A Family Is A Family

And until everyone of us has a perfect family where every member has no troubles, worries, dysfunctions, a clean bill of mental health, and a flawless life, I don't really want to hear anyone try to define which sort of families are legit or not. If we make a rubric for what makes a "good" family, then every. single. one. of us in trouble.

Family is about how we love and care for those around us. There are many kinds of families, full stop.

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Welcome to the 1960's, eh?
Those of us who paid attention realize it starts with the actual mother and father and alternatives ultimately contribute to problems.
The Manson family thanks you. Those that are still alive.
Fallacy of silly comparison.
They thought of themselves as a family. Who are you to judge what kind of family they are?
This is why you have so little respect on the Board. Aren't you the one who believes prostitutes can't be raped? Same type of confused thinking.
No I never said that prostitutes can't be raped. I asked if a man left the prostitute's going rate in payment can it be said that she wasn't raped.

Like the baker who refuses to bake a wedding cake against his will. That he got paid for the cake doesn't make the force used any less objectionable. After all didn't both get paid for plying their trade?

This is a public message board. These are not real people. Whether or not you respect me is immaterial because I can end your existence by use of the off switch.
Yup, those who cannot abide the OP are exactly the folks described by it.
I don't persecute , I just avoid illegitimate families , people , religion and any thing else I judge as Illegitimate . Mostly I politely mind my own business except on message boards Jake !!
And until everyone of us has a perfect family where every member has no troubles, worries, dysfunctions, a clean bill of mental health, and a flawless life, I don't really want to hear anyone try to define which sort of families are legit or not. If we make a rubric for what makes a "good" family, then every. single. one. of us in trouble.

Family is about how we love and care for those around us. There are many kinds of families, full stop.

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Anything goes, right?
And until everyone of us has a perfect family where every member has no troubles, worries, dysfunctions, a clean bill of mental health, and a flawless life, I don't really want to hear anyone try to define which sort of families are legit or not. If we make a rubric for what makes a "good" family, then every. single. one. of us in trouble.

Family is about how we love and care for those around us. There are many kinds of families, full stop.

View attachment 39233
Welcome to the 1960's, eh?
Those of us who paid attention realize it starts with the actual mother and father and alternatives ultimately contribute to problems.
We don't live in the sixties anymore. I know: surprise! And problems exist in traditional families, with 50% of them ending in divorce.
[No I never said that prostitutes can't be raped. I asked if a man left the prostitute's going rate in payment can it be said that she wasn't raped.

Like the baker who refuses to bake a wedding cake against his will. That he got paid for the cake doesn't make the force used any less objectionable. After all didn't both get paid for plying their trade?

This is a public message board. These are not real people. Whether or not you respect me is immaterial because I can end your existence by use of the off switch.
You are lying. You did say above that she can't be raped if she is given money. Try it, you go to jail.

The fallacy of false comparison of baker and prostitute is just stup.

Does a tree not make a sound when it falls if no one is there. You are a fool, Tipsy, and your off switch does nothing at all except remove your nonsense from my existence: win win.
Yup, those who cannot abide the OP are exactly the folks described by it.
I don't persecute , I just avoid illegitimate families , people , religion and any thing else I judge as Illegitimate . Mostly I politely mind my own business except on message boards Jake !!
The families are legitimate, and your belief is not. I doubt you are polite in public.
aww , legitimate kids and illegitimate kids , same thing for families Jake !!
GUESS all you like but you are just guessing about my politeness Jake !!
Nah, the pismoes certainly do not set the standard for family legitimacy, any more than the KKK did for American culture.
sure we do JAKE , if not for normal people you wouldn't have to pass unconstitutional laws and have some dems threaten violence on normal people , see Memory Pizza for an example of what I mean Jake !!

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