, right?

There's a lot of irony the way you are putting God on trial like this. I bet his response would be he knew you would do this so he put himself on trial before you could.

Neither of us will ever know.
Definitely he does. Have you read the Old Testament (Torah?). I've feared G_d since I was a kid, just by instinct alone. I hope I am right. We can be supported/communicate with the L_rd but must also understand that we are his creation and must aspire to noble actions. Feigning Faith is lecherous.
youre stuck in the wrong dispensation.

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