A fan's faith (partially) restored.

Feb 28, 2009
I've been a years-long critic of my team, the Dallas Cowboys. So much that I'd come to believe they would never impress me again, would never succeed in any real way, again.

I believed it was a systemic problem -- starting from the top -- of lack of focus, discipline, drive and ambition, and personal pride in one's work.

Yesterday at the end of the game, when Dallas was taking the last three snaps in Victory formation, it happened. I felt pride again, felt the old faith returning and finally had respect for this team and its player personnel.

They shut out the Philadelphia Eagles. The highest scoring Philadelphia Eagles team in history. Left with a great big goose egg on the scoreboard.

And as I watched the three "take a kneel" snaps, I noticed the Eagle players were making no effort at all to attack, go for the ball, take any cheap shots, talk any smack, what have you. They were standing up, shaking hands with Dallas players and speaking well wishes. They showed class.


Tony Romo is the only quarterback in the history of the Dallas franchise to take every snap of the season. Think about that -- every snap. In 50 years and with history of such tough sumbitches as Don Meredith, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman, no one's ever done that. It's never happened.

This is the first Dallas team ever to record consecutive shutouts. Ever. Not Doomsday I or II, not Jimmy's "upfield pressure" defenses of the 90s, not any Dallas team has done that.

This was the first shutout of the Philadelphia Eagles in 14 years. 14 years.

Yesterday, while the radio and TV commentators were wondering why Dallas and Philadelphia's starters were still in the game with 8 minutes left, I was smiling, admiring the no quarter given or expected attitude of the two coaching staffs. And remembering this is what the rivalry has always been about -- fight to the very, bitter end.

If this team can earn the respect of the Philadelphia Eagles, they deserve mine. And now they have it, and they have restored my faith in them -- to a point.

For the first time since the 90s, I have a optimistic view of their chances. That was a very hard thing for this team to earn, but they have done so.

Playoffs, here we come! GO COWBOYS!
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Dallas looked impressive. They beat a Philly team that was fighting for the Division and they beat them bad. Strong running game, great defense, few mental errors

If they carry this swagger through the playoffs, they will be tough to beat

A Giants fan
Dallas looked impressive. They beat a Philly team that was fighting for the Division and they beat them bad. Strong running game, great defense, few mental errors

If they carry this swagger through the playoffs, they will be tough to beat

A Giants fan
Some pundits are out there insisting that Philadelphia sort of "let them have" this one. The insanity of that should be clear to all who know anything at all about football.

As far as the playoffs, I believe the NFC Championship is actually being played next Saturday in Cowboy's Stadium when the Eagles visit again. I'm not afraid of Minnesota - Dallas has always had Favre's number - and not too worried about the Saints or the Cardinals.

The REAL problem is the Philadelphia Eagles. The winner Saturday likely wins the NFC IMO.
The Cowboys looked good for the last few games. They showed some heart too! Now they have to beat Philly for the 3rd time this season. It will be a great game. I personally guarantee it won't be a shut out. Still, I don't think either team can beat Minnesota or New Orleans.

Time now for official Super bowl Predictions!!!!
I like San Diego beating Indy in the AFC Championship in a nail biter.
Minnesota beating Green Bay in the NFC (that would be such sweet revenge for Brett!)
San Diego beats Minnesota to win Super Bowl forcing Brett Favre to retire, then un-retire one more time!!!
The Cowboys looked good for the last few games. They showed some heart too! Now they have to beat Philly for the 3rd time this season. It will be a great game. I personally guarantee it won't be a shut out. Still, I don't think either team can beat Minnesota or New Orleans.
Minnesota's a can of corn. Stop Farve and you stop Minnesota, busting open that can of corn for all to see.

Nawlins is in total disarray. A week off might help. But when they ran into the Dallas defense buzzsaw they were ineffectual.

The Dallas/Philly game, all things equal, should normally be something like a 24-20 affair, either way.
The Cardinals will beat the Packers. You heard it here first.

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